
Manifold Ghosts

Pronouns: they/them

Manifold Ghosts was a Spectre, once. They spent a long, long time pruning for the Elegy, a true believer to begin with they became gradually more jaded over the years… decades… centuries? That passed. Centuries of killing which was supposed to be noble and for the betterment of society, but mostly wound up being about who had the most clout, the most currency, the most money, and the fewest scruples.

Many years of Harvesting both their contracted targets and those who fought to protect them led to a mind full of the fragments of those they defeated, and a lot of guilt to boot.

These all added up to a spectacular flame-out from the Elegy, a contract on their head, and their ostensible death, losing much of their former strength in the process, and finally to them hiding in the Keter system, hopping between Siruta for relaxation, and Mytene to agitate for a Various Forge to finally be built to allow them to begin to improve themself again.

They occasionally hear glimmers of intelligence from among the fragments of their previous targets in their head, perhaps those targets were Startouched, or perhaps it’s just a set of different viewpoints informing their view of the world. But the information is rarely useless, even if it’s not always obvious how to use it until it’s nearly too late.

They really, really don't like Harvesting sapient creatures.

  • Species: Human
  • Class: Various
  • XP: 1816
  • Hits: 18
  • Background: Starsighted
  • Burn at: 3sPING
  • Zap at: PING5s
  • Slow at 5s
  • Break body at 5s


  • Autocannibalise
  • Hearing Things, Impossible Knowledge

* Te1 Recalibrated Sensor Array - Harvest for SCAN

  • Te1 Advanced Thermal Countermeasures - -burn +zap
  • Te2 Deflector Shields: extra MISS/cover
  • Te3 System Assimilation: meld with machines, as 3 yes/no questions
  • Te3 Enhanced Sensor Array: long range sound & vision
  • Te4 Enter the Matrix - 60s to talk to machines, can be used in combat, can be extended for a Serious Injury.
  • Tr1 Hulking Form - +2 hits, -zap +burn
  • Tr2 Crush - Harvest for 1 BREAK
  • Tr2 Raw Power - +2 hits, burn -5
  • Tr2 Untraceable - ignore SCAN if desired
  • Tr3 Apex Predator - +2 hits, always PING STRIKEDOWN
  • Tr4 Moving Mountain - +4 hits, BREAK body max 5s

* S1 Hardpoints Mean Prizes

  • S2 Jury Rig
  • S2 Interference - can PING to SCAN at will
  • S3 Cyborg Specialist: Mk2
  • S4 Perfectly Balanced - -SLOW, BURN, ZAP
  • S4 All Trades - Hacker


  • Sword of Identity Theft:
    • Your sword can store identity credentials scanned from identity cards / documents, which can be used to fool systems that scan automated IDs.
    • Once per mission, you may with 10 seconds appropriate scanning roleplay change the stored identity to a new identity that you have physical access to.
    • The stored identity lasts until the next time you replace the identity (i.e. it will last between missions). Let the GM know what identity you have scanned, and if it changes. Currently… probably blank since I can't remember what I put in there last time.
  • A remote control for robots:
    • Freely call 'SCAN: ROBOTS'
    • Once per encounter, you may call 'EFFECT: [effect of your choice]' against a creature that has called Ping to your Scan Robots call. This only lasts for 10 seconds, as with any other Effect call, and must be something that a robot could reasonably be instructed to do. (Brief the monsters that if the robot is unable to do the effect as called, they should take Effect: Confused instead.)
  • Integrated Rebreather:
    • Provides up to 2 hours of breathable air for you alone.
    • Inform the GM of this when it is relevant - it should allow you to mitigate negative effects caused by lack of breathable air.

Serious Injuries

  • Icemaw bite: burn at +3 seconds


  • Unquiet Journey: 0 Clout
  • Mytenean Societal Corps: 10 Clout
  • Borderlands Botanists: 3 Clout
  • CDF: 5 Clout
  • Space Train crew: 1 Clout
  • Under the Radar - 16 July - 1xp, 3 Clout with MSC, 3 Clout with Borderlands Botanists, Severe Injury
2023/04/02 18:28 Robin
2023/11/08 19:34 Susannah
2023/11/01 20:27 James
2023/06/04 22:48 James
2022/11/15 13:45 Katie
2023/02/03 21:20 James
2023/05/26 21:49 Susannah
  • shared/player_character/manifold_ghosts.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/11/03 22:37
  • by thespaceinvader