
Genuine Article

Player: Anna
OC Pronouns: She/Any
IC Pronouns: She/Her

A short, unassuming woman currently working as a technician for the private security firm Assurance. Perks of the job include travel opportunities, a respectable pension scheme, and a lax approach to background checks.

  • Species: Human
  • Class: Specialist
  • Rank: 4
  • Hits: 14
  • XP spent: 30
  • Background: Pirate


  • A Little Something For Me (Downtime): May push for extra out of a Mission
  • Fighting Dirty: May call YOU: BREAK LEG at someone suffering from STRIKEDOWN, 1 per Encounter


  • Specific Toolset: 30s uninterrupted roleplay to HEAL FULL
  • Tinkering: 3 per Mission
  • Drone: Out of combat use
    • Mk II Drone Gun, or Drun, if you will: YOU: BLAST, 1 per Encounter


  • Behind Lines: 10s WARP, 2 per Encounter
  • Blind Steal: Tinkerer may draw three cards and pick one, 1 per Tinkering
    • Squeeze Play: May reduce value of Tinkering score by 5, 1 per Tinkering
  • Hidden Blade: WARP, may be ended without calling WARP or by delivering BREAK by melee, 1 per Encounter. Leave WARP or take 1 damage if subject to a MASS or YOU LOT call
    • Infiltrator: May move slowly while using Hidden Blade
    • Saboteur: MASS DRAIN when using Hidden Blade without breaking WARP, 1 per Encounter
  • Personal Forcefield: PING to anything, 1 per Encounter
  • Tradecraft: Freeform use of knowledge concerning acts of subterfuge, theft, etc.
  • Hacker: Extensive general knowledge of computer systems and software
  • Exfiltration: WARP and relocate within 10s when on 0 hits, 3 per Encounter
  • Trick Shot: After calling YOU: PEW, may call YOU: PEW immediately at a second target within 1m


  • Armourer: +2 hits
    • Advanced Armour: +2 hits, may grant one other person +2 hits out of combat
  • Mark II (Downtime): May convert a Tinkering result into a permanent effect
  • Projectile Redelivery System: PING to BLAST, then call YOU: BLAST at source, 1 per Encounter
  • Insulative Padding: PING to ZAP
  • Energy Redistribution: Charge a ranged shot when calling PING
  • Gravity Stabilisers: PING to PUSH or PULL, 3 per Encounter


  • First Aid: HEAL 4 on target within reach, 3 per Encounter
  • Feedback Loop: Call YOU: DRAIN in response to a SCAN call. The SCAN does not need to have affected you
  • Ambidrone: HEAL calls may be delivered as YOU: HEAL


  • Burly: +2 hits
  • Beefy: +2 hits
  • Making Friends and Influencing People
  • Making Friends and Influencing People
  • Making Friends and Influencing People
  • Making Friends and Influencing People
  • Making Friends and Influencing People1)
  • Wandering Sun: 7 Clout (Freelancer)
  • ACE: 7 Clout (Freelancer)
  • Pandemonium: 6 Clout (Freelancer)
  • Her Glorious Command: -1 Clout (Emnity)
  • Sirutan Sea Pirates: -2 Clout (Emnity)
  • Galactic Cooperation: -3 (Emnity)
  • Elegy: -3 (Emnity)
    • Is on a criminal database
  • Admiral King Pirate Pandemonium - ally, has personal favour
  • Captain Stalwart Band - nemesis, betrayed during infiltration mission
  • Chief Constable Blossoming Rose - nemesis, murdered several guards
  • Private Enterprise, 509 - neutral, took a ship he wanted to claim
  • Statuette of Azuria
    • Worth 2 favour with someone willing to buy it
    • Is a pilot's talisman (changes form in Decay)
  • Grappling Hook
    • 1 x YOU: PULL per encounter
    • Can be used out of combat to traverse
  • Kylalian skull
    • Appears to be made of bone, but is actually metallic

don't worry about it
  • shared/player_character/genuine_article.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/02/23 22:57
  • by anna