
Endless Flame

Pronouns: He/Him

Add a description of your character and their backstory here

  • Species: Vyixian
  • Class: Commando
  • XP:
  • Background: Pirate
  • HP: 22


Hand Owning's PDA A handheld device with an image of a hand holding a playing card engraved on the back. Can be used to remotely monitor a computer system, if the system is hacked first. Requires 30 seconds uninterrupted hacking roleplay at a computer system to connect the device to the system. The connection only requires 10 seconds to establish if performed by a character with the 'Hacker' skill. The device can then be used at any time to monitor the connected system, and send it simple commands. Only one computer system can be connected at a time. The connection expires if the device and computer system go out of range of each other. The exact distance is at GM discretion, but in general will not exceed the size of a city. (It is certainly not interplanetary!)

Treasure Scanner: With 5 seconds of appropriate scanning roleplay (requires a free hand), you may call SCAN TREASURE. (Per normal SCAN rules, it is up to the target whether they think they classify. Actual value of treasure not guaranteed; booty is in the eye of the beholder.)

Rank 1 Abilities

  • Melee Weapon Prowess

Select a Weapon Type, you may use its ability for 2 Hits when using that weapon: Daggers and Claws - gain 1 use of BREAK by melee

  • Ambidextrous

You may wield a full length one-handed melee weapon in either hand. You may still only strike once per second (not once per second per weapon).

  • Rank 1 - Burly

You have trained and have become tougher and more resilient. Gain +2 max HP.

  • Rank 1 - Making Friends and Influencing People

Gain 1 Clout with a Faction of your choice that you do not have negative Clout with. You may purchase this Ability multiple times and for the same faction repeatedly.

Rank 2 Abilities

  • Combat Roll

Cost: 2 Hits Take a STRIKEDOWN in order to call PING to a single target effect call. You cannot do this if you are already under the effect of STRIKEDOWN.

  • Rank 2 - Beefy

Requires Burly You've been at the weights! You're stronger and tougher than before! Gain +2 max HP and 1 STRIKEDOWN per Encounter.

  • Melee Finesse

Select a Weapon Type, you may use its ability for 2 Hits when using that weapon Daggers and Claws - gain 1 use of SLOW by melee provided you strike the target's legs.

  • Rank 2 Diplomacy

Once per Mission, when not in Combat, you may ask the Ref for an insight into a person or faction you are talking to that your character may have seen, in order to give you an idea of how to direct the conversation to your preference. This does not guarantee that the line of conversation you follow will be successful, but provides insight that your character has picked up on.

Rank 3 Abilities

* Swashbuckler Every 3 strikes you block with your weapon you gain a free use of PARRY. You may only have one PARRY stored using this Ability at a time


  • Pirates - 3
  • Ace's High - 3
  • Aspexx - 3
  • Card Table hacker collective - 1
  • Sirutan pirates - 3
  • shared/player_character/endless_flame.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/02/13 12:04
  • by rory