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Commandos are elite fighters most comfortable on the front line - or pointing something big and powerful at it. While most have military backgrounds, Commandos are also found as guerilla fighters or natural talent from fighting. Enforcers specialise in brute force and footwork, bringing the fight up close and personal. Gunslingers prefer to keep their distance, some specialising in pistols while others prefer to shroud themselves and snipe from afar. Guardians put consideration into their armour and shields to keep themselves and their allies safe and on their feet.

Rank 1: Tactical Recovery

  • Commandos keep themselves in the fight by maintaining rechargeable energy sources which allow them to unleash powerful abilities, then make a tactical withdrawal to resupply and recover their resources before charging back into the fight.
  • Commandos have a base 14 hits.
  • Commandos can spend hits to power their abilities.
  • With 30s of uninterrupted roleplay, Commandos may recover all of their hits.

Rank 1: Determination

  • Twice per Mission, through sheer force of will, a Commando may immediately HEAL FULL themselves.
  • If they choose, they can do this in response to being reduced to 0 hits.

Rank 3: Combat Mastery

  • At Rank 3, Commandos become even more hardened.
  • Commando base hits at Rank 3 are increased by 4.

Rank 5: Die Hard

  • At Rank 5, Commandos are capable of pushing their bodies past the breaking point to keep fighting.
  • When you are reduced to 0 HP you may continue to fight for 10s, ignoring any damage you take during this time.
  • You may choose to take a Severe Injury to continue to fight beyond this for up to a minute.


  • You may wield a full length one-handed melee weapon in either hand.
  • You may still only strike once per second (not once per second per weapon).

Fancy Footwork

  • Cost: 2 Hits
  • Call PARRY.

Melee Weapon Prowess

  • Select a Weapon Type, you may use its ability for 2 Hits when using that weapon
    • Bladed Weapon - call PING when you block a strike with an effect call
    • Blunt Weapon - gain 1 use of STRIKEDOWN by melee
    • Daggers and Claws - gain 1 use of BREAK by melee
    • Two Handed Weapons - gain 1 use of PUSH by melee
  • You may pick this Ability multiple times for different weapon types.
  • Calls gained from using this Ability may not be stacked.

Mass Driver

  • Cost: 2 Hits
  • You make an impassioned charge toward the enemy.
  • For 10s, while moving directly toward the target, you may call MISS to any “YOU: PEW” call.
  • You cannot use other abilities while charging.
  • The effect ends early if:
    • You make a call other than MISS or PING
    • You stop moving directly toward the original target
    • You are subject to a multi-target call such as YOU LOT or MASS.
    • You are subject to DRAIN.

Sweeping Strike

  • Cost: 3 Hits
  • Call YOU LOT: STRIKEDOWN with a melee blow.

Ambidextrous Finesse

  • Requires: Ambidextrous
  • When you are dual-wielding, if you fix a weapon that has suffered BREAK you fix both weapons at once.

Combat Roll

  • Cost: 2 Hits
  • Take a STRIKEDOWN in order to call PING to a single target effect call.
  • You cannot do this if you are already under the effect of STRIKEDOWN.

Hold the Line

  • Cost: 2 Hits
  • Call PING to PUSH or PULL.

Mass Effect

  • Cost: 2 Hits
  • Requires: Mass Driver
  • Call YOU: PULL before charging as per Mass Driver.

Melee Finesse

  • Requires: Melee Weapon Prowess
  • Select a Weapon Type, you may use its ability for 2 Hits when using that weapon
    • Bladed Weapon - gain 1 use of STRIKEDOWN by melee.
    • Blunt Weapon - gain 1 uses of BREAK by melee.
    • Daggers and Claws - gain 1 use of SLOW by melee provided you strike the target's legs.
    • Two Handed Weapons - gain 1 use of STRIKEDOWN by melee.
  • You may pick this Ability multiple times for different weapon types.
  • Calls gained from using this Ability may not be stacked.

Combat Tactician

  • Requires: Melee Finesse
  • Whenever you are flanking an enemy you gain one free use of an ability call that could granted to you by Melee Weapon Finesse or Melee Weapon Prowess.
  • Flanking an enemy means attacking them while they are also engaged with at least one of your allies.
  • E.g. If you have Blunt Weapon Prowess and Blunt Weapon Finesse and flank an enemy you gain a free use of STRIKEDOWN or BREAK.

