

>>> Incoming Transmission
>>> Source Identifier: Speckled Ubiquity # Second Sun
>>> Destination Identifier: TE3-Firebrand#Her Glorious Command#Starlight Ebbing#Muse IX#Endeavour#Unquiet Journey#*
>>> Subject: Overkill
>>> Message Begins

This is an URGENT TRANSMISSION for all capable hands. The Second Sun has identified a Scourge with UNPRECEDENTED REGENERATIVE PROPERTIES. Currently in pursuit. Designs for a weapon are being sent to True Siruta for urgent fabrication. Parts involve exotic components - will require freelance mercenaries to retrieve.

Interested parties please liaise with Farthest Reach of the Craruan Defence Force ASAP.

>>> Message Ends
>>> End Transmission
  • En route to a mission to construct a gigantic bomb for the Craruan Defence Force, the party's shuttle gets hit by a bird and crash lands on an uncharted Sirutan island.
  • After fending off local fauna, the party come across islanders who have become accustomed to the island, its inhabitants (“curd monsters” that seem to thrive from the bean crop of the island), and the will of the mighty Volcanostone that resides in the Volcano and supposedly grants wishes (including those of people who wish to leave).
  • The party head off in search of the Volcanostone and fight their way into the mountain as it erupts. Master Languid improves the heat protection for the party while Genuine Article improves Desiring Peace's grenades to cause frost/cryo damage to help in their delve into the Volcano.
  • A fight across a lava river later on a piece of ship plating that still has functional shields, the party come across an enormous many-headed and many-faced creature that communicates with them. They bring tribute to the creature that calls itself Volcanostone and ask it to help them leave, but also to help them fight the regenerating Scourge that they were sent to fight. The Volcanostone creature agrees and lets them take a shard of its shell to travel on. The party improve the shell's durability against fire and then are launched out the top of the Volcano and surf down the outside before being skimmed across the ocean.
  • As they leave, they see the island itself get up and start walking toward the fight. It appears they were communicating with a Scourge (or similar creature) and also having agreed to help it in their minds are sucked into the fight where they use Volcanostone's might to defeat the regenerating Scourge that was terrorising the CDF. They remind Volcanostone of the meaning of friendship that they discussed and it returns to the sea rather than terrorising the CDF on its own.
  • Stuck at sea, the party eventually are rescued by pirates who give them safe travel in exchange for the shell fragment and the cryo-grenades. While aboard, Genuine Article accidentally causes a ship fire that the pirates don't take kindly too, and hides away while they search. While hidden, Article steals a valuable statuette from the captain, and when the ship arrives at Azuria the party all disembark safely.
  • While on the pirates' ship, Article continues to sneak about looking for something more functional to take from the pirates. They seem to be a relatively simplistic setup as they go out into Decaywaters quite a lot, but Article does manage to pinch a Grappling Hook.
  • Article will also find that the Statuette of Azuria changes form when they get into what is presumed to be Ship Heart range - it opens up and the intricacy of the internals of the statue are revealed (little cogs and gears that contract when in Decay due to failing to function).
  • The pirate captain once again grills everyone about theft and mutiny but being unable to find Genuine Article eventually gives up and issues a Persona Non Grata about the individual instead.
  • The party's report is verified by a Firebrand Mystic who confirms that Desiring Peace isn't fabricating things. This baffles and intrigues the CDF and Ship Heart Mystics who hear this story as it conflicts with all understandings so far of Scourges and of Decay on Siruta. Further investigation is needed. This also endears Desiring Peace to colleagues aboard Firebrand who love hearing the tall tales of the adventure.
  • Languid Relaxation reports back to Pentagonal Pectoral about what occurred and manages to set up diplomatic relations between the Dynasty and the Craruan Defence Force for investigation into the being. Future investigation events will have heavy Dynastic oversight. After gaining a reputation among the Dynasts for this, he proceeds to work on improving the Fire Resistant Armour and creates a reliable Mk II.
  • The Altarian Dynasty in the Keter System have a specific interest in the Volcanostone island and will be actively involved in future investigations into it.
  • The Volcanostone island / creature fails to be found when searched for in a preliminary manner.
  • 3 Clout with the Craruan Defence Force and/or the Altarian Dynasty (in any combination), or 1 with any other organisation.

Genuine Article

  • Statuette of Azuria
    • Worth 2 favour with someone willing to buy it
    • Is a pilot's talisman (changes form in Decay)
  • Grappling Hook
    • 1 x YOU: PULL per encounter
    • Can be used out of combat to traverse
  • -2 Clout with the Sirutan Sea Pirates
  • Fireproof Armour Technique
    • When you provide armour improvements you may instead of providing hits provide 2 x PING BURN to the target.
  • May choose to put the 3 Clout into the Firebrand as well (in any combination).
  • shared/mission/overkill.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/05/31 08:12
  • by katie