
Bestiary - Legendary Beasts

This Bestiary is a semi-IC document containing Monster stats and information for various enemy types encountered and encounterable in the world of Planetfall. It is safe to assume information here is IC available for your perusal thanks to the Zeitgeist Research Department. Anyone is free to edit this information and add Monsters of their own creation.

Vitruvian Splatterbeast

The Vitruvian Splatterbeast is a four-armed foul and fearsome monstrosity from the fetid acid-swamps of the jungles of Vitruvius. Its slobber and oozing pus are both highly toxic, producing a violent burning sensation, and its razor sharp talons make it a fearsome and unrivalled predator.

  • 50 hits
  • 2 x 2 handed melee weapon (if safe to fight with, else two one handed weapons)
  • 4 x STRIKEDOWN by melee
  • Big
  • Acidic Slobber - BREAK by melee twice every 30s
  • Splatterblast - After every 10 hits you suffer, call MASS BURN (which you are immune to)
  • Splatterbomb - Call YOU: BLAST on a target you down

Vitruvian Splatterbeast (Decaying)

The Vitruvian Splatterbeast is a four-armed foul and fearsome monstrosity from the fetid acid-swamps of the jungles of Vitruvius. Its slobber and oozing pus are both highly toxic, producing a violent burning sensation, and its razor sharp talons make it a fearsome and unrivalled predator. This one is decaying, because fuck you that’s why.

  • 50 hits
  • 2 x 2 handed melee weapon (if safe to fight with, else two one handed weapons)
  • 4 x ZAP by melee
  • Big
  • Acidic Slobber - BREAK by melee twice every 30s
  • Splatterblast - After every 10 hits you suffer, call MASS BURN (which you are immune to)
  • Splatterbomb - Call YOU: BLAST on a target you down
  • Decaying

Sirutan River Scourgeling

  • 8 hits
  • 2 handed weapon
  • 2 x your choice of PUSH or STRIKEDOWN
  • 12 hits
  • 1 x Dagger
  • Call YOU: PEW against a target every 10s (aim for people in Cover to remind them how this works)
  • Head - If the head dies the claws die too

The Squeeple

The Squid People, or Squeeple, are a recently spotted form of Sirutan Scourgeling that seems to operate as separate entities with a joint connection to a central mind. Only spotted in the Sirutan seas so far.

Squerson Splatterer

These throw ink and slime to cause problems on purpose.

  • 6 hits
  • Bag of throwing balls + 1 blunt weapon
  • When you hit someone with a ball, call one of the following:
    • YOU: PULL
    • YOU: SLOW
    • YOU: BURN
  • Sticky Splatter - when you are reduced to half hits, call MASS SLOW
  • Shared Squintessence - when you are reduced to 0 hits call YOU: HEAL 3 on the Squerson Squintessence
Squerson Squisher

These big chunky bois smash and pulverise with their slimy henchness.

  • 8 hits
  • 2 handed weapon
  • Call STRIKEDOWN after every 5 hits you take or give.
  • Goliath Falls - when you yourself take a STRIKEDOWN call MASS STRIKEDOWN
  • Shared Squintessence - when you are reduced to 0 hits call YOU: HEAL 3 on the Squerson Squintessence
Squerson Squintessence

The brains of the operation that has a big bulbous brain-sac and controls the smartness of the others.

  • 12 hits
  • 1 blunt weapons for self defence
  • Hand out toward a target for 10s to call YOU: HEAL 3
  • Ground Pounder - Call MASS PUSH each time you lose 4 hits

Thunderhead's Scourgelings

Thunderhead is a legendary Scourge that towers above the waves and launches scores of Scourgelings from its back to soften up its prey. Pods fly in a straight line toward a target and call BLAST if they hit anything on the way before the entity inside bursts forth.


These are nasty praying mantis type creatures that hop around quite elusively and strike viciously.

  • 6 hits
  • 2 bladed weapons
  • 2 free uses of MISS
  • 2 BREAK

Similarly spindly creatures that spew burning light from pustules across their bodies in order to obliterate their foes.

  • 4 hits
  • 1 blunt weapon
  • 1 use of YOU LOT: BURN

Bursting forth from its cocoon, it will shriek and pull someone toward it to try and implant its eggs. Yuck.

  • 10 hits
  • Short weapon
  • Static
  • With a 5s build up of screaming, call YOU: PULL
  • If the target is pulled to you, call CURSE by melee when they arrive
    • The long term CURSE effect is EGGS.

Admiral Wiggles

A Scourge in the shape of a titanic sandshark, capable of swallowing a small mecha whole, named by the group of adventurers who blew it up. Hopefully destroyed during the events of One of our Mechs is Missing. Was associated with a range of weird slime creatures which might have been part of its immune system.

Small slimes

A variety of small, amorphous blobby creatures resembling gigantic, motile slime moulds, or possibly extremely macro macrophages

Glitch Slime

  • 5 hits, shield and 1HW
  • 1x EFFECT: DISTORTION per PC (distorts sensory input, making vision, hearing, and other senses not properly agree with each other, particularly those senses which rely on electronic inputs)
  • 1x SLOW, 1x DRAIN by melee
  • Amorphous: freely PING STRIKEDOWN, PULL, and BREAK, take PUSH at 5m rather than ten, collapse into a pile of gloop after 30s downed (i.e. can’t be HARVESTed or scanned unless done quickly)

Acid/Electric Slime

  • 5 hits, 2x 1hw
  • Start with 1x YOU: BURN or YOU: ZAP and gain an additional use of the one you started with per 3 blows taken or struck.
  • Amorphous: freely PING STRIKEDOWN, PULL, and BREAK, take PUSH at 5m rather than ten, collapse into a pile of gloop after 30s downed (i.e. can’t be HARVESTed or scanned unless done quickly)
Splitting Slime

A really, really big slime creature

  • Composite - 2x monster crew - fight back to back, moving slowly
  • 10 hits, 2hw
  • On one player first losing 6 hits, call SELF EFFECT: SPLIT, at which point both players can move freely, and each have 6 hits.
  • 1x YOU:PULL, 1x CURSE, and 2x STRIKEDOWN each before splitting, these are recovered after splitting - the CURSE is a more permanent version of the EFFECT: DISTORION applied by the Glitch Slimes
  • Amorphous: freely PING STRIKEDOWN, PULL, and BREAK, take PUSH at 5m rather than ten, collapse into a pile of gloop after 30s downed (i.e. can’t be HARVESTed or scanned unless done quickly)
  • shared/bestiary/legendary_beasts.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/10/14 15:17
  • by katie