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Heightened Serendipity

Pronouns: She/they

Add a description of your character and their backstory here

  • Species: Qiate
  • Class: Specialist
  • XP: 15
  • Background: Spectre
    • Current target: Ninth Life


Level 1
  • Behind Lines
  • Hacker
  • Hidden Blade
Level 2
  • Tradecraft
  • Infiltrator
Level 3
  • Decoy Drone


Level 1
  • Armorer
  • Mark II
Level 2
  • Bastion
Level 3
  • Advanced Armour


Level 1
  • First Aid
  • Communicator
  • Expertise (Pharmaceuticals)
Level 2
  • Experienced Tinkerer
  • 1 vials of concentrated “Scrum+”
    • You may spend 5s consuming Scrum+ to gain for the rest of the Mission a use of MISS that you can recharge with 5s of meditation (sitting on the ground out of combat, no weapons in hand).
    • There is no bonus to consume multiple vials.
    • Once you consume your third vial you will gain the following effects (2/3 consumed):
      • Psychic Power - you may call YOU: PUSH once per Encounter and always have a use of MISS that recharges with 5s of meditation; OR you may choose the ability to communicate silently with your allies (put two fingers in the air when talking to them).
      • Reliance - you NEED more Scrum+. If you are unable to access Scrum+ during a Mission then you will lose 2 maximum body hits.
    • If you start taking Scrum+ and then stop before taking a third vial, you will gain the following effect:
      • Withdrawal - you have a stonking headache for the duration of your next Mission.
  • 2 vials of New Improved Scrum+
    • As Scrum+, plus:
      • Once per vial of Scrum+ you may call MASS SLOW as you move incredibly fast for 10s.
      • Fire In Your Veins - When you have a MASS SLOW stored from New Improved Scrum+, you take BURN at a 3s shorter duration.
      • Dependence - for every Encounter where you do not have a MASS SLOW from New Improved Scrum+ stored, you take BURN at a 5s longer duration.
  • Stun gun
    • You may use a charged ranged weapon to call YOU: CLUNK against unaware enemies
  • Squintessence drone: You may sacrifice your drone for the rest of the mission, locking out all drone-related skills, in order to call HEAL 3 on yourself. This may be used even when downed.
  • Mk II Psychic Drone Connection: twice per Mission, out of combat, you may meld your mind with your Drone in order to control it precisely. Your senses are as restricted as the drone's, and you are unable to control or sense your body while you are projecting into the Drone. You may do this more times per Mission by taking a Severe Injury for each time you want to use it as it fries your mental pathways.
  • Ancient Relic: a small shard of glowing translucent gem set into a pendant. This relic allows you, once per Mission, to choose whether or not a Decoy Hologram of yourself is actually you after all at the point you reveal it. You may do this multiple times a Mission at the expense of a Severe Injury as doing this causes a rift in the space-time continuum. Please inform Katie in downtime whenever you push this ability past the once per mission.
  • Elegy - 8
    • Spectre Vyix 9a - +5
  • Aspexx - 5
    • Aspexx Experimental Pharmeceuticals and Weapons Lab - +2
  • Azuria - 3
  • Craruan Defense Force - 2
  • shared/player_character/heightened_serendipity.1705142063.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2024/01/13 10:34
  • by tamsin