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While most have military backgrounds, Commandos are also found as guerilla fighters or natural talent from fighting. **Enforcers** specialise in brute force and footwork, bringing the fight up close and personal. **Gunslingers** prefer to keep their distance, some specialising in pistols while others prefer to shroud themselves and snipe from afar. **Guardians** put consideration into their armour and shields to keep themselves and their allies safe and on their feet. ===== Class Features ===== === Rank 1: Tactical Recovery === * Commandos keep themselves in the fight by maintaining rechargeable energy sources which allow them to unleash powerful abilities, then make a tactical withdrawal to resupply and recover their resources before charging back into the fight. * Commandos have a base 14 hits. * Commandos can spend hits to power their abilities. * With 30s of uninterrupted roleplay, Commandos may recover all of their hits. === Rank 1: Determination === * Twice per Mission, through sheer force of will, a Commando may immediately HEAL FULL themselves. * If they choose, they can do this in response to being reduced to 0 hits. === Rank 3: Combat Mastery === * At Rank 3, Commandos become even more hardened. * Commando base hits at Rank 3 are increased by 4. === Rank 5: Die Hard === * At Rank 5, Commandos are capable of pushing their bodies past the breaking point to keep fighting. * When you are reduced to 0 HP you may continue to fight for 10s, ignoring any damage you take during this time. * You may choose to take a **Severe Injury** to continue to fight beyond this for up to a minute. ---- ===== Enforcer ===== {{ :lucas-pandolfelli-robot06-v2.jpg?300|}} ==== Rank 1 Enforcer Abilities ==== === Ambidextrous === * You may wield a full length one-handed melee weapon in either hand. * You may still only strike once per second (not once per second per weapon). === Fancy Footwork === * //Cost: 2 Hits// * Call PARRY. === Melee Weapon Prowess === * Select a Weapon Type, you may use its ability for 2 Hits when using that weapon * **Bladed Weapon** - call PING when you block a strike with an effect call * **Blunt Weapon** - gain 1 use of STRIKEDOWN by melee * **Daggers and Claws** - gain 1 use of BREAK by melee * **Two Handed Weapons** - gain 1 use of PUSH by melee * You may pick this Ability multiple times for different weapon types. * Calls gained from using this Ability may not be stacked. === Mass Driver === * //Cost: 2 Hits// * You make an impassioned charge toward the enemy. * For 10s, while moving directly toward the target, you may call MISS to any "YOU: PEW" call. * You cannot use other abilities while charging. * The effect ends early if: * You make a call other than MISS or PING * You stop moving directly toward the original target * You are subject to a multi-target call such as YOU LOT or MASS. * You are subject to DRAIN. === Sweeping Strike === * //Cost: 3 Hits// * Call YOU LOT: STRIKEDOWN with a melee blow. ==== Rank 2 Enforcer Abilities ==== === Ambidextrous Finesse === * //Requires: Ambidextrous// * When you are dual-wielding, if you fix a weapon that has suffered BREAK you fix both weapons at once. === Combat Roll === * //Cost: 2 Hits// * Take a STRIKEDOWN in order to call PING to a single target effect call. * You cannot do this if you are already under the effect of STRIKEDOWN. === Hold the Line === * //Cost: 2 Hits// * Call PING to PUSH or PULL. === Mass Effect === * //Cost: 2 Hits// * //Requires: Mass Driver// * Call YOU: PULL before charging as per Mass Driver. === Melee Finesse === * //Requires: Melee Weapon Prowess// * Select a Weapon Type, you may use its ability for 2 Hits when using that weapon * **Bladed Weapon** - gain 1 use of STRIKEDOWN by melee. * **Blunt Weapon** - gain 1 uses of BREAK by melee. * **Daggers and Claws** - gain 1 use of SLOW by melee provided you strike the target's legs. * **Two Handed Weapons** - gain 1 use of STRIKEDOWN by melee. * You may pick this Ability multiple times for different weapon types. * Calls gained from using this Ability may not be stacked. ==== Rank 3 Enforcer Abilities ==== === Combat Tactician === * //Requires: Melee Finesse// * Whenever you are flanking an enemy you gain one free use of an ability call that could granted to you by Melee Weapon Finesse or Melee Weapon Prowess. * Flanking an enemy means attacking them while they are also engaged with at least one of your allies. * E.g. If you have Blunt Weapon Prowess and Blunt Weapon Finesse and flank an enemy you gain a free use of STRIKEDOWN or BREAK. === Iron Will === * You may call PING against EFFECT: X calls that would affect your morale. * For example, EFFECT: FRIGHTENED or EFFECT: WEARY. === Momentum === * //Requires: