
Stellar Glory


Add a description of your character and their backstory here

  • Species:
  • Class: Various
  • XP:
  • Background: Mystic Acolyte
  • HP: 12
  • Solar Barrier: 6


  • Galvanise (HARVEST: 3x PING to PEW)
  • Retrograde Thrusters (HARVEST: 2x PING to PUSH or PULL)
  • Enhanced Sensor Array (Utility: You can see and hear long distances)
  • Overclock (HARVEST: MASS SLOW)
  • Malleable (HARVEST: 5s WARP)
  • Hulking Form (+2 hits, -5s ZAP, +5s BURN)
  • Raw Power (+2 hits, -5s BURN)
  • Apex Predator (+2 hits, always PING to STRIKEDOWN)
  • Moving Mountain (+2 hits, only take BREAK at 5s)
  • Hardpoints Mean Prizes (Have an extra gun)
  • Weapon Preigniter (HARVEST: 3x YOU PEW)
  • Jury Rig (Tinkering)
  • Cyborg Mystic - Firewall (HARVEST: 3x YOU PUSH as long as you don't move)
  • Cyborg Commando - Kinetic Recovery (Every 3 hits blocked on shield: PARRY)
Star Modded
  • Passive: Star Link
  • Star Conduit (1/encounter, spend 15s proselytising ship heart to gain Source of Startouched Power)
  • Outreach (1/ship heart/mission, gain a minor boon or a question answered)
  • Mystic Breadth - Lifeline (HARVEST: Take X damage to call HEAL X)
  • Mystic Breadth - Restoring Barrier (HARVEST: Fully restore barrier)
  • Mystic Breadth - Deflection (Spend barrier hits to call PARRY)
  • Subsuming Barrier (Permanently trade in hits for barrier)
Mark II goodies
  • Thermal shielding: Call PING to BURN 1/10s
  • Channelling Startouched power: With source of Startouched POwer, 3/encounter, may HARVEST without a source by channelling
  • Black box: Records 2-3 days of audio, automatically broadcasts it on a wide band in the event of my death


  • Aspexx: -10
  • Card Table: 2
  • Zeitgeist Research Department: 6
  • Mytenean Social Corps: 3
  • Civilian Adventurer's Guild: 1
  • Endeavour: 3
  • Her Glorious Command: -1
  • Sect of the Divine: 5
  • shared/player_character/stellar_glory.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/07 17:27
  • by tamsin