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Commandos are elite fighters most comfortable on the front line - or pointing something big and powerful at it. While most have military backgrounds, Commandos are also found as guerilla fighters or natural talent from fighting. Enforcers specialise in brute force and footwork, bringing the fight up close and personal. Gunslingers prefer to keep their distance, some specialising in pistols while others prefer to shroud themselves and snipe from afar. Guardians put consideration into their armour and shields to keep themselves and their allies safe and on their feet.

Commandos keep themselves in the fight by maintaining rechargeable energy sources which allow them to unleash powerful abilities, then make a tactical withdrawal to resupply and recover their resources before charging back into the fight.

  • Commandos have a base 10 hits.
  • Commandos can spend hits to power their abilities.
  • With 30s of uninterrupted roleplay, Commandos may recover all of their hits.


  • Twice per Mission, through sheer force of will, a Commando may immediately HEAL FULL themselves.
  • If they choose, they can do this in response to being reduced to 0 hits.

Fancy Footwork

  • Cost: 1 Hit
  • Call PARRY.

Mass Driver

  • Cost: 2 Hits
  • You make an impassioned charge toward the enemy.
  • For 10s, while moving directly toward the target, you may call MISS to any “YOU: PEW” call.
  • You cannot use other abilities while charging.
  • The effect ends early if:
    • You make a call other than MISS or PING
    • You stop moving directly toward the original target
    • You are subject to a multi-target call such as YOU LOT or MASS.
    • You are subject to DRAIN.

Sweeping Strike

  • Cost: 1 Hit
  • Call STRIKEDOWN by melee.

Melee Weapon Prowess

  • Select a Weapon Type, you may use its ability for 1 Hit
    • Bladed Weapon - call PING when you block a strike with an effect call
    • Blunt Weapon - call STRIKEDOWN by melee
    • Daggers and Claws - call BREAK by melee
    • Two Handed Weapons - call PUSH by melee
  • You may pick this Ability multiple times for different weapon types.

Power Shot

  • Cost: 1 Hit
  • Call YOU: STRIKEDOWN at range.

Scatter Shot

  • Cost: 1 Hit
  • Call YOU LOT: PEW.


  • Gain a single Grenade per encounter.

Ranged Weapon Prowess

  • Select a Weapon Type, you may use its ability for 1 Hit.
    • Single Pistol - call PARRY with a melee weapon in your offhand.
    • Dual Pistols - instantly charge your second pistol if the first is charged.
    • Two Handed - when you next charge your weapon charge it for 3 shots instead of 1.
  • You may pick this Ability multiple times for different weapon types.

Covering Fire

  • Cost: 1 Hit
  • Call YOU: PEW immediately against someone attempting to attack an ally.

Give Them Some Room

  • Cost: 1 Hit
  • Call PUSH reactively against someone who strikes you or your weapon / shield while protecting someone performing medical roleplay.

Field Medic

  • Cost: 2 Hits
  • Call HEAL immediately on an unconscious character.

Kinetic Recovery

  • For every 3 hits you block with your shield or weapon, gain a use of PARRY.
  • You may only store one use of PARRY in this way.
  • commando.1637361985.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/01/08 15:51
  • (external edit)