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Heist Heist Baby

# Incoming Transmission

# Source Identifier: Die Loaded, Ace’s World

# Destination Identifier: # [Insert PC name here] #

# Subject: Opportunity

# Message Begins

Sorry for the out-of-the-blue message, but I have a proposal for you. I’m Die Loaded, infamous criminal and master thief, and a certain set of items have come to my attention along with a perfect opportunity to relieve their current owners of the burden of looking after them.

I have a plan, and someone with your skillset forms a key part of it.

If you’re interested, meet me in the backroom of Jokers Wild’s bar on Ace’s World in three days.

All expenses paid, payment in a share of the loot or equivalent value.

# Message Ends

  • The party meet the rest of the heist team in a bar, where Die Loaded sets out the plan.
  • There's been a couple of recent deliveries to Club's Club, which look to be high value items - exactly what they are is unknown, but there's some suggestions they might be linked to the Altarians.
  • Die Loaded can get themself to the vault and get it open, but their route in and out would make it hard to take much with them - so the party's job is to go through the front door and leave with the goods. As part of this they'll have some hacking support, and a cleanup crew keeping the heat off them, provided they don't cause too much trouble.
  • After getting into the club, the party must find a way into the high roller's lounge - they enter and win a prize fight that's going on in the main club, and use the winnings from that to get in.
  • Within the lounge, there are various patrons, including a fancy looking type talking on a radio about waiting for a delivery. Using the powerful distraction of a robotic emu head singing the Altarian national anthem, the party make their way into the vents and towards the vaults without raising suspicion.
  • Sneaking their way past security by the tried and true method of hitting security bots in the face until they explode, the party reach the vault - to find it open, with a smashed and very empty crate, and an apology note from Die Loaded.
    • “Sorry folks, needed a distraction to get this lot out as this is a little more important than the money right now, and there’s a fair bit more heat here than I expected. If you’ve seen the datapad in the corner, you’ll understand why. If you get out, come find me in the clearing two miles west of Strike Lucky’s place, and I’ll sort your payment.”
  • There's also a set of Elegy orders, listing various targets on Ace's World - all key figures in keeping the war effort going.
  • It's about that point that the alarms go off.
  • Blasting their way into the sewers, the party escape past sewer razor monkeys and creepy theme park mannequins, and rendezvous with Die Loaded to find out what's going on and ideally get paid.
  • Die Loaded apologises for leaving them in the lurch - they hadn't known exactly what they were getting into, but when it became clear that the delivery was a supply drop for the Elegy in what looks a hell of a lot like a way to take Ace's World out of the war and let the Altarians stomp in, they panicked and wanted to get the evidence out ASAP. They suggest using themself as bait for a trap for the Elegy, to get a chance to talk to them and convince them that their plan is going to be untenable so they might as well call off the prunings.
  • The party go back to Club's Club, to find an Elegy agent (the guy from the lounge earlier) in heated conversation with Club about the security breach. Making themselves known, they offer to lead the Elegy to Die Loaded's location and provide suitable assistance. Asking about the plan, they are assured that “suitable persuasion is being applied on both sides” to bring about an end to the war without Ace's World becoming a vassal of the Altarians.
  • After a long conversation where Die Loaded makes clear that the information will be getting out whether they're brought in or not, the party assist in the capture of Die Loaded and their leet haxxor partner.
  • Desiring Peace and Wretched Export ensure Die Loaded is turned in to the proper authorities on the Firebrand.
  • Desiring Peace reports the whole ordeal to Vyix 9A, who does a little digging and confirms that there were operations planned against both the Altarians and Ace's World, but the Altarian operations tended more towards threats and persuasion than outright prunings. 9A also confirms that the plan seems to have currently been suspended at least until the uproar dies down.
  • Desiring Peace then goes to do more prize fighting at Club's Club, turning a fairly tidy profit from it and making a few new contacts.
  • Ace's World is Officially Pissed Off at the Elegy, and the general diplomatic response appears to be along the lines of “We will increase the thing”.
  • Several Altarians on HGC are Unofficially Narked, though whether this is more to do with the planned threats against them or the failure to follow through on Ace's World is unclear.
  • Die Loaded is imprisoned in cells under Cooperation control. The Elegy have made clear that if they escape, there will be an active pruning order against them.
  • +3 clout with one of Ace's World or the Elegy, or +1 with any other faction.
  • +2 clout with the Firebrand
  • Friendship: Die Loaded - getting arrested is just a risk of doing business, and they did kinda betray you first so fair game.
  • Nemesis: Die Loaded - But y'all did still get them arrested, so…
  • +1 clout on Ace's World from fight winnings
  • Friendship: Clubs Chance, owner of Club's Club, and also with the fight promoter at the club.

Be sure to add tags for the characters

  • shared/mission/heist_heist_baby.1683805780.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2023/05/11 11:49
  • by mike