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Delicate Harmony


Add a description of your character and their backstory here

  • Species: Human
  • Class: Various
  • XP: 16
  • Rank: 4
  • Background: Explorer (Forest)
  • Experimental Trees: Gatekeeper, Ouroboros

Transcendant: 4

  • Tr1: Hulking Form
  • Tr2: Raw Power
  • Tr2: Untraceable
  • Tr3: Apex Predator
  • Tr4: Moving Mountain

Technomancer: 4

  • Te1: Repurposed Munitions
  • Te2: Targeting Array
  • Te3: System Assimilation
  • Te4: Enter the Matrix

Scavenger/Other: 7

  • Sc1: Hardpoints Mean Prizes
  • Sc1: Weapon Preigniter
  • Sc2: Jury Rig
  • Sc3: Cyborg Specialist: Mark 2
  • Sc4: Perfectly Balanced
  • Sc4: Thingamajig
  • GTK: Reality Skip
  • Gen: Smart: Knowlegeable: Gatekeeper civilisation/pentapods


  • Synthesis
  • Polymorphic Assumption


  • GTK: Initialise gateway
  • GTK: Direct Crypt Guardians
  • Base hits: 18
  • Harvest Triggers
    • Any: 1x PING and reflect call
    • Any: 3xPEW
    • Target w/ weapon: Gain 3 ZAP
    • Any: gain one use of 10 PING to all but push/pull
  • 5 Seconds: BREAK on body, SLOW, EFFECT
  • 1/enc, 10s WARP and reposition, WARP on return
  • Regain PEW if MISSED, 1/cover/enemy
  • +1 MISS in cover if in Forest
  • 1 use Tinkering
  • Knowledgeable: gatekeeper/pentapod civilisation (to the extent discovered)
  • Out of combat, you may meld your mind with an active or inactive mechanical or computer system in order to discover its secrets.
    • You must ask three “yes or no” questions of the system, which will be answered by the GM.
  • Out of combat, In or out of combat, you may meld your mind completely with an active or dormant mechanical or software system in order to communicate with it.
    • Lasts 60s, +60s if you take a severe injury, you are unconscious for the duration.
    • Call TIME FREEZE if done in combat
  • With 10s of roleplay, can activate a dormant Gateway, to either:
    • Synchronise - the Gateway becomes aware of and connected to any Gateway that you are aware of and it is not. You become aware of the location of any connected Gateway that this Gateway knows of that you do not.
    • Delete - you may remove the knowledge of one Gateway from this Gateway. It is no longer connected to it.
    • Initialise - a dormant Gateway becomes active and reconnects to any Gateway it is aware of.
  • with 10s uninterrupted roleplay, YOU: PUSH or YOU: PULL on crypt guardians
  • 1/mission, polymorph into a creature you just harvested, until you lose all the hits it would have.


  • Synthesis - Pick an entity you have HARVESTed from during the mission. You gain a permanent ability that that entity displayed at the cost of 1XP. You cannot gain the ability to call FATAL using this. Attempting to synthesise with powerful entities such as powerful Startouched or Ship Hearts may carry additional consequences - discuss these with the GM.
  • MK2


  • Flamethrower: can charge weapon for BURN, but call MASS BURN if hit while charging.
    • Can use Weapon Preigniter for one use of this, 1/enc free, second use inflicts burn
  • Crystalline Carapace: HARVEST for one use of PING and then reflect the call
  • Thingamajig
    • Carapace armour that forces Harmony's body into a ball shape to roll around - “Call HARVEST to charge this. You may spend the charge to activate this: for 10s, you can call PING to all calls except for PUSH and PULL during this time. ”

Level 5

  • Synthesis
    • Downtime Ability
    • Pick an entity you have HARVESTed from during the mission. You gain a permanent ability that that entity displayed at the cost of 1XP.
    • You cannot gain the ability to call FATAL using this.
    • Attempting to synthesise with powerful entities such as powerful Startouched or Ship Hearts may carry additional consequences - discuss these with the GM.
  • Polymorphic Assumption
    • Once per Mission Ability
    • Call HARVEST on any valid target
    • You assume the form of the creature you have targeted. You gain its shape and abilities it would have had at the start of the Encounter until such time as you lose all the hits that this entity would have, at which point you revert to your previous form.
    • You do not gain the knowledge or memories of the target.
    • You may choose to drop the form at any time.
    • Call TIME FREEZE when you assume the form in order to be given the stats of the entity.
    • Call TIME FREEZE again when you lose the form.
  • Integration
    • Utility Ability
    • You may swap out components of a biological or mechanical system with the opposite type of component from yourself (for example, swapping a security camera with your eyeball, or a creature's veins with your wiring).
    • This may be used for repair or medical purposes in order to circumvent a related CURSE.
    • Out of combat, you may attempt to focus and receive sensation from any of your replaced components out in the world.
    • You may not re-replace components of yourself that have already been swapped out (you only have two eyes, etc.)
  • Morbid Panoply
    • You may carry around a dead body in a specially designed pack on your back, in order to HARVEST it later as if you had killed it in the same Encounter.
    • You may only store one such body at a time.
  • shared/player_character/delicate_harmony.1685788302.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2023/06/03 10:31
  • by mike