Mass Driver// * Whenever you take a PUSH or a PULL you may trigger the effect of Mass Driver for free. === Strategist === * //Utility Ability// * When you are not in combat, you may apply your combat expertise to strategic problems. * Talk to the GM about how you would like to apply your skill - perhaps to come up with a solution your character could work out, or perhaps to pull rank on those less experienced. === Swashbuckler === * Every 3 strikes you block with your weapon you gain a free use of PARRY. * You may only have one PARRY stored using this Ability at a time. ==== Rank 4 Enforcer Abilities ==== === Incredibly Hardened === * Your base hit points are increased by a further 4. === Hit and Run === * //Requires: Mass Driver// * When you complete a charge as per Mass Driver you may immediately commence another Charge for free. * You may only chain one such free Charge using this Ability. === Signature Move === * Pick an Ability Call from the following list. You may make it for free after you call PARRY. * Options: * BURN * PUSH * PULL * SLOW * STRIKEDOWN * ZAP * HEAL === Teacher === * //Cost: 2 Hits// * //Requires: Melee Weapon Prowess / Finesse or Ranged Weapon Prowess / Finesse// * Call YOU: GAIN X where X is a call you can make from Melee / Ranged Weapon Prowess or Melee / Ranged Weapon Finesse. ==== Rank 5 Enforcer Abilities ==== === Bullet Time === * //Cost: 10 Hits// * Call EVERYONE: SLOW. * You do not take this effect. === Melee Weapon Domination === * //Requires: Melee Weapon Finesse// * Select a Weapon Type and gain its Ability when using that weapon: * **Bladed Weapon** - gain a free use of PARRY when you call PING. * **Blunt Weapon** - gain a free use of BREAK when a character does not resist a STRIKEDOWN from you. * **Daggers and Claws** - double the calls you gain from the appropriate Melee Weapon Prowess / Finesse for your loadout. * **Two Handed Weapons** - all of your PUSH calls become YOU LOT: PUSH. * You may pick this Ability multiple times for different weapon types. * Calls gained from using this Ability may not be stacked. === Outnumbered but Never Outplanned === * Gain 1 use of PING anything per opponent. So if facing a total of 7 monsters, gain 7 PING anything. If there are waves of monsters, gain an extra PING each time a new opponent appears. === Singularity === * //Requires: Mass Effect// * You may call MASS PULL or MASS PUSH at the end of a completed charge as per Mass Driver. * You may proceed to chain a free charge using Hit & Run if you have that Ability. ---- ===== Gunslinger ===== {{ :gunslinger.jpg?300|}} ==== Rank 1 Gunslinger Abilities ==== === Grenadier === * Gain a single [[Combat Rules#Grenades|Grenade]] per encounter. === Power Shot === * //Cost: 2 Hits// * Call YOU: STRIKEDOWN at range. === Ranged Weapon Prowess === * //Cost: 2 Hits// * Select a Weapon Type, you may use its ability when using that weapon * **Single Pistol** - call PING when you block a strike with a melee weapon in your offhand. * **Dual Pistols** - instantly charge your second pistol if the first is charged. * **Two Handed** - when you next successfully charge your weapon charge it for 3 shots instead of 1. * You may pick this Ability multiple times for different weapon types. === Scatter Shot === * //Cost: 2 Hits// * Call YOU LOT: PEW. ==== Rank 2 Gunslinger Abilities ==== === Bombardier === * //Requires: Grenadier// * Gain 2 more Grenades per Encounter. === Elemental Ammunition === * //Cost: 2 Hits// * Pick one of the following calls. You may use this Ability to make that call instead of YOU: PEW with a charged weapon. * Options: * YOU: BURN * YOU: SLOW * YOU: ZAP * You may pick this Ability multiple times to gain access to multiple effect calls you can choose to use. === Iron Sights === * //Cost: 2 Hits// * Spend 3s aiming (instead of 1s) to increase your range to the entire Encounter space (provided you have line of sight). === Ranged Weapon Finesse === * //Requires: Ranged Weapon Prowess// * //Cost: 2 Hits// * Select a Weapon Type, you may use its ability when using that weapon. * **Single Pistol** - gain 1 use of BREAK by melee with a melee weapon in your offhand. * **Dual Pistols** - whenever you fix a BREAK on one of your pistols you may also immediately fix the other. * **Two Handed** - gain 1 use of YOU: PUSH against a target within 5m. * You may pick this Ability multiple times for different weapon types. ==== Rank 3 Gunslinger Abilities ==== === Demolition Expert === * //Requires: Bombardier// * Gain **another** 2 grenades per encounter. * //Utility Ability// * Once per mission, when out of combat, you may use your demolition expertise to destroy something you have access to - or otherwise apply your nous. Discuss what you would like to do with the GM and