

In the great vastness of space an awful lot of expertise is needed. Specialists are those who find themselves simply never satisfied unless they can know, make, or tinker with more, and will go through any means to do so. Engineers apply their knowledge to create and modify complicated systems both of hardware and software. Operatives, meanwhile, encompass those determined to lift information by any means, and often find themselves slipping into secure places to sate their curiosity. Scientists prefer to discover how the world works and experiment with what is known to find out what is not.

Rank 1: Specific Toolset

  • Specialists cannot leave well enough alone, and inevitably find themselves tinkering with what they know. Outside of direct combat, Specialists can apply their expertise to attempt to tinker with something - to bend its purpose or create something new. This can be dangerous, and often has side effects for the Specialist themselves.
  • Specialists have a base 6 hits
  • Specialist Abilities grant a number of uses per encounter and reset at the end of the encounter.
  • With 30s of uninterrupted roleplay, Specialists may recover all of their hits.

Rank 1: Tinkering

  • Three times per Mission, out of combat, Specialists may attempt to improvise work on something they've found.
  • Inform the GM that you are attempting some Tinkering.
  • They will present you with the Tinkering Deck to determine the success and power of your Tinkering in time for the next encounter.

Rank 3: Drone

  • At Rank 3, Specialists have access to special powered drones that can accomplish small tasks for them such as scouting or carrying small objects.
  • You may use your Drone out of combat in a freeform manner, or may acquire Abilities that give it a combat use.

Rank 5: Drone Swarm

  • At Rank 5, Specialists are able to unleash a swarm of micro-drones to help them.
  • Once per Mission you may gain 10 temporary HP or do something freeform with the drone swarm you have unleashed.
  • You may take a Severe Injury to do this more than once per Mission.


  • Your base hits are increased by 2.
  • Once per encounter, out of combat, you may grant someone else two additional hits for the duration of the encounter (tell them this).

Battlefield Repairs

  • Three times per encounter you may call MEND.
  • The target must be within reach.


  • Three times per encounter you may call GAIN PING STRIKEDOWN.
  • The target must be within reach.

Mark II

  • Downtime Ability
  • You may convert one Tinkering result from during the Mission into a permanent feature.
  • Discuss with the GM what you would like to achieve and they will give you an appropriate permanent effect.


  • Three times per encounter you may PING an effect when you block a strike.


  • With 5s of uninterrupted roleplay you may call MEND.
  • Utility Ability
  • You have good general knowledge of mechanics and engineering.
  • You may apply this out of combat in a freeform manner, discuss with the GM how you would like to do.

Projectile Redelivery System

  • Once per encounter you may PING a BLAST call and them immediately make it back at the source as a YOU BLAST call.

Shock Absorption

  • Three times per encounter you may call PING to BLAST.

Advanced Armour

  • Requires: Armourer
  • Your base hits are increased by an additional 2.
  • Once per encounter, out of combat, you may grant someone else two additional hits for the duration of the encounter (tell them this).
  • This may be the same person as your first use of Armourer.

Insulative Padding

  • Always call PING to ZAP.


  • Call PING to BREAK once per encounter.
  • Call GAIN PING BREAK once per encounter.

Repair Drone

  • Your drone is modified to be capable of making mechanical repairs on the battlefield.
  • You may make MEND and GAIN calls as YOU: MEND and YOU: GAIN instead.
  • If the call has a requisite (e.g. roleplay time) you must still perform this first as you instruct your drone.

Steel Skin

  • Once per encounter you may trigger a period of 10s during which you may call PING to anything that hits you.

Energy Redistribution

  • Whenever you call PING you immediately charge a ranged shot.
  • You may only have one shot charged at a time using this Ability.

Gravity Stabilisers

  • Three times per encounter you may call PING to PUSH or PULL.

Sentry Turret

  • Once per Mission you may plant a high power sentry turret.
  • If possible, borrow a member of the Monster crew to play the turret.
  • The turret has the following stats:
    • 15 hits
    • 1 machine gun weapon - charge for 10s to call YOU: PEW three times in succession.
    • Cannot move. Unintelligent.
    • Always PING normal HEAL calls.
    • Takes MEND calls as HEAL 4.
    • Obey the instructions of your creator.
  • If a Monster phys-rep cannot be spared, discuss with the GM a similarly powerful bonus to gain instead for an encounter.

