
An Altarian's Pirated Footwear

Raging forest 2162 requests your presence at his mansion estate on Siruta to aid him in a matter of life and death. … please

“My boots have been stolen” he rages. “Stolen. You understand I must get them back, I simply must. They are…precious to me. Taken by the two-faced, mendacious, upstart pirate Drifting Stream. I thought we…never mind. The point is he's stolen my boots and I must get them back.”

He rants to you at length the history of the boots, going back many generations, and is soon screaming incoherently about ancestry and the importance of good footwear during formal occasions. When he is finished screaming himself hoarse, and has had time to calm down with a large cup of tea, he explains that there is going to be one opportunity to recover the boots before they are sold to a mysterious buyer. Stream's ship is due to dock for repairs on Ace's world, and an enterprising team might steal aboard to recover the stolen items before they disappear forever.

That enterprising team would of course be rewarded most generously, doubly so if they were also able to capture Stream for interrogation on who hired him to steal Forests boots.

  • Iron Cold - Robin
  • (Sorry I don't remember the character name and I don't think they're on the wiki) - Mandrew
  • The party were hired by Raging Forest, 2162, to retreive some boots which had been stolen by a pirate named Drifting Stream. The briefing, such as it was, suggested that these might be an heirloom of Forest's, but it wasn't entirely clear amidst the ranting.
  • They were pointed to a tavern on Ace's World where Drinking Laughter, Stream's former first mate, was known to drink, and laugh. On the way there they encountered Laughter in a drunken brawl with some local toughs, not that said brawl was desperately serious.
  • Laughter was pretty angry with Stream for having usurped the ship, and was easy to persuade to inform on Stream, which they did, though somewhat more difficult to persuade not to come along for the ride - at least until they succumbed to their intoxication and passed out.
  • Laughter confirmed the location of the ship in a local repair yard, and suggested a couple of methods of entry, one a frontal assault, the other a little more sneaky. The party chose the sneaky route, and through a mix of bribery, intimidation, and violence, got past the receptionists and their guard pig, before fighting their way through the facility's robotic guards.
  • The party then fought their way though a good chunk of the crew in the belly of the ship, before finding their way to the captain's cabin, where they fought and captured Drifting Stream, and threatened and bribed several of the crew to allow them exit.
  • They fought their way out past the rest of the crew, dragging a somewhat resisting Stream with them, past the ship's one operational cannon, before and Intervention summoned Raging Forest.
  • Forest, having briefly argued with and interrogated the pirate, left payment in a sack, reclaimed their boots, and left by another Intervention.
  • Iron Cold apologises to the first mate of the ship for the injuries caused during the mission, and turns over Drifting Strem to the Firebrand for trial.
  • Breakdown of consequences for characters - rewards, effects, contacts.
  • Also mention any wider consequences for the world
  • +3 Clout with HGC/the Altairians
  • shared/mission/an_altarian_s_pirated_footwear.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/01/20 10:28
  • by thespaceinvader