Iron Will

  • You may call PING against EFFECT: X calls that would affect your morale.


  • Requires: Mass Driver
  • Whenever you take a PUSH or a PULL you may trigger the effect of Mass Driver for free.


  • Utility Ability
  • When you are not in combat, you may apply your combat expertise to strategic problems.
  • Talk to the GM about how you would like to apply your skill - perhaps to come up with a solution your character could work out, or perhaps to pull rank on those less experienced.


  • Every 3 strikes you block with your weapon you gain a free use of PARRY.
  • You may only have one PARRY stored using this Ability at a time.

Incredibly Hardened

  • Your base hit points are increased by a further 4.

Hit and Run

  • Requires: Mass Driver
  • When you complete a charge as per Mass Driver you may immediately commence another Charge for free.
  • You may only chain one such free Charge using this Ability.

Signature Move

  • Pick an Ability Call from the following list. You may make it for free after you call PARRY.
  • Options:
    • BURN
    • PUSH
    • PULL
    • SLOW
    • ZAP
    • HEAL


  • Cost: 2 Hits
  • Requires: Melee Weapon Prowess / Finesse or Ranged Weapon Prowess / Finesse
  • Call YOU: GAIN X where X is a call you can make from Melee / Ranged Weapon Prowess or Melee / Ranged Weapon Finesse.

Bullet Time

  • Cost: 10 Hits
  • You do not take this effect.

Melee Weapon Domination

  • Requires: Melee Weapon Finesse
  • Select a Weapon Type and gain its Ability when using that weapon:
    • Bladed Weapon - gain a free use of PARRY when you call PING.
    • Blunt Weapon - gain a free use of BREAK when a character does not resist a STRIKEDOWN from you.
    • Daggers and Claws - double the calls you gain from the appropriate Melee Weapon Prowess / Finesse for your loadout.
    • Two Handed Weapons - all of your PUSH calls become YOU LOT: PUSH.
  • You may pick this Ability multiple times for different weapon types.
  • Calls gained from using this Ability may not be stacked.

Outnumbered but Never Outplanned

  • Gain 1 use of PING anything per opponent. So if facing a total of 7 monsters, gain 7 PING anything. If there are waves of monsters, gain an extra PING each time a new opponent appears.


  • Requires: Mass Effect
  • You may call MASS PULL or MASS PUSH at the end of a completed charge as per Mass Driver.
  • You may proceed to chain a free charge using Hit & Run if you have that Ability.


  • Gain a single Grenade per encounter.

Power Shot

  • Cost: 2 Hits
  • Call YOU: STRIKEDOWN at range.

Ranged Weapon Prowess

  • Cost: 2 Hits
  • Select a Weapon Type, you may use its ability when using that weapon
    • Single Pistol - call PING when you block a strike with a melee weapon in your offhand.
    • Dual Pistols - instantly charge your second pistol if the first is charged.
    • Two Handed - when you next successfully charge your weapon charge it for 3 shots instead of 1.
  • You may pick this Ability multiple times for different weapon types.

Scatter Shot

  • Cost: 2 Hits
  • Call YOU LOT: PEW.


  • Requires: Grenadier
  • Gain 2 more Grenades per Encounter.

Elemental Ammunition

  • Cost: 2 Hits
  • Pick one of the following calls. You may use this Ability to make that call instead of YOU: PEW with a charged weapon.
  • Options:
    • YOU: BURN
    • YOU: SLOW
    • YOU: ZAP
  • You may pick this Ability multiple times to gain access to multiple effect calls you can choose to use.

Iron Sights

  • Cost: 2 Hits
  • Spend 3s aiming (instead of 1s) to increase your range to the entire Encounter space (provided you have line of sight).

Ranged Weapon Finesse

  • Requires: Ranged Weapon Prowess
  • Cost: 2 Hits
  • Select a Weapon Type, you may use its ability when using that weapon.
    • Single Pistol - gain 1 use of BREAK by melee with a melee weapon in your offhand.
    • Dual Pistols - whenever you fix a BREAK on one of your pistols you may also immediately fix the other.
    • Two Handed - gain 1 use of YOU: PUSH against a target within 5m.
  • You may pick this Ability multiple times for different weapon types.

Demolition Expert

  • Requires: Bombardier
  • Gain another 2 grenades per encounter.
  • Utility Ability
  • Once per mission, when out of combat, you may use your demolition expertise to destroy something you have access to - or otherwise apply your nous. Discuss what you would like to do with the GM and they will determine the outcome.

