
This is an old revision of the document!

All Onboard

# Incoming Transmission # Source Identifier: Snow Piercing #c/o Aces High # Destination Identifier: TE3-Firebrand#Her Glorious Command#Starlight Ebbing#Muse IX#Unquiet Journey#* # Subject: Security Threat Assessment Needed # Message Begins

Aces High seeks Inquisitive and skilled individuals with expertise in one or more of the following fields: Close-quarters combat Investigation Infiltration Testing Computer Systems Infiltration Immediate availability to assess the security status onboard the maiden voyage of the interplanetary luxury trainline Snow Piercing

Prospective applicants to present themselves at the Aces High spaceport Ask for higher ring. Discretion is required; successful applicants will be required to sign an NDA before mission briefing.

# Message Ends

  • party hired to assess security on snow Piercing
  • party infiltrated the train, found a decay cult bringing on active decay
  • tensions between Aces world and Alterian civilizilions onboard was high due to war
  • group followed by revolving tonn
  • power outages distressed passengers who attempted to hack into ship systems to examine issues themselves
  • ship security attempted to hinder party progress
  • revolving tonn was assaulted by party then investigated for decay. Decay residue was found on hands. Revolving tonn was arrested.
  • party acquired engine key via gambling with captain
  • when accessing the engine snow Piercing (ship heart) was found. Through investigation of ship heart it was found that the ship heart, trying to “protect the crew and passengers”, thought that a threat must be present in order to “protect” and thus introduced the decay threat via the cult
  • via intervention the shipheart was replaced with another
  • Downtime for Manifold Ghosts…

Mk2 the access card sword - probably looking to get something along the lines of 1/mission clone an ID or spoof an automated ID system or something like that? It was a weird tinkering to Mk2.

Freeform: use the time we drive the train around the system, and the access to the whole train, to schmooze with Infinite Energy, the Captain, and the Mystic, then when wereturn to Ace's world, schmooze with Ace's Org to get a permanent season ticket for the train so I can use it to get around the system freely and bring cargo.

Red Nine: escalate the fact that there was a Ship Heart actively inviting Decay onto the train as far as she needs to in order to not have her reputation tarnished by the mission-giver – leverage the Mystic Sect of the Divine (Trusted) to get them to put pressure on to get her more Clout with ACE; then let everyone who had access to Infinite Energy know it's on the Train and that there's a new Ship Heart in the Vault.

Invite Manifold Ghosts to get a drink and play some games in the Casino…

  • Breakdown of consequences for characters - rewards, effects, contacts.
  • Also mention any wider consequences for the world
  • Consequences
  • Consequences
  • Consequences

Be sure to add tags for the characters

  • shared/mission/all_onboard.1680461145.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2023/04/02 18:45
  • by robin