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Final Chance [DRAFT]

# Incoming Transmission
# Source Identifier: Captain Violet Afterburn, Justification, Siruta
# Destination Identifier: TE3-Firebrand#Her Glorious Command#Starlight Ebbing#Muse IX#Unquiet Journey#*
# Subject: Assistance Needed
# Message Begins

I’m offering a sizable reward to the party who can locate and rescue a trusted crewmate of mine who has gone missing.

Find me docked at the port in Azuria for further details.

Captain Violet Afterburn

# Message Ends

# Incoming Direct Message
# Source Identifier: Vyix 9a
# Destination Identifier: Heightened Serendipity
Accept transmission? y/n

# Message Begins

See attached. If you are at all able to answer this request, do so. Of relevance to your active contract. Contact me once you are en route for further briefing.

# Message Ends
===== Characters ===== * List of Player Characters * Example Character Name - Player First Name ===== Summary ===== * Crabs * Crabs in warehouse * Office, chat to Pentagonal, Imminent and Shining Star, 23rd Century, and a mega-crab * Follow search party, quicksand pit, parrot, tinkerings, retrieved hat * Armourdillos * Mind-meld tinkering with parrot * Hibiscus View village * Bolthole, items * Cliff eels * Clearing, skitters, shack, Chorister * S-eagulls * Violet Afterburn's ship * Travel to Plundarr Island, tinker Scrum, Third Time broadcasting thoughts * Elegy showdown and intervention * Politicking * * Tinkerings: * Languid Relaxation: * Tinkering previous [box scanner] into generic object scanner. Loses ability to see inside boxes but can now detect objects of significantly varying density within other objects (e.g. metal weapons inside quicksand), with a 10m radius. For one encounter per adventure. SCAN: OBJECTS once per 10s or so (brief GM ahead of adventure). Every third SCAN call MASS CURSE as you irradiate everyone including yourself. It vibrates sufficiently when used that anything sensitive to vibration will notice (GM discretion). * Gambit to gain adoption from Pentagonal Pectoral: Major success with 2 Consequences. -2 Clout with Altarians for * Heightened Serendipity: * Sandshark Capsicin - does burn, had consequences of getting it on her hands * Mind-meld with parrot, using squeeple juice from drone: consequence losing second mind-meld with drone: major success, able to read and be mind-read for 5 minutes, parrot learned more than it wanted to * Psychic broadcast, using crystal scrum purchased from Languid Relaxation for ?? Clout with ?? - cannot create receiving, but amps up broadcasting massively such that the person who drinks it broadcasts their thoughts to anyone within MASS range for the next minute. * Star systems defined: Solus System with binary stars, reachable from Keter System via Lightning Gate/Cloud Gate pair. Other system: ?? ===== Aftermath ===== * Bullet points of what characters did in the aftermath of the mission ===== Consequences ===== * Breakdown of consequences for characters - rewards, effects, contacts. * Also mention any wider consequences for the world ==== All Characters ==== * Consequences ==== Character 1 ==== * Consequences ==== Character 2 ==== * Consequences Be sure to add tags for the characters

  • shared/mission/final_chance.1710684671.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2024/03/17 14:11
  • by susannah