
Threes Charmed

Player: James

Pronouns: he/him

Cares primarily for the goings on of Ace's World, and less so for off-world affairs. Supports ACE, dislikes bandits, and has little else to say. Broadly uncurious about the powers that have found them.

  • Species: Human
  • Class: Startouched
    • Ship Heart: Ace's World
  • XP: 13
  • Rank: 2
  • Hits: 5 + 6
  • Background: Starsighted


  • Concussion Bolt (Scion 1)
    • 15 seconds hand held overhead to call YOU: STRIKEDOWN
  • Heartburn (Scion 1)
    • 10 seconds hovering hand along length of weapon to call BURN on next strike
  • Meditate (Scion 2)
    • 60 seconds fingers to temple to meditate on a course of action and gain a minor bonus from Ship Heart while pursuing that course of action
    • In combat: three uses of GAIN X where X is a call from an unmodified gesture-only ability
    • Out of combat: minor bonus at GM discretion equivalent go gaining a once-per-encounter call
  • Visionary (Scion 2)
    • 2 uses of MISS per encounter out of cover
  • Space Between Space (Voidheart 1) + What We Do In The Shadows (Voidheart 2)
    • 5 seconds waving through the surrounding air to call WARP
    • Can remain hidden as long as desired (unless broken by MASS or YOU LOT)
    • May move and perceive while moving, but may only reappear at start location
    • If unable to return to start location or broken out, take BREAK ALL LIMBS on reappearing
  • Use the Land (Voidheart 1)
    • 5 seconds pulling up from the ground to gain an additional MISS from current cover, once per cover
  • Starfinder (Voidheart 1)
    • Can find way to a destination that has been described
    • Can tell direction to nearest Ship Heart in range
  • Reality Check (Voidheart 2)
    • Can see through holographic ruses
    • Once per encounter, see if someone is lying to you
  • Heartbeat (Bulwark 1)
    • 10 seconds hand outstretched towards target in reach to call HEAL
  • Repairing Barrier (Bulwark 1)
    • 10 seconds hand flat on chest to restore 1 hit of Solar Barrier
  • Guidance (Bulwark 2)
    • Prepare an unmodified gesture-only ability that calls X to instead call GAIN X on a target in reach
  • Solid Barrier (Bulwark 2)
    • +2 Solar Barrier hits


  • ACE: 9

NPC Relations

  • Ace's High
    • Has the attention of
  • Clubs Chance
    • Neutral
  • Big Blind (Bandit Captain)
    • Nemesis
  • An animatronic razormonkey which exists somewhere on Ace's World
    • Nemesis
  • A signed copy of Nine Bold's notes for the campaign from Sightseer
  • shared/player_character/threes_charmed.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/02/09 23:59
  • by james