
Pre Built Characters

These characters are presented as examples to either pick up and play or use as a basis for your own.

  • Background - Pirate
    • Fighting Dirty
      • Once per Encounter you may call YOU: BREAK LEG at someone suffering from STRIKEDOWN.
    • A Little Something For Me (Downtime)
      • During Downtime you are able to push for a little extra from your Mission
      • Perhaps you're able to get a little more of a reward, or perhaps you know where you might be able to sell that strange shell you picked up on the black market.
      • Discuss with the Ref if you're not sure on ideas, but you should always be able to either get a little something for yourself, or get an idea of why you're being blocked from doing so.
  • Energy Regimen - Generator
    • Generator Regimen
      • Your Energy Cap is 10.
      • You may recover Energy up to your cap by Recouping (spending 30s stationary with uninterrupted appropriate roleplaying of repairing and recharging).
  • Rank 1 Abilities
    • Sweeping Strike [2] (Melee)
      • Call STRIKEDOWN by Melee.
    • Blunt Weapon Prowess [2] (Melee)
      • Call PUSH by Melee.
    • Padded Armour [2] (Engineering)
      • Call PING to KABOOM.
  • Background - Unselected
  • Energy Regimen - Siphoner
    • Siphoner Regimen
      • Your Energy Cap is 5
      • Every 3 melee hits taken or given produces 1 Energy.
      • “Taking hits” here includes PINGing them.
  • Rank 1 Abilities
    • Bladed Weapon Prowess [2] (Melee)
      • Call PING when you block a strike with an effect call
    • Kinetic Recovery (Melee)
      • Whenever you take the effect of a call that causes you to move (PUSH or PULL), produce 1 Energy.
    • Mass Driver [2] (Melee)
      • You make an impassioned charge toward the enemy.
      • For 10s, while moving directly toward a target, you may call MISS to any “YOU: PEW” call.
      • You cannot generate energy while charging a target.
      • The effect ends early if:
        • You make a call other than PEW or a reaction
        • You stop moving directly toward the original target
        • You are subject to a multi-target “YOU LOT” or “MASS” call
        • You are subject to a “YOU: DRAIN” call
  • Background - Explorer
    • Favoured Terrain
      • Pick a favoured terrain type (e.g. Forest, Cave, Swampland).
      • When you are in your favoured terrain you gain an extra use of MISSED per cover.
    • Cartographer (Downtime)
      • During Downtime you are able to provide detailed maps of areas you have visited during the Mission that can be handed over to various factions e.g. to aid future Missions.
  • Energy Regimen - Generator
    • Generator Regimen
      • Your Energy Cap is 10.
      • You may recover Energy up to your cap by Recouping (spending 30s stationary with uninterrupted appropriate roleplaying of repairing and recharging).
  • Rank 1 Abilities
    • Iron Sights (Ranged)
      • By taking 5s to aim a shot after charging (rather than the usual 1s) you may extend your range for a ranged weapon to 20m.
    • Use the Land (Navigation)
      • You may gain an additional use of MISSED from the cover you are currently in.
    • Patch Up
      • In combat, and with 30s of uninterrupted roleplay you may call HEAL FULL on a target in reach who is incapacitated.
      • Out of combat, and with 1 minute of uninterrupted roleplay you may call HEAL FULL on a target who is not incapacitated.
  • Background - Pilot
    • I'll Drive
      • You are capable of piloting or driving a functioning transport.
      • You can use this in uptime or downtime and means you don't need to find or employ a pilot for a vehicle you may have access to.
    • Evasive Manoeuvres
      • Once per Encounter you may call MISSED to a YOU call targeting you regardless of whether you are in cover.
  • Energy Regimen - Channeller
    • With 5s of uninterrupted roleplay emphasising the connection between yourself and your Ship Heart, you produce 1 Energy.
    • You may perform this roleplay at the same time as uninterrupted roleplay for other effects.
    • Examples: chanting, dancing, silent meditation.
  • Rank 1 Abilities
    • Dual Pistols (Ranged)
      • You may charge these independently of each other.
    • Firewall [3] (Systems)
      • While you are standing still, you may call YOU: PUSH at the first 3 enemies to enter within 5m of you.
      • If you move, you lose any remaining PUSHes.
    • Scatter Shot [2] (Ranged)
      • Call YOU LOT: PEW with a charged ranged weapon.
  • Background - Mystic Acolyte
    • Intervention
      • Once per Mission you may instantly generate 5 Energy by loudly proselytising the values of your Mystic Sect or associated Ship Heart.
    • Mystic Contacts (Downtime)
      • During Downtime (or before a Mission) you may ask a question of the Mystic Sect you are connected to.
      • You will receive an answer, if they know, or a hint as to how you might go about finding out.
  • Energy Regimen - Channeller
    • With 5s of uninterrupted roleplay emphasising the connection between yourself and your Ship Heart, you produce 1 Energy.
    • You may perform this roleplay at the same time as uninterrupted roleplay for other effects.
    • Examples: chanting, dancing, silent meditation.
  • Rank 1 Abilities
    • Firewall [3] (Systems)
      • Mark the ground.
      • While you are standing still, you may call YOU: PUSH at the first 3 enemies to enter within 5m of you.
      • If you move, you lose any remaining PUSHes.
    • Power Shot [2] (Ranged)
      • Call YOU: STRIKEDOWN with a charged ranged weapon at a target in range.
    • Space Within Space [2] (Navigation)
      • Call VWORP.
      • You may not move, but remain hidden until you choose to reappear or are subject to a YOU LOT or MASS call.
  • Background - Stowaway
    • Make Do And Mend
      • Once per Mission you can immediately fix a piece of equipment within melee reach that has suffered from BREAK.
    • Vent Crawler (Downtime)
      • You may choose to eavesdrop in on the Downtime briefing or question of another character who hasn't taken sufficient precautions against someone listening in.
      • They will not know you have done so.
  • Energy Regimen - Detonator
    • Detonator Regimen
      • You cannot store Energy.
      • When you use an Ability that costs Energy, you may use it immediately for free but cannot use another Ability for 10 seconds per Energy afterwards.
      • e.g. Spend 3 Energy to call STRIKEDOWN, cannot use another Ability for 30s.
      • If a call would cause you to gain Energy then your current cooldown is reduced by 10s per Energy you would have gained.
  • Rank 1 Abilities
    • Battlefield Repairs [2] (Engineering)
      • You may instantly repair an item damaged by BREAK.
    • Fixation [2] (Medical)
      • Call HEAL <X> for a limb X an ally is suffering a BREAK on.
    • Distribute [X] (Systems)
      • Spend X Energy to call GAIN X ENERGY to a target within reach.
  • pre-built_characters.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/08 15:55
  • (external edit)