
Navigation Abilities

  • You have an innate sense of direction.
  • You will usually find a landmark or destination you have had described to you.
  • You may always find your way to locations you are familiar with.
  • Call VA-WORP.
  • You may not move, but remain hidden until you choose to reappear or are subject to a YOU LOT or MASS call.
  • You may gain an additional use of MISSED from the cover you are currently in.

  • You may choose to start an encounter that you saw coming (i.e. was not a surprise or an ambush) from a different position without alerting the enemy.
  • Travel to this location with two fingers in the air as if you are subject to VA-WORP.
  • You did not teleport here in character, but found your way sneakily to a new vantage point.

Your energy generation method is improved by being missed by shots:

  • Siphoner - once per cover pool you may generate energy when you call MISSED as if you had been hit.
  • Channeller - you gain an additional energy if you call MISSED while chanting. You may only gain one additional energy per chant in this way.
  • Generator - you may call MISSED once for free while recouping regardless of being in cover.
  • Accumulator - when you run out of energy you have a pool of 3 MISSED per encounter regardless of being in cover.
  • Detonator - calling MISSED subtracts 5s off of your current cooldown.
  • Assimilator - you may ASSIMILATE cover you have not used yet (i.e. haven't called MISSED at) to produce 2 Energy but use up the pool of MISSED.
  • You may call PING against a call an ally makes against you.
  • You must make that call immediately as a YOU call against another target.
  • Call VA-WORP.
  • You may relocate but must reappear in 10s.
  • You are aware of what happens while you are vanished.

  • Once per encounter, if you are out of sight of all enemies you may call VA-WORP and exit the encounter.
  • You may then choose to exit the Mission or return after the Encounter has finished.
  • If you are broken out of VA-WORP involuntarily, you may call YOU: DRAIN in response.
  • When you incapacitate a target you may call VA-WORP to vanish as if you had spent Energy on Space Within Space immediately.

  • You always gain an additional call of MISSED in your pool from being in cover.
  • This stacks with other increases to the MISSED pool.
  • Call PING to a YOU call.
  • Immediately make that YOU call against someone else.
  • You must make the call, you cannot absorb it.
  • Suffer a Severe Injury.
  • For the rest of the encounter, you may call YOU: GAIN VA-WORP 10s once every 15s.
  • navigation.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/08 15:55
  • (external edit)