Impenetrable Armour

  • Requires: Advanced Armour
  • Your base hits are increased by an additional 2.
  • Once per encounter, out of combat, you may grant someone else two additional hits for the duration of the encounter (tell them this).
  • This may be the same person as your first uses of Armourer.


  • Double the number of times you can call GAIN from other abilities.

Sacrificial Drone

  • Your drone is capable of delivering powerful explosives to explode at your enemies' feet.
  • Three times per encounter, call YOU: BLAST.


  • Requires: Mark II
  • Once Ever Downtime Ability
  • Once ever you may upgrade a piece of your equipment with a permanent powerful buff.
  • Discuss with the Ref team what you wish to achieve and they will provide you with the powerful effect.

Behind Lines

  • Twice per encounter you may call WARP after which you must reappear within 10s.
  • You may relocate and are aware of what happens in the meantime.

Blind Steal

  • Utility Ability
  • Once per Tinkering - yours or someone else's - you may choose to Draw 3, Pick 1 for the next draw.
  • The character Tinkering gets to pick.


  • Utility Ability
  • You have extensive general knowledge of computer systems and software.
  • You may apply this in a freeform manner by discussion with the GM.
  • Example uses would be to open locked doors, hack into computer systems, or to speed up hacking-based encounters.

Hidden Blade

  • Once per encounter you may call WARP.
  • You may choose to reappear and call BREAK by melee at the same time, or may reappear without calling WARP.
  • You may not move until you reappear and cannot make any other calls.
  • If you are subject to a MASS or YOU LOT call while in Hidden Blade you must either leave WARP or take a point of damage.


  • Requires: Hidden Blade
  • You may move slowly when you are hidden using Hidden Blade.

Personal Forcefield

  • Once per encounter you may call PING to anything.

Quick Draw

  • When you draw a holstered weapon for the first time during an encounter:
    • Ranged Weapon - immediately charge this weapon
    • Melee Weapon - immediately gain a use of PARRY


  • Utility Ability
  • You have in depth knowledge of subtle arts: spycraft, ciphers, subterfuge, etc.
  • You may apply this knowledge in a freeform manner with discussion with the GM.
  • Example uses: lockpicking, decoding a ciphertext, hiding a body where it won't be found.


  • Once per encounter call GAIN 10s WARP.

Decoy Drone

  • Once per encounter, your drone projects a realistic hard-light hologram of you while you yourself remain hidden.
  • When you activate this ability, select a location that you are “actually” at.
  • You become invisible at that location, and are playing a hologram of yourself until this ability expires.
  • While you are a hologram you cannot make offensive calls or cause damage.
  • When the ability expires, put two fingers in the air and return to the position where you “actually” are and carry on.
  • The ability expires if:
    • You as a hologram take 5 hits
    • You as the hologram suffer a DRAIN
    • You move more than 20m away from your “actual” location
    • You choose to end the ability
  • Without additional effort you are not aware of what your hologram sees or hears during its existence.


  • Requires: Infiltrator
  • Once per encounter, you may call MASS DRAIN while hidden from Hidden Blade.
  • This does not break your WARP.

Squeeze Play

  • Utility Ability
  • Once per Tinkering, with agreement from the Tinkerer, you may reduce the current Tinkering value achieved by 5.

Decoy Detonation

  • Requires: Decoy Drone
  • When your Decoy expires, you may call MASS ZAP before returning to your “actual” position.


  • Three times per encounter you may call WARP when are reduced to 0 hits.
  • You may relocate in the next 10s, after which time you must call WARP and reappear.


  • Utility Ability
  • Out of combat, you may ask the GM to describe the commands that an inorganic entity operates by.
  • These should be three straightforward rules (e.g. “attack all intruders”, “intruders are identified by blue keys”, “sound alert when you are damaged”).
  • You may use Tinkering to modify the commands that an inorganic entity (an enemy, a system, or otherwise) operates by.
  • If the Tinkering is a success, you may change or introduce 3 words to its instructions.
  • If it is a perfect success, you may change or introduce 5 words.
  • This permanently alters the system being worked on.

Trick Shot

  • Whenever you call YOU: PEW at a target with a ranged weapon you may immediately call YOU: PEW on a second target within 1m of them.


  • Select a target during an encounter.
  • You may call CURSE by melee against that target.
  • If you land the second hit on a target, that target will suffer a Severe Injury.

Beam Me Up

  • Once per Mission, call PARTY: WARP to leave the encounter and go to a safe space of your choosing that you would have had reasonable access to before the Mission.
  • You may be returned to the Mission by PARTY: WARP if you wish.