they will determine the outcome. === Recon Sniper === * //Utility Ability// * Once per encounter, provided you are not in combat, you may spy on targets that are within your vision. Ask the GM what they're saying. * Once per mission you can make use of your position and range in order to fire a devastating sniper shot. Discuss with the GM what you would like to hit and they will determine the effects. * E.g. blowing up a fuel canister to injure a bunch of enemies, taking out a commander from a distance. === Spray and Pray === * //Cost: 2 Hits// * Instantly charge your ranged weapon. * You must still spend the 1s aiming to fire it. === Tactical Cover === * When you are in cover with an ally within 1m also in cover you may charge your weapon twice as fast. ==== Rank 4 Gunslinger Abilities ==== === Death from Afar === * You may call YOU: EXECUTE on an unconscious target with a charged weapon. === Flamethrower Attachment === * //Cost: 3 Hits// * Call YOU LOT: BURN. === Rocketeer === * //Cost: 3 Hits// * Call YOU: BLAST. === Tesla Coil === * //Cost: 3 Hits// * Call YOU LOT: ZAP. ==== Rank 5 Gunslinger Abilities ==== === Orbital Bombardment === * //Cost: 10 Hits// * Call MONSTERS: STRIKEDOWN, then MONSTERS: BREAK LEG, then MONSTERS: BURN. * You may only call this once per encounter, or may call it a second time if you take a Severe Injury to do so. === Ricochet === * //Cost: 5 Hits// * Call YOU: PEW in succession on each visible enemy. === Rocket Pod === * //Cost: 8 hits// * Call YOU: BLAST 3 times in quick succession. === Tactical Reload === * When you charge a shot, you may charge 2 shots instead of 1. You must still spend 1 second aiming each shot. ---- ===== Guardian ===== {{ :788-large.jpg?300|}} ==== Rank 1 Guardian Abilities ==== === Covering Fire === * //Cost: 2 Hits// * Call YOU: PEW immediately against someone attempting to attack an ally. === Give Them Some Room === * //Cost: 2 Hits// * Call PUSH reactively against someone who strikes you or your weapon / shield while protecting someone performing medical roleplay. === Field Medic === * //Cost: 3 Hits// * Call HEAL immediately on an unconscious character within reach. === Kinetic Recovery === * For every 3 hits you block with your shield, gain a use of PARRY. * You may only store one use of PARRY in this way. ==== Rank 2 Guardian Abilities ==== === Get Behind Me === * //Cost: 2 Hits// * Call GAIN PING PEW to an ally behind you. === Portable Cover === * //Cost: 2 Hits// * You gain one use of your shield as portable cover for yourself, provided you are stationary for 3s first. * Gain 3 uses of MISS before you must move again. === Triage === * //Cost: 2X Hits// * Call HEAL: X to a target within reach. === Shield Prowess === * You may call PING against effect calls that strike your shield, **except** for BREAK. ==== Rank 3 Guardian Abilities ==== === Hazard Suit === * You always take BURN, SLOW, and ZAP at a maximum of 5s. === Shield Spikes === * //Cost: 2 Hits// * When someone strikes your shield, you may make one of the following calls back at them: * BURN * SLOW * STRIKEDOWN * ZAP === Shield Finesse === * //Requires: Portable Cover// * You may call PING to PEW provided it originated from the direction you are facing. * You must stop moving in order to do this. === Defender === * While you are fighting to protect an ally, you gain 3 uses of PING anything. * //Utility Ability// * When not in combat, you may apply your knowledge of defensive fighting to a situation. Discuss with the GM what you wish to accomplish. ==== Rank 4 Guardian Abilities ==== === Energy Recovery === * //Requires: Hazard Suit// * When you are subject to BURN, SLOW, or ZAP, you gain a use of that call. * You may only have one call stored using this Ability at a time. === Tactical Retreat === * //Cost: 3 Hits// * You may call YOU LOT: PUSH. * You must then move in the opposite direction for at least 5s. === Intention Shield === * You may take any call as a STRIKEDOWN provided you were facing the direction it came from. === Tactical Insertion === * //Cost: 3 Hits// * You may call WARP and then move for up to 10s before calling WARP again to interpose yourself between an enemy and an ally. * You are aware of what happens while you are disappeared. ==== Rank 5 Guardian Abilities ==== === Aura of Protection === * Your allies have 3 additional maximum hits when they are within 5m of you. * Explain this to them outside of combat. === Aura of Regeneration === * //Cost: 4 Hits// * Call MASS HEAL. === Aura of Resuscitation === * You may freely call HEAL on any unconscious character within reach. === Unstoppable Force === * While advancing on your enemies, you gain PING once per 5s (but this does not stack if not used). commando.txt Last modified: 2022/02/13 16:11by katie