This is an old revision of the document!
Nothing Is Alive On Hive 5
Initial Brief
The Hive V Observation Station seeks fearless explorers to investigate disturbances exterior to the station. Compensation in kind for assistance will be provided by the Zeitgeist Research Department.
- Short message broadcast across system
Hey - if you’re taking H5OS up on their job, you should know a whooooole bunch of Vyixians on the station have been reporting STRANGE THINGS going on - supernatural stuff, not normal Startouched stuff. Check your fates before you arrive. Just in case.
- Related message passed around channels frequented by Vyixians
- List of Player Characters
- Example Character Name - Player First Name
- Bullet points on key events of the Mission
- Bullet points of what characters did in the aftermath of the mission
- Breakdown of consequences for characters - rewards, effects, contacts.
- Also mention any wider consequences for the world
All Characters
- Consequences
Character 1
- Consequences
Character 2
- Consequences
Be sure to add tags for the characters