Recon Sniper

  • Utility Ability
  • Once per encounter, provided you are not in combat, you may spy on targets that are within your vision. Ask the GM what they're saying.
  • Once per mission you can make use of your position and range in order to fire a devastating sniper shot. Discuss with the GM what you would like to hit and they will determine the effects.
  • E.g. blowing up a fuel canister to injure a bunch of enemies, taking out a commander from a distance.

Spray and Pray

  • Cost: 2 Hits
  • Instantly charge your ranged weapon.
  • You must still spend the 1s aiming to fire it.

Tactical Cover

  • When you are in cover with an ally within 1m also in cover you may charge your weapon twice as fast.

Death from Afar

  • You may call YOU: EXECUTE on an unconscious target with a charged weapon.

Flamethrower Attachment

  • Cost: 3 Hits
  • Call YOU LOT: BURN.


  • Cost: 3 Hits
  • Call YOU: BLAST.

Tesla Coil

  • Cost: 3 Hits
  • Call YOU LOT: ZAP.

Orbital Bombardment

  • Cost: 10 Hits
  • You may only call this once per encounter, or may call it a second time if you take a Severe Injury to do so.


  • Cost: 5 Hits
  • Call YOU: PEW in succession on each visible enemy.

Rocket Pod

  • Cost: 8 hits
  • Call YOU: BLAST 3 times in quick succession.

Tactical Reload

  • When you charge a shot, you may charge 2 shots instead of 1. You must still spend 1 second aiming each shot.

Covering Fire

  • Cost: 2 Hit
  • Call YOU: PEW immediately against someone attempting to attack an ally.

Give Them Some Room

  • Cost: 2 Hit
  • Call PUSH reactively against someone who strikes you or your weapon / shield while protecting someone performing medical roleplay.

Field Medic

  • Cost: 3 Hits
  • Call HEAL immediately on an unconscious character within reach.

Kinetic Recovery

  • For every 3 hits you block with your shield, gain a use of PARRY.
  • You may only store one use of PARRY in this way.

Get Behind Me

  • Cost: 2 Hits
  • Call GAIN PING PEW to an ally behind you.

Portable Cover

  • Cost: 2 Hits
  • You gain one use of your shield as portable cover for yourself, provided you are stationary for 3s first.
  • Gain 3 uses of MISS before you must move again.


  • Cost: 2X Hits
  • Call HEAL: X to a target within reach.

Shield Prowess

  • You may call PING against effect calls that strike your shield, except for BREAK.

Hazard Suit

  • You always take BURN, SLOW, and ZAP at a maximum of 5s.

Shield Spikes

  • Cost: 2 Hits
  • When someone strikes your shield, you may make one of the following calls back at them:
    • BURN
    • SLOW
    • ZAP

Shield Finesse

  • Requires: Portable Cover
  • You may call PING to PEW provided it originated from the direction you are facing.
  • You must stop moving in order to do this.


  • While you are fighting to protect an ally, you gain 3 uses of PING anything.
  • Utility Ability
  • When not in combat, you may apply your knowledge of defensive fighting to a situation. Discuss with the GM what you wish to accomplish.

Energy Recovery

  • Requires: Hazard Suit
  • When you are subject to BURN, SLOW, or ZAP, you gain a use of that call.
  • You may only have one call stored using this Ability at a time.

Tactical Retreat

  • Cost: 3 Hits
  • You may call YOU LOT: PUSH.
  • You must then move in the opposite direction for at least 5s.

Intention Shield

  • You may take any call as a STRIKEDOWN provided you were facing the direction it came from.

Tactical Insertion

  • Cost: 3 Hits
  • You may call WARP and then move for up to 10s before calling WARP again to interpose yourself between an enemy and an ally.
  • You are aware of what happens while you are disappeared.

Aura of Protection

  • Your allies have 3 additional maximum hits when they are within 5m of you.
  • Explain this to them outside of combat.

Aura of Regeneration

  • Cost: 4 Hits
  • Call MASS HEAL.

Aura of Resuscitation

  • You may freely call HEAL on any unconscious character within reach.

Unstoppable Force

  • While advancing on your enemies, you gain PING once per 5s (but this does not stack if not used).
  • commando.1641758362.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/01/09 19:59
  • by katie