
Beloved Fortress

Pronouns: he/him

Beloved Fortress is a young film-maker, with a distinct interest in wildlife photography, who came to Keter to visit its many worlds of interesting creatures, particularly the Sirutan Scourges which are relatively unusual in the rest of the Cooperation. He has previously done some work for both Zeitgeist and Aspexx.

  • Species: Ziline
  • Class: Specialist
  • XP: 4 (1 floating)
  • Background: Researcher


Rank 1: Specific Toolset

  Specialists cannot leave well enough alone, and inevitably find themselves tinkering with what they know. Outside of direct combat, Specialists can apply their expertise to attempt to tinker with something - to bend its purpose or create something new. This can be dangerous, and often has side effects for the Specialist themselves.
  Specialists have a base 6 hits
  Specialist Abilities grant a number of uses per encounter and reset at the end of the encounter.
  With 30s of uninterrupted roleplay, Specialists may recover all of their hits.

Rank 1: Tinkering

  Three times per Mission, out of combat, Specialists may attempt to improvise work on something they've found.
  Inform the GM that you are attempting some Tinkering.
  They will present you with the Tinkering Deck to determine the success and power of your Tinkering in time for the next encounter.


  Utility Ability
  Pick a reasonably broad area of expertise (e.g. geology, astrophysics, law)
  You are well versed in this area and may apply your knowledge where appropriate with discussion with the GM.


  Utility Ability
  You may use a piece of technology to establish a communication link with an unresisting entity capable of communicating within the same Star System.
  While this link exists, you may communicate at any distance with them unless there is something powerful blocking you.
  Those nearby will still hear you talking.
  Call a GM over if you need to communicate with someone far away.
  You may only have one such link at a time and you may end the link at will.

First Aid

  Three times per encounter you may immediately call HEAL 4.
  The target must be within reach.

Mark II

  Downtime Ability
  You may convert one Tinkering result from during the Mission into a permanent feature.
  Discuss with the GM what you would like to achieve and they will give you an appropriate permanent effect.

Per-mission abilities

  • Once per Mission, you can remove a single consequence from your hand while attempting to tinker a camera directly inspired by PIXIE.


  • ACE: 3 Clout
  • Aspexx: 1 Clout
  • Zeitgeist: 1 Clout
  • Starting Clout TBD: 1
  • shared/player_character/beloved_fortress.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/03/25 08:46
  • by thespaceinvader