This is an old revision of the document!
One Of Our Mechs Is Missing
Initial Brief
Incoming Transmission
Source Identifier: Farthest Reach, Craruan Defence Force
Destination Identifier: TE3-Firebrand#Her Glorious Command#Starlight Ebbing#Muse IX#Endeavour#Unquiet Journey#*
Subject: Tracking/salvage operation requires explorers, engineers, or similar
Message Begins
For the attention of all able mercenaries, explorers, experienced individuals capable of wilderness survival and salvage:
The Craruan Defence Force requires the assistance of the fleet in locating a missing mech, which went off course whilst on patrol in the Craruan tidelands some days ago.
Due to the potential hazards of the area, sending further mechs, air, or spacecraft is ill-advised. The CDF need experienced hands who are capable of travel through the Sirutan wilderness, finding a missing and potentially downed mech, and understanding and ideally retrieving the mech when they find it.
Compensation will be provided.
- Last Resort - Katie
- Temporary Impulse - Susannah
- Wretched Export - James
- Bullet points on key events of the Mission
- Bullet points of what characters did in the aftermath of the mission
- Breakdown of consequences for characters - rewards, effects, contacts.
- Also mention any wider consequences for the world
All Characters
- Consequences
Character 1
- Consequences
Character 2
- Consequences
Be sure to add tags for the characters