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All Onboard
Initial Brief
# Incoming Transmission # Source Identifier: Snow Piercing #c/o Aces High # Destination Identifier: TE3-Firebrand#Her Glorious Command#Starlight Ebbing#Muse IX#Unquiet Journey#* # Subject: Security Threat Assessment Needed # Message Begins
Aces High seeks Inquisitive and skilled individuals with expertise in one or more of the following fields: Close-quarters combat Investigation Infiltration Testing Computer Systems Infiltration Immediate availability to assess the security status onboard the maiden voyage of the interplanetary luxury trainline Snow Piercing
Prospective applicants to present themselves at the Aces High spaceport Ask for higher ring. Discretion is required; successful applicants will be required to sign an NDA before mission briefing.
# Message Ends
- Red Nine - Katie
- Manifold Ghosts - Phil
- party hired to assess security on Snow Piercing
- party infiltrated the train, found a decay cult bringing on active decay
- tensions between Aces world and Alterian civilizilions onboard was high due to war
- group followed by revolving tonn
- power outages distressed passengers who attempted to hack into ship systems to examine issues themselves
- ship security attempted to hinder party progress
- revolving tonn was assaulted by party then investigated for decay. Decay residue was found on hands. Revolving tonn was arrested.
- party acquired engine key via gambling with captain
- when accessing the engine Snow Piercing (ship heart) was found. Through investigation of ship heart it was found that the ship heart, trying to “protect the crew and passengers”, thought that a threat must be present in order to “protect” and thus introduced the decay threat via the cult
- via intervention the shipheart Snow Piercing was replaced with Fractured Dawn
- Manifold Ghosts spends time on the space train schmoozing with Infinite Energy, the train's Captain, and the train's Mystic. Upon their eventual return to Ace's World, they also schmooze with Ace's Org. The upshot of their charm offensive is a free pass for the space train, and a bit of an in with the crew.
- Manifold Ghosts Mark IIs their sword to allow further ID spoofing in the future.
- Red Nine makes sure that it is very clear to Higher Ring and their superiors that Snow Piercing was actively inviting Decay onto the train. While Higher Ring would have preferred a failure to penetrate the train's security over what the party actually did, Nine's explanation of the extraordinary circumstances persuades them to look past the incidents with security. Higher Ring agrees to be more precise about Aces' priorities on future missions.
- Red Nine leverages the Mystic Sect of the Divine (Trusted) to get them to put pressure on to get her more Clout with ACE.
- Red Nine contacts everyone who had access to Infinite Energy and informs them that it's now on the Train, and that there's a new Ship Heart in the Vault.
- Ghosts and Nine meet up afterwards in the Casino to get a drink and play some games. Ghost insists on something low stakes; Nine analyses this request, rolls a 21, and wholeheartedly agrees. A good evening is had by all.
- The ship hearts Snow Piercing and Fractured Dawn have swapped places:
- Snow Piercing is now in the vault on Ace's World established in Finite Existence
- Fractured Dawn is now 'helpfully' piloting the space train
All Characters
- +3 clout with Aces Organisation or +1 with any faction
Red Nine
- An additional +1 clout with Aces Organisation from added pressure
Manifold Ghosts
- +1 clout with the Space Train Crew from schmoozing.
- You have a free pass for the space train, which you can use to ride the space train in the future.
- The train follows a set route between the habitable worlds of the Keter System, which takes some time to happen. You have no control over these timings, nor this route. That is to say: you can ride the train for free, but you might have to wait a while for it to reach your station.
- You can burn your clout with the crew to attempt to change the route, although travel time is still bounded.
- The free pass only applies to you. Any friends will need to buy their own ticket, or find some other way to get on board.
- Mark II Sword of Identity Theft:
- Your sword can store identity credentials scanned from identity cards / documents, which can be used to fool systems that scan automated IDs.
- Once per mission, you may with 10 seconds appropriate scanning roleplay change the stored identity to a new identity that you have physical access to.
- The stored identity lasts until the next time you replace the identity (i.e. it will last between missions). Let the GM know what identity you have scanned, and if it changes.