
Bestiary - Siruta

This Bestiary is a semi-IC document containing Monster stats and information for various enemy types encountered and encounterable in the world of Planetfall. It is safe to assume information here is IC available for your perusal thanks to the Zeitgeist Research Department. Anyone is free to edit this information and add Monsters of their own creation.

Cliff-Face Eels

Cliff-Face Electric Eel

Large eel that inhabits the cliff-faces of Siruta and builds up enormous static charge

  • 4 hits
  • 1 melee weapon
  • 1 x YOU LOT: ZAP
  • Always PING ZAP
Cliff-Face Giant Eel

Enormous eel that dwells within the cliff faces

  • 10 hits
  • 2 handed weapon
  • Call PULL once per 30s
Cliff-Face Spitting Eel

Large eel that inhabits the cliff-faces of Siruta and attacks its enemies from afar

  • 6 hits
  • 1 melee weapon
  • Call YOU: PEW after 10s of appropriate roleplaying of preparing a spit
Cliff-Face Eel Broodmother

Eel embedded into the rock of a cave, at the endpoint of the eel lifecycle.

  • 15 hits
  • Always PING ZAP. You may then immediately call YOU: ZAP on someone else
  • Static
  • 1x great weapon
  • 1x BREAK
  • After losing 5 hits, call MASS PUSH, then WARP to burrow into the ground. You may not move while warped. Unwarp whenever you think is appropriate (max 10s)
  • MASS ZAP upon death

When the Broodmother WARPs, additional eels (Electric or Spitting) spawn from their burrow.

Giant Crabs

Crusty Crusher Crab

Large crustacean with big claws intent on wrecking your day

  • 6 hits
  • 1 x Blunt Weapon
  • Move sideways if you can for flavour
Hermit Scorpion Crab

The improbable genetic amalgamation of crab and scorpions, creating a truly existing creature.

  • 6 hits
  • Shield + Short Weapon
  • 10s of charging to call YOU: PEW from your tail
  • Armoured - Plant yourself behind your shield to use it as Cover (2 x MISS)
  • Shy - Use other Cover as much as you can

Maybe a rare species of even giant-er crab, maybe the result of repeated moultings.



  • 15 hits
  • 2x blunt weapons
  • May call BREAK on body if you hit with both weapons simultaneously (and are not blocked)


  • 10 hits
  • 2x swords
  • Spend 5 seconds making bubble noises, if the person in front of you hasn’t moved away after 5 seconds call SLOW


  • 10 hits
  • 2x shields
  • Every 20s, call GAIN MISS on an ally
  • Freely call PARRY in response to any blow that hits your shields
  • If not engaged in melee, may freely call MISS on behalf of any monster
  • Whenever a call is MISSED by you or another crab part, may make that call against an enemy
  • When hit by a YOU LOT: call if not engaged in melee, may repeat that call as a YOU call against an enemy.


Electric Jelly
  • 6 hits
  • Two weapons
  • Call ZAP whenever you strike someone or something with your weapon
  • Mindless - Move without purpose, bump off things and wave your weapons around
Photosensitive Jelly
  • 6 hits
  • Two weapons
  • You may choose to call EFFECT: BLINDED when you strike
  • Photosensitive - Move toward things that use bright lights (e.g. guns)
  • Mindless - Move without purpose, bump off things and wave your weapons around

Surface Sharks


Predatory sand-dwelling creature capable of swimming through sand at phenomenal speed.

  • 6 hits
  • 1 x one-handed melee weapon
  • Call PULL by melee on anyone unconscious in sand
  • Shark Metabolism: Must keep moving!
Surface Shark

Predatory amphibian that coasts along the surface of water and slides up onto beaches to ambush unsuspecting prey.

  • 6 hits
  • 1 x one-handed melee weapon
  • 1 x BREAK
  • Camouflage - Call WARP after spending 10s uninterrupted staying still. Start the encounter hidden, if you like. You must call WARP when you reappear.
Sand Shark of Unusual Size (SSOUS)

A huge predatory amphibian, somewhat like a giant remora, with a mouth 3 to 5 metres in diameter, which swims under the sand.

  • 10 hits, 2h melee weapon
  • Camouflage - Call WARP after spending 10s uninterrupted staying still. Start the encounter hidden, if you like. You must call WARP when you reappear.
  • Spend 5s making rumbling/slurpy noises before calling MASS STRIKEDOWN to leave WARP.
  • Call YOU: PULL on a PC in strikedown to isolate and try to eat them

Sirutan Armourdillo

Large armadillo creatures - very terratorial, will build beaver-like dams across narrow choke points for no apparent reason

  • Big:
    • Sturdy (Always PING STRIKEDOWN)
    • Heavy (Take PUSH and PULL for 5m)
  • 6 hits
  • 1x shield, 1x 1-handed weapon
  • May call PING to any melee call that strikes the shield
  • Lumbering: Take PARRY in an exaggerated manner, give an even wider opening than normal
  • May spend 5s obviously roleplaying pawing the ground, then charge and call BREAK by melee
  • Ponderous: other than when charging, max speed is a slow heavy jog, cannot turn sharply while charging


Horse/deer-like creatures. Very nervous and prone to stampedes.

  • 3 hits
  • Daggers
  • Nervous: When spooked, will scream an alarm call, and then run away from whatever spooked it.
  • Stampede: If it hears an alarm call from another Skitter, will run in the same direction that Skitter is running
  • Overrun: When stampeding, call STRIKEDOWN against anyone in your way in melee
  • shared/bestiary/siruta.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/03/25 15:25
  • by mike