
Ill Branches

Paper (real paper) notices begin to appear in prominent locations throughout the Fleet, garnering interest and concern from those reading. These notices do not appear on Muse IX.

“At the kind request of the Elegy members working in the Keter System, capable and willing hands are sought to deal with a delicate matter of pruning. Volunteers should attend the shuttle bay of their ship at 1100 on Sixday.

Successful volunteers will be compensated for their time at the discretion of the Spectre Vyix 9a. Time-wasters will be noted.”

  • The party are recruited by Spectre Vyix 9a to help them in their hunt of a criminal responsible for the Vyix 9a Artificial Moon disaster. Described as a Vyixian with one eye, the party are instructed to make contact with the Passenger Welfare Officer who is a contact to help. They need to help due to mistrust of Chorister Vitruvius who is on Muse IX and responsible for Elegy activities in the Sector.
  • They get aboard Muse IX - currently undergoing unrest about food distribution - dressed as Galactic Cooperation Peacekeepers. They attempt to manage some unrest but eventually palm this off to Security Services and make their way to the Passenger Welfare Officer (Content Content).
  • Content gives them more information on their target and they hack their way behind Vitruvius's systems to infiltrate Deck 9 where the target is believed to be.
  • Getting through the vents, the party overhear confirmation that Vitruvius is being paid off to avoid contracts being taken out on the target, and then infiltrate the deck. They knock out the guards and infiltrate a room with a Vyixian who they engage in combat even though the have 2 eyes.
  • The Vyixian gives them the slip, but then the unrest on the ship escalates with explosions going off. The party push through the chaos to hunt down the target but a mishap with a collapsing lift results in their target slipping away yet again.
  • Using Languid's Altarian contacts to lock down the sector of the ship they want, and with Serendipity hacking to track them down, they locate the target (confirmed to be Unwanted Guest, a one-eyed Vyixian) and extract them from the engineering bay close to one of the ship's stabilisers.
  • Unwanted Guest is delivered to Spectre Vyix 9a who summarily prunes the target.
  • Heightened Serendipity asks to keep the Stun Gun lent by 9a but he's unwilling to part ways with it. He says he can lend it again for Elegy work where they cross paths.
  • Digging into the files of one of Vitruvius's Bots, Serendipity gets more of an idea of internal politics in the Elegy - the Chorister is definitely taking payments to avoid making certain names targets, and that seems to include large payments from an unknown source referring to the security of Unwanted Guest (now deceased), Uninvited Guest (residing somewhere on Kylal), Overstayed Guest (Ace's World), and Ninth Life (location unknown).
  • Given that Vitruvius is the only Chorister in system, Serendipity is hesitant to ask for a new target, but given the good work that they did for 9a, and Spectre Vyix 9a's difficulties with their current targets, Spectre Vyix 9a opts to take de facto Chorister responsibility and offers a new contract for Serendipity: to take on tracking down Overstayed Guest.
  • Master Languid pulls some Dynastic strings to help advise Captain Wuthering Inkwork on defusing tensions on Muse IX. The immediate rioting ceases for the time being as Inkwork makes concessions to food distribution, though the ship remains a tinderbox. Inkwork remains on edge about their own safety, though, and starts seeking assistance for their own security.
  • Master Languid then devotes time to fixing up his prototype Thermal Stealth Suit, and checks on the Dynastic grapevine for any rumours about goings-on that the Elegy seem to be aware of. Dynasts in the system don't seem to have much idea of who Languid is beyond his rank. Whatever information the Elegy has is outside of what's being talked about by the Dynasty.
  • Breakdown of consequences for characters - rewards, effects, contacts.
  • Also mention any wider consequences for the world
  • 5 Clout with Spectre Vyix 9a specifically, or 3 Clout with the Elegy at large, or 1 Clout with another Faction.
  • Contract offer from Spectre Vyix 9a
  • Mark II Stealth Suit - once per encounter you may choose to ignore a SCAN call that would apply to you. You may put this on overdrive once per Mission to ignore 3 SCAN calls during the same Encounter, at the expense of losing the ability for the rest of the Mission.
  • shared/mission/ill_branches.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/07/13 19:23
  • by katie