

  • Added the FATAL call modifier to system.
  • Clarified that Enter The Matrix and Flatliner require their Lvl 3 counterparts for Various.
  • Clarified that Various Modularity can be used on General Abilities.
  • Assorted clarifications:
    • Knowledgeable General Ability can be taken multiple times.
    • Knowledgeable General Ability does not count for Specialist Expertise.
    • Medical General Abilities cannot be used on yourself.
    • Guidance and Meditation Startouched abilities can only be used on calls you have gained from Startouched abilities.

Operation: Beachhead Aftermath

General Abilities

General Housekeeping

  • Minor Various updates / clarifications:
    • System Overdrive / Natural Dominance made easier to brain - they only affect Utility Abilities and Calls gained from the Abilities you lock off.
    • Moving Mountain BREAK resistance only counts for body BREAKs.
    • Buffed Reverse Engineer with a second CURSE use per HARVEST.
  • Minor Startouched updates / clarifications:
    • Darklance only provides BREAK on the next hit after PULL.
    • Vessel only gives a single sentence answer.
    • Space Between Space requires you to be stationary before use.
  • Minor Commando updates / clarifications:
    • Ranged weapon abilities do not use a charge of your weapon but do need the weapon phys-rep to be used.
    • Sweeping Strike no longer has to be delivered by melee.
    • Single Pistol Prowess no longer implies the pistol must be in the main hand.
  • Improved Ziline positive effect - no longer a small reduction to SLOW but a use of active camouflage that allows slow movement.
  • Combat Rules clarifications:
    • In WARP you are still subject to AOE and SCAN calls.
    • Under SLOW, timers cooldown at half speed as well.


  • Rejigged the Bestiary into subpages for better navigability.




  • Updated Factions to explain how we're dealing with Currency.


  • Changed Cover to exclude BLAST from Cover.



  • Minor clarifications of little note.


  • SCAN <X> must always be followed by a qualifier.
  • Heartbleed nerfed - it now takes 30s to trigger a 10s period in which you can call HEAL for every damage you inflict (but relaxed the restriction to allow it to work for ranged damage).


  • Added more Ship Hearts to Worlds for clarity.
  • Added first Nemesis NPC to Aces World.
  • Added Altarian Dynastic Order in Keter Borderlands to NPCs page.
  • Made some more things explicit on the Social Contract, in particular:
    • Players should contact the GM to express interest in playing.
    • Attendees are expected to Monster as much as they Play (if not moreso).
    • The GM's ruling can be questioned once (with the co-GM present) but then should be taken as final and brought up with the Refs after the event if that's still not satisfactory.
    • Emphasised avoiding running Missions in areas of the game you have characters in.
    • Emphasised that Monsters should try to make their behaviour understandable to Players to maximise their ability to interact with the Encounter.



  • Added HARVEST FAQs for Various Harvesting.
  • HARVEST must be called on a dead/unconscious character within 5 minutes after they are knocked out / killed.
  • Hulking Form now confers a +5s increase to BURN duration.
  • Advanced Thermal Countermeasures now provides a utility fire extinguishing ability.
  • Renamed Various skill that applies MEND and GAIN BREAK to Patchwork Armoury.
  • Removed previous iteration of Patchwork Armoury as overly complicated.
  • Re-introduced Jury Rig as a Various Ability that gives access to a once-per-mission Tinkering.
  • Hardpoints Mean Prizes requires roleplay for the 1s of aiming if used for a ranged weapon in order to make it clear what's going on.
  • Added Mechanic Background that provides a use of Tinkering and a Downtime ability to take something apart to see how it works.


  • Charging a Ranged Weapon does not need to be uninterrupted.
  • Added notes to The Various page that if a duration is reduced to 0s you call PING when you would take the call.
  • Clarified that you cannot use Meditate or Guidance to grant access to calls you can't reach with gesture alone.
  • Clarified that you cannot use Overload or Meditate/Guidance on Switch or Starlight Fade.


  • Removed deprecated reference to TAUNT from Combat Rules.
  • Removed deprecated reference to the Altarian Federation from Backgrounds.
  • XP gains reduced by 1 globally to slow speed of Advancement.
  • Various respeccing must maintain rank and Ability prerequisites.


  • Added a 60s cooldown to the Startouched top tier abilities that give you unlimited uses of a call.
  • CLUNK works on unsuspecting individuals out of combat even if they are armed.
  • BURN prevents striking for damage.


