
Last Resort

Having been nearly killed in a catastrophic shuttle accident, Last Resort's first solid memory is being reforged in one of Fleet 18's finest Various Forges. Unsure of who she was or where she came from, with only fragments of memory before the upgrade, she took her identity from one of the first phrases she remembered hearing from before: “…we could… … as … would be a … last resort”.

In the Keter Borderlands, having hitched a ride on the Unquiet Journey, Last is trying to carve out an identity amidst the pirates and independents, eschewing an “official” existence in favour of slipping beneath the system. After all, whoever she was before is dead, whoever she is now is a ghost…

  • Species: Human
  • Class: Various
  • XP: 30
  • Background: Mechanic
  • HP: 28 (recover 14 on HARVEST)

Encounter Calls:

  • 2 WARP (10s relocate)

HARVEST options:

  • Immediately charge 3 shots
  • Split the hits with a YOU: HEAL
  • 3 x YOU: ZAP
  • 2 PUSH


  • Always PING BURN (0s duration)
  • 5s EFFECT
  • 5s SLOW
  • 5s ZAP
  • 5s BREAK on body


  • 2 x Tinkering w/ Blind Steal
  • +1 MISS in Cover
  • Freely PING or don't PING for SCAN
  • May take DRAIN as a forced 10s stationary WARP
  • Carry on fighting (no calls) on 0 HP until EXECUTE or BREAK
  • Immediately recharge a MISS'd PEW once per target per cover
  • 3 “yes or no” Questions for Organic or Inorganic systems
  • Sin Eater


  • Class:
    • Assimilation
    • Modularity
    • Self Repair Systems
    • Autocannibalise

Balance: 9 Tran, 9 Tech

  • Dabbler Tinkerer
    • 1 / mission Tinkering
  • Take It Apart
    • Downtime - Disassemble Stuff for its secrets
  • Weapon Preigniter (Scav)
    • HARVEST for ranged weapon immediately charges 3 shots.
  • Lifeblood (Tran)
    • HARVEST for take half (round up) of the healed hits for yourself, and call YOU: HEAL for the same amount to a target within 10m.
  • Repurposed Munitions (Tech)
    • HARVEST for gain 3 uses of YOU: ZAP
  • Interference (Scav)
    • +2 Hits
    • Freely choose to call PING to SCAN you don't qualify for.
  • Resilience (Scav)
    • Crawl and speak in fractured nonsense sentences on 0 HP.
    • Stops for the encounter on a BREAK or taking 5 more hits.
  • Jury Rig (Scav)
    • +1 use of Tinkering
  • Patchwork Armoury (Scav)
    • HARVEST for MEND followed by GAIN PING BREAK.
  • Untraceable (Tran)
    • May choose to ignore SCAN calls that affect me.
  • Targeting Array (Tech)
    • Immediately recharge when a PEW call I made is MISS'd (once per target per cover)
  • Cyborg Commando (Scav)
    • Ambidextrous
  • Cyborg Mystic (Scav)
    • Starfinder
  • Cyborg Specialist (Scav)
    • Behind Lines - 2 x WARP, relocate within 10s
  • System Assimilation (Tech)
    • Out of combat may meld mind with a mechanical or computer system to ask 3 “yes or no” questions.
  • Speak With Dead (Tran)
    • Out of combat may assimilate dying thoughts of deceased to ask 3 “yes or no” questions.
  • Antivirus (Tech)
    • PING to first CURSE per encounter.
  • High Yield Energy Expulsion Thruster (Tran)
    • HARVEST for 2 x PUSH.
  • Perfectly Balanced (Scav)
    • Reduce SLOW by 5s
    • Reduce BURN by 5s
    • Reduce ZAP by 5s
    • Reduce EFFECT by 5s
  • Unstoppable (Scav)
    • Continue to move and fight on 0 hits (no calls)
    • Talk only in fractured sentences
    • Crumple if EXECUTE or BREAK happens
  • All Trades (Scav)
    • Gain Cyborg Operative: Blind Steal
  • Sin Eater (Tran)
    • Take the effect of a Curse or Severe Injury on myself.
  • Overclock (Tech)
  • Knowledgeable (General)
    • Knowledgeable about mundane Siege Weaponry
  • Burly (General)
    • +2 HP
  • Beefy (General)
    • +2 HP
    • 1 STRIKEDOWN / encounter
  • Brawny (General)
    • +2 HP
    • Physically Strong
  • Mighty (General)
    • +2 HP
    • May fight for 60s after knockout by taking a Severe Injury
  • Advanced Thermal Countermeasures (Tech)
    • -5s BURN
    • +5s ZAP
    • Fire extinguisher
  • Hulking Form (Tran)
    • +2 HP
    • -5s ZAP
    • +5s BURN
    • Stronk
  • Raw Power (Tran)
    • +2 HP
    • -5s BURN
  • Enhanced Sensor Array (Tech)
    • Long distance senses utility
  • Apex Predator (Tran)
    • +2 HP
  • Deflector Shields (Tech)
    • +1 MISS in Cover
  • Moving Mountain (Tran)
    • +4 HP
    • BREAK duration max is 5s on body
  • Emergency Countermeasures (Tech)
    • May take DRAIN as a 10s stationary WARP without perception


  • 2 Clout - Unassigned
  • 9 Clout - Aces High
  • 1 Clout - Borderland Botanists
  • shared/player_character/last_resort.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/02/10 16:07
  • by katie