
Master Languid Relaxation, 1408

Pronouns: He/they

A moderately ranking dynast, sent on a grand tour of the systems after the untimely death of their fathers in a tragic space-yachting accident. Unfortunately, they were on the wrong side of the gate in this “backwater wasteland” when it exploded.

Ambitious, imperious, and with a hankering for the “good old days”.

  • Species: Vyixian
  • Class: Specialist
  • XP: 18
  • Background: Dynast
  • HP: 10


  • O1: Hidden Blade
  • O1: Blind Steal
  • O1: Behind Lines
  • O2: Personal Forcefield
  • O2: Infiltrator
  • O3: Decoy Drone
  • O3: Saboteur
  • O3: Squeeze Play
  • O4: Trick Shot
  • E1: Mark II
  • E1: Armourer
  • E2: Bastion
  • E2: Mechanic
  • E3: Advanced Armourer
  • E4: Steel Skin
  • S1: Expertise (Politics)
  • S1: Communicator
  • S2: Experienced Tinkerer
  • S3: Expertise (Transport)


  • Social 3: Gambit

Ability Summary

  • Call MEND with 5s RP
  • 1/Encounter slow moving WARP, call BREAK if you leave this with an attack
    • 1/Encounter MASS DRAIN while hidden with this
  • 2/Encounter 10s moving WARP
  • 1/Encounter PING anything
  • 3/Encounter PING an effect on weapon clash
  • 1/Encounter 10s PING anything
  • when you call YOU:PEW, also call YOU:PEW against another target
  • 1/Encounter Decoy Drone (fade on 5 hits, DRAIN, or 20M from real location)
  • 2x Out of combat, grant 2 hits to someone else OR grant 2 x PING BURN to anyone (including you)
  • 3/Mission Tinkering
    • 1/Tinkering, draw 3 pick 1
    • 1/Tinkering, reduce value by 5
    • 1/Tinkering, if within expertise (politics or transport), reset the deck by correcting the tinkerer on how it should be done
    • Mark 2 on one tinkering per adventure
  • General knowledge of mechanics and engineering
  • Expertise: Politics, Transport
  • Gambit:
    • 1/mission, when not in combat, may push your luck or pull strings with a faction or person.
    • Must be able to contact them, cannot have negative clout
    • Tinkering:
      • Mundane failure - no effect
      • Minor success - get part of what you wanted
      • Major success - get most of what you wanted
      • Perfect - get what you want and +1 clout
      • Failure - -5 clout and gain a Nemesis
      • Consequences - -1 clout each.

Mark 2

  • Rebreather: You may provide up to three members of your party (including yourself) with an efficient rebreather that can provide up to 1 hour of air underwater or in low (or no) O2 environments. Inform the GM of this when it is relevant, it should provide some bonus to you where negative effects would otherwise be conferred due to low O2 availability.
  • Gravity Generator: activating this during encounters with the Low Gravity modifier will allow you and your party to ignore this effect while close to large metal objects.
  • Fireproof Armour Technique: When you provide armour improvements you may instead of providing hits provide 2 x PING BURN to the target, or can provide 2 x PING BURN to self in place of improving armour of another.
  • Eggs-ray scanner: 1/ adventure, out of combat, you may scan an unshielded container to determine the properties of its contents
  • Mark II Stealth Suit - once per encounter you may choose to ignore a SCAN call that would apply to you. You may put this on overdrive once per Mission to ignore 3 SCAN calls during the same Encounter, at the expense of losing the ability for the rest of the Mission.
  • Mk2 to remain First Mate on the unnamed Scourge-hunting ship. Feel free to name both ship and captain, the ship is of good quality, and has a couple of cannons.


  • Latent Decay: Next time you take a Severe Injury there will be a Decaying flavour to it.
  • Squidrone: your drone got a little infected by the Squintessence. When heading on a Mission, tell the GM that the Squintessence is aware of anything that the Drone sees… Functionally this is most important for flagging information for Katie but other GMs may wish to do things with it.


  • The Altarian Dynasty: 10
    • Friendship: Pentagonal Pectoral 313, Ambassador to Siruta.
    • Nemesis: Violet Afterburn (37), due to blackmail attempt and threat to reveal status.
  • Siruta:
    • Cruaran Defense Force: 3
    • Azuria: 6
    • Sirutan Independents: 2
      • Nemesis: Violet Afterburn (37), due to blackmail attempt and threat to reveal status.
  • The Elegy: 3
  • Aspexx: 2
  • shared/player_character/languid_relaxation.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/03/02 15:07
  • by mike