  • Clarified Character Advancement onto its own page.
  • Clarified top tier Startouched abilities that let you freely make calls require the gesture constantly.
  • Clarified that Overload only works for abilities that normally use one hand.
  • Clarified YOU LOT destroying cover.

Post Playtest 5 (The Great Robotic Uprising of Vyix 9A) v0.8

  • Removed Multifaceted and made it a Rank 5 Specialist Ability.
  • Renamed Startouched#Mystic to Scion
  • Added SLOW call.
  • Upped the base HP for Commandos.
  • Increased base cost for Commando abilities.
  • Added Commando abilities for all levels.
  • Added Specialist abilities for all levels.
  • Added Startouched abilities for all levels.
  • Added Various abilities for all levels.
  • Removed reference to Grenade variants.
  • Removed reference to Hacking.
  • Removed restriction for EFFECT being only for Monsters.
  • Changed contact address to
  • Banned species-based discrimination from the game.

Post Playtest 4 (They Chose Violence Redux) v0.7

  • Started adding more setting.
  • Removed Altarian Federation.
  • Added Galactic Cooperation.
  • Added numerous factions.
  • Added Factions and Clout mechanic.
  • Added Secret Metaphysic.
  • Restored BLAST.
  • Changed Single Ranged Weapon Prowess to match Bladed Weapon Prowess.
  • Increased cost of Sweeping Strike.
  • Removed Ambidex by default - made it a Melee Prowess option.
  • Rebalanced Tinkering deck to encourage recklessness

Post Playtest 3 (They Chose Violence) v0.6

  • Extended charge time for Startouched abilities:
    • Concussive Bolt → 15s
    • Repairing Barrier → 10s
  • Reduced power of Air Blast to 1 target within 5m, reduced charge time to match Concussive Bolt.
  • Added Multifaceted Background
  • Changed Pilot Background Evasive ability to Talisman

Post Ref Team Expansion v0.4

Combat Rules

  • Simplified Unconsciousness and Incapacitation to Just Unconsciousness.
  • GMactored Energy into Class Abilities:
    • PING cannot be called by default by everyone.
    • DRAIN prevents ability use for 10s.
    • CURSE prevents healing above 1 for the rest of the encounter.
    • Removed GAIN <Y> ENERGY.
  • Reintroduced EXECUTE.
  • Renamed MISSED to MISS.
  • Removed Shield Cover by default.
  • Removed YEAH and OUCH as superfluous.
  • Removed HEAL <X> as overly complicated.
  • Renamed VA-WORP to WARP.
  • Removed rend effect from BREAK.
  • Introduce BURN and ZAP.
  • Remove TAUNT. PULL covers this.
  • Removed KABOOM. MASS STRIKEDOWN covers this.

Classes / Backgrounds / Abilities

  • Removed Synthetics.
  • Removed Various Background.
  • Renamed Startouched Background.
  • Completely rewrote class abilities.

Post Playtest 2 (Recalibration) v0.3

  • Removed Detonator Energy Regimen because it is silly
  • Reduced DRAIN duration to 5s from 10s
  • Removed Energy Sap property from DRAIN, it's always the worse option so why would you pick it?

Post Playtest 1 (Calibration) v0.2

  • Removed CHAAAAARGE as a call
  • This is now explicitly an ability for some
  • Changed the Melee Tree to be focussing around response and use of PUSH
  • Removed BURN (EFFECT: BURN) works
  • Renamed ZAP to DRAIN
  • DRAIN is a 10s embargo on using Energy or drains ALL your Energy
  • Clarified the Overcharging mechanic bestows the DRAIN after any of the energy is spent
  • Space Within Space now costs 2 Energy not 5
  • Renamed KNOCKOUT to CLUNK
  • Moved BLAST to the Damage Calls section of the Combat Rules page
  • Renamed CRUNCH to BREAK
  • Removed STABILISE and replaced it with the ability for anyone to call HEAL on an incapacitated character
  • Grenade Prowess only gives 1 Grenade per encounter
  • Added Ranged Weapon Finesse and Ranged Weapon Mastery
  • Adjusted Energy Costs - only Rank 5 Abilities cost 5 now, and most are brought to 2 or 3 Energy
  • Changed Tech Scanner skill to be less useless
  • PING to Uncalled Melee Damage does not need to be called
  • Increased the Energy Cap for Generator
  • changelog.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/02/13 08:36
  • by katie