This is an old revision of the document!
Finale [DRAFT]
Initial Brief
“g8s r made of PEEPLE, pass it on” - One of many uninvited messages seen on less-secure display screens across the system.
“In a plea to Ship Hearts system-wide, noted expert Delicate Harmony appealed for any Ship Hearts that felt a strong bond to another and were willing to consider his plan to make themselves known. In a related request, any Startouched considering involvement in Aspexx’s controversial proposal were also invited to get in touch.” - News report.
# Incoming Transmission
# Source Identifier: TE3-Firebrand
# Destination Identifier: *
# Subject: The Future of the Keter Borderlands
# Message Begins
These are unprecedented times. In the interests of securing a productive, successful, and above all peaceful outcome that is in the best interests of both the Keter Borderlands and the wider galaxy, the Galactic Cooperation hereby invites all concerned parties to a Special Conference aboard the Firebrand. Let us all work together.
# Message Ends
- Gathering Flow - Phil
- Stellar Glory - Tamsin
- Delicate Harmony - Mike
- Budding Leaf - Alex ET
- Following the events of [shared:mission:procedure|Procedure] and [shared:mission:ritual|Ritual], plus the discussion that followed, everyone with an interest in the situation reconvenes on the Firebrand to discuss the best way forward.
- Overall, the system 'authorities' (as represented by the the Galactic Cooperation, the Mytenean government and the Zeitgeist/Botanist science corps) are all in favour of some kind of gate being created - no-one wants to remain cut off from the rest of the galaxy forever. However, opinions are split on exactly what should be done and who should do it.
- Aspexx is not represented at this gathering, but it's obvious what their preferred plan will be. With X. Worshipful Portent and Wildcard Gilded still aboard the Starlight Ebbing, the Aspexx plan is not quite ready to go but could be achieved if only one more high-powered Startouched (such as Gathering Flow) were on board.
- A side note is provided by Reassuring Heresy, Captain of the Unquiet Journey, who restates their ship's plan to leave the system within the next few weeks and take the 'long way back' to Fjenix - the Unquiet Journey is self-sufficient and, now that the Mytenean Various Forge is complete, there is no reason that the peripatetic Fleet 18 ship should stay in system. The captain repeats their offer to tow anything to Fjenix, arriving in something like 50-70 years' time depending on how well the journey goes.
- Meanwhile, Her Glorious Command has sent another of its mystics to this gathering, 12th Century Ominous Cloud, to tell Delicate Harmony that HGC (the ship heart) is very interested in his proposed plan to create a Pentagonal-style gate using two connected shiphearts. It volunteers the ship heart pairing of itself and Perfect Reverie for this experiment - they have a mentor/student bond between them which would surely be perfect for this sort of thing! Ominous Cloud does pass on, however, that Perfect Reverie is currently trapped on Ace's World following HGC's doomed attempt to convince the Bandits' ship heart to join its scientific endeavours, and there aren't really any squads of Altarian soldiers left at this point to go retrieve it. Would the party be willing to help?
- Bullet points of what characters did in the aftermath of the mission
- Breakdown of consequences for characters - rewards, effects, contacts.
- Also mention any wider consequences for the world
All Characters
- Consequences
Character 1
- Consequences
Character 2
- Consequences
Be sure to add tags for the characters