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"Mission Name" is required
Mission Reports
Once a Mission has been run, add its Mission Report using the form at the bottom of this page and link it here.
- 15/01/2022 - Example Mission Name - A party is asked to do a Mission as an example - GMs: Katie & Not Katie
- 20/05/2023 - Insert Mission Link here - GMs: Susannah & James
- 13/05/2023 - Insert Mission Link here - GMs: Phil & Katie
- 08/04/2023 - Heist Heist Baby - Some adventurers are recruited to assist with a heist - GMs: Mike & Tamsin
- 01/04/2023 - Invasive Species - A pending ecological disaster threatens Ace's World - GMs: Mike & Tamsin
- 25/03/2023 - Menagerie Project - The party are sent to check up on some hunters capturing animals for the zoo - GMs: Tamsin & Mike
- 18/03/2023 - Insert Mission Link Here - - GMs: Robin & James
- 04/03/2023 - Fatal Voyage - A pair delve into the memories of the disastrous maiden voyage of the Immersabilis on its fly-by of Vyix 9a in search of one of the saboteurs responsible for its destruction. - GMs: Katie & Anna
- 25/02/2023 - Delivery Request - A duo of scientists delve into Mytenean caves to make a delivery to a Ship Heart. - GMs: Joseph & Katie
- 11/02/2023 - Saving Private Ryegrass, 514 - Rescue an Altarian from the war front on Ace's World - GMs: Phil & Joseph
- 04/02/2023 - Terms of Service - The Aspexx Corporation interferes in Fableland - GMs: Katie & James
- 14/01/2023 - Treasure Hunt - A party undoes an ill-considered marketing gimmick to retrieve valuable possessions - GMs: James & Katie
- 03/12/2022 - The Heart of the Matter - Former crew mates of Endeavour, and a pirate, attempt to bring the ship back from the brink. - GMs: Katie & Anna
- 26/11/2022 - Nothing is Alive on Hive 5 - Nothing is alive on Hive V so what’s knocking on the door? - GMs: Phil & Paola
- 19/11/2022 - All Your Base - Aspexx hires a party to thwart hackers at a secret facility; the party thwarts hackers at two secret facilities - GMs: James & Susannah
- 12/10/2022 - Pirates of the Azuraean - Pirate-Hunters are sought to Hunt Pirates - GMs: Katie & Anna
- 29/10/2022 - Finite Existence - A mission to find the long lost ship heart identified in Infinite Energy - GMs: Phil & Susannah
- 22/10/2022 - Beneath the Surface - Explorers delve into the Pentagonal catacombs beneath Beachhead on Hive IV - GMs: Katie & James
- 08/10/2022 - Infinite Energy - A bot seeks help finding its owner - GMs: Phil & James
- 24/09/2022 - A Slug's Life - A party investigate a bio experiment gone wrong - GMs: Katie & Tamsin
- 03/09/2022 - Bone Tussle - Tiny Ember helps Budding Leaf attempt to cure their mnemonic virus - GMs: James & Katie
- 27/08/2022 - Sightseer - The ACE Tourism Board seeks assistance filming for a new ad campaign - GMs: Anna & Susannah
- 19-20/08/2022 - Operation: Beachhead - 36hr - Three establishing a Beachhead on Hive IV and investigating its strange inhabitants - GMs: Ref Team
- 06/08/2022 - Mayday! - A party transport cargo and absolutely nothing goes wrong - GMs: Katie & Iain
- 16/07/2022 - Under the Radar - A smuggling party interested in honey beetles - GMs: Susannah & James
- 09/07/2022 - Ill Branches - Elegy business focuses on fugitives aboard Muse IX - GMs: Katie & Alex
- 02/07/2022 - Aspexxpo - Aspexx puts on an expo to show off their latest technology - GMs: James & Susannah
- 18/06/2022 - Deep Cover - Captain Stalwart Band aims to finally take down the notorious legendary pirate ship, Pandemonium - GMs: Iain & Mike
- 11/06/2022 - Eggventure - Ambassador Pentagonal Pectoral, 313 wants a giant egg - GMs: Iain & Phil
- 04/06/2022 - Mayday - The Spacefarers Guild present a training simulation - GMs: Iain & Anna
- 28/05/2022 - Overkill - A mission to make sure a Scourge is really really dead gets stranded on an island - GMs: Katie & Iain
- 21/05/2022 - Beetle Drive - The Kylalian Botanists make a third attempt to wrangle honey beetles - GMs: Katie & James
- 14/05/2022 - Culture Methods - The Mytenean Societal Corps requests assistance with some small vermin infestations in their new city of Civilia - GMs: Susannah & James
- 16/04/2022 - One of our Mechs is Missing - the CDF requests a party of explorers to investigate a mech which went missing on patrol - GMs: Phil & Iain
- 09/04/2022 - Orbital Decay - The Endeavour sends a research team to investigate reports of an unidentified fungal lifeform from an asteroid mining ship. - GMs: Iain & Phil
- 26/03/2022 - The Tournament - Team Trebuchet compete in the annual Tournament of Fableland and foil a heist. - GMs: Iain & Phil
- 19/03/2022 - Damage Control - Investigators are able to explore the wreckage of the Orion Gate Station in order to retrieve a Solar Shielded Recorder - GMs: Katie & Susannah
- 12/03/2022 - Picking Up the Pieces - A hacker seeks help exposing the truth about the Orion Gate Incident with the aid of a holodeck simulation - GMs: James & Anna
- 05/03/2022 - The Call - Starsighted Mystics heed a call for help from beneath the surface of Kylal - GMs: Katie & James
- 26/02/2022 - A Rare Day Out - Investigating reports from Aspexx of terraforming anomalies on Mytene, the party discovers a range of unusual and radioactive wildlife - GMs: Phil & Anna
- 19/02/2022 - A Spaceport in a Storm - Delivering medical supplies to the Mytenean Tertiary Spaceport during a rain storm, a team discovers that there is something suspicious going on - GMs: Iain & Alex
- 12/02/2022 - More Like Guidelines - An Altarian Ambassador needs rescuing on Siruta, the party joins up with pirate independent Violet Afterburn to save them - GMs: Katie & Phil
- 05/02/2022 - Sub Zero - The Borderlands Botanists sends explorers to seek new food sources in the tunnels of Kylal - GMs: James & Susannah
- 29/01/2022 - High Time - Aces High recruits mercenaries to bust an illegal weapons smuggling ring on Ace's World - GMs: Anna & Katie
- 22/01/2022 - Grinding Gears - Mytene seeks people to help calm the populace and prevent looting - GMs: Susannah & Anna
- 15/01/2022 - Trailblazers - True Siruta seeks explorers to scout out a supply route to a new supply yard - GMs: Katie & James