

>>> Incoming Transmission
>>> Source Identifier: Ambassador Pentagonal Pectoral, 313 # Azuria
>>> Destination Identifier: TE3-Firebrand#Her Glorious Command#Starlight Ebbing#Endeavour#Unquiet Journey#Muse IX#*
>>> Subject: Egg?
>>> Message Begins

I've heard rumours that there's some sort of giant egg on one of the Sirutan islands. As Ambassador of Siruta, I require that egg to be brought to me intact. If there is anyone capable of performing such a service, please come to my office in Azuria as soon as possible.

>>> Message Ends
>>> End Transmission

  • Sent off to find a giant egg by Ambassador Pentagonal Pectoral, 313, Wandering Hymn and Master Languid Relaxation secure passage on a sailing ship of “independent traders”, through the promise of money, a demonstration of martial prowess, and some repair work to the sails.
  • They sail through a patch of decay on their way to an island where the islanders have begun worshipping the giant egg. Languid Relaxation convinces them to allow the transport of the egg somewhere more populated where it can be properly appreciated with a temple. The islanders come along as an honour guard for the egg.
  • First they head to Crarua to make sure the egg isn't a scourge egg. After an encounter with a giant sea turtle, and then a scourgeling incursion, they find Farthest Reach who confirms that the egg isn't related to the scourge. With some tinkering to a mech's sensors, Languid is able to determine that the embryo within the egg is likely armoured and either cold blooded or clawed.
  • Travelling back to Azuria, the ship again encounters the giant sea turtle but manages to fend it off and get safely back to dock. After discouraging some hungry locals eager for giant omelette, they meet up with the Ambassador who wants to hatch the egg, and also build a zoo and have a party. They have an ideal peninsula in mind for the hatching and has contacted a certain Dr. Death about some sort of Giant Robot Death Chicken designed for hatching eggs.
  • The party clear the peninsula of sand sharks and defend the egg from crabs. Hymn attempts to build a barrier to protect the mainland from any newly hatched threat but it transpires that the peninsula is actually a tidal island and her work is washed away by the high tide.
  • They go to Dr. Death's workshop where some of the unfinished mechanical creations fall short of safety standards. After surviving the hug bear, lesser robot chicken, and mini-golf windmill, they meet Dr. Death who hands over control of the giant chicken bot.
  • With the Ambassador and their guests watching from a private yacht off the coast, Languid and Hymn initiate the hatching program. Unfortunately, that's when the giant sea turtle which has been plaguing their steps comes back, angrier than ever. They try to hold off the turtle for as long as possible but it seems they're outmatched. Hymn is knocked down and Languid backs off as the shell of the egg cracks and out crawls a baby turtle. The giant mother turtle scoops up her young and together they return to the seas.
  • The Ambassador and their guests are impressed with the performance, and all the more so when Languid Relaxation heads over to the pleasure yacht and regales them with an impassioned speech about the majesty of Sirutan wildlife.
  • With Languid's support, the initial work begins on Pentagonal Pectoral's new Sirutan Zoo initiative. In the future, they will likely be seeking to hire a team to collect specimens of Sirutan wildlife.
  • He pays the ship's crew for their assistance, then sets to work on his eggs-ray scanner device
  • +3 Clout with Azuria, or +1 Clout with any other faction
  • -1 Clout with the Altarian Dynasty
  • +1 Clout with Sirutan Independents
  • Eggs-ray Scanner Mk. 2: For one encounter per adventure, out of combat, you may scan an unshielded container to determine the properties of its contents.
  • shared/mission/eggventure.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/06/11 21:08
  • by iain