Double or Nothing

  • Utility Ability
  • On a failed Tinkering, you can opt to try again for double consequences on failure, or a twice as powerful success on a success.


  • Requires: Reprogram
  • When you prepare a reprogramming using Reprogram, you may apply that as an EFFECT: REPROGRAM by melee for the rest of the adventure.
  • Inform the GM that you are capable of doing this, and they will inform the Monsters how they will respond to this effect.


  • Utility Ability
  • You may use a piece of technology to establish a communication link with an unresisting entity capable of communicating within the same Star System.
  • While this link exists, you may communicate at any distance with them unless there is something powerful blocking you.
  • Those nearby will still hear you talking.
  • Call a GM over if you need to communicate with someone far away.
  • You may only have one such link at a time and you may end the link at will.

Lifeform Scanner

  • Pick a common category of lifeform (e.g. humanoid, inorganic, feline).
  • You may call SCAN for that lifeform type freely.
  • You may pick this Ability multiple times for different lifeform types.

First Aid

  • Three times per encounter you may immediately call HEAL 4.
  • The target must be within reach.


  • Utility Ability
  • Pick a reasonably broad area of expertise (e.g. geology, astrophysics, law)
  • You are well versed in this area and may apply your knowledge where appropriate with discussion with the GM.

Adaptive Scanner

  • Once per encounter you may pick a property from a downed enemy by spending 10s roleplaying scanning it over.
  • You may now call SCAN for that property until you pick a new one.
  • Example properties: horned, toxic, quadrupedal

Experienced Tinkerer

  • Requires: Expertise
  • Utility Ability
  • Once per Tinkering, if that Tinkering is within your area of Expertise, you may advise the Tinkerer how they should have done it better and they can start the Tinkering Deck again. (If you are the Tinkerer, give yourself a stern talking to on why you ought to have seen that coming, then start again.)

Feedback Loop

  • You may call YOU: DRAIN in response to a SCAN call.
  • The SCAN does not need to have affected you for this to be possible.


  • With 60s of uninterrupted roleplay you may call HEAL FULL.

Additional Expertise

  • Requires: Expertise
  • Pick a second area in which you have Expertise.


  • Deliver your HEAL calls as YOU HEAL.
  • This includes HEAL X and HEAL FULL calls.
  • Where roleplaying is required to call HEAL you must still perform that roleplay as you instruct your drone.

Frequency Attunement

  • Three times per encounter you may call GAIN PING X where X is a call you saw an enemy make.
  • Requires: Communicator
  • Utility Ability
  • When you are using your Communicator link you are capable of transmitting video of what you are currently able to see.
  • Both ends of the link are able to do so.
  • Discuss what you are showing or being shown with the GM when you use this ability.

Combat Medic

  • Requires: Physician
  • It now only takes 30s of roleplaying to call HEAL FULL.
  • This does not have to be uninterrupted roleplay.

Insatiable Curiosity

  • Gain an additional use of Tinkering per Mission.


  • Requires: Additional Expertise
  • Downtime Ability
  • You may publish your findings authoritatively in order to influence what is known and believed.
  • Your words carry inherent weight when in your areas of expertise.

Virtual Clone

  • Requires: Vidlink
  • Utility Ability
  • When using your Communicator link, you are able to holographically project yourself or your partner.
  • While projected, you can see and hear exactly as they can and appear as a translucent blue projection to everyone else.
  • While projecting yourself, you cannot perceive in your actual location.

For Science!

  • Take a Severe Injury in order to treat a failed Tinkering as a Perfect Success.


  • Once Ever Downtime Ability
  • Once ever, you may create an incredibly complex, large, or powerful invention.
  • Discuss with the Ref team what you wish to create and they will detail its effects.

Medical Miracle

  • Once per Mission you may modify the negative effect of a Severe Injury with a successful Tinkering, at the risk of dealing an additional Severe Injury if 3 Consequences are accrued.
  • A Perfect Tinkering will remove the Severe Injury entirely.
  • A successful (but not perfect) Tinkering can achieve some positive improvement to the effects of a Severe Injury.
  • A failed tinkering with fewer than 3 Consequences has no effects.


  • Gain one of the following Rank 1 Class Features of another Class as if you had it yourself.
    • Commando - Determination
    • Startouched - Solar Barrier
    • Various - Self-Repair Systems (you gain the ability to call HARVEST with 5s of appropriate roleplaying, as per a Various)
  • specialist.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/09 19:59
  • by katie