
This is an old revision of the document!

A Spaceport In A Storm

Mytene Tertiary Spaceport requesting urgent medical resupply. Surface storm makes approach by air impossible. Send supplies overland.
ORIGINAL SENDER: Steel Spark, on behalf of Overseer Industrial Diamond, Mytene Societal Corps
Addendum by Dr Cleansing Gypsum: Requested supplies available but no transport teams. Advise recruitment of external volunteers for delivery. Land route is noted to traverse decay and territory of hostile predatory animals. Armed escort recommended.

  • Roaming Vendor, Guardant Angel, and Warded Path arrive at a medical facility on the outskirts of Mytenea. There, the doctor provides them with medical supplies to take to the spaceport. A patient approaches with a large pustule on their forearm. The doctor is alarmed, quickly diagnosing the condition as the bite of a burrowing mite but can't find the antidote. The pustule bursts and small mites swarm out. Warded Path calls to her Ship Heart which directs her to the antidote.
  • Roaming Vendor examines both the antidote and the mites and is able to synthesise a sort of vaccine to prevent parasitic infection by the creatures.
  • Warded Path drives Vendor and Angel to the edge of the decay, then turns back to return the vehicle to the medical facility. Vendor and Angel proceed toward the spaceport, encountering both decay monsters and a canyon of raktors. The rain grows ever heavier as they head into the storm.
  • In a town at the base of the space elevator up to the port, among vendors peddling supplies and raktor cheese, a worried parent approaches Guardant Angel, concerned for their young daughter who has gone missing in the storm.
  • Vendor and Angel head in the direction the girl was last known to be. They find a cave and shout out to the child but hear the calls of Mytenean devils. Inside the cave, they find the missing child hiding in a fissure too narrow for the devils to reach in, having taken shelter in the same cave as the creatures. Vendor and Angel rescue the child and return her to her parent.
  • Vendor and Angel ascend the elevator to the station. The elevator lurches alarmingly in the high winds and halfway up, one of the cables snaps. The elevator squeals to a halt. Vendor and Angel manage to climb up past live wires and sheared metal to the second elevator cabin in which they are able to continue upwards.
  • At the top of the elevator, they meet Iron Pyrite of the Industrial Corps, one of their sick workers, Overseer Industrial Diamond of the Societal Corps, and his assistant, Steel Spark. It quickly becomes clear that Industrial Diamond is entirely pompous and self-absorbed, making questionable claims about his supposed dynastic lineage. It is equally clear that the workers are suffering from a respiratory illness. Iron Pyrite identifies that the oxygen filters need to be flushed but she is unable to do so remotely. Angel volunteers herself and Vendor to go outside the spaceport and manually fix the filters.
  • Bullet points of what characters did in the aftermath of the mission
  • Breakdown of consequences for characters - rewards, effects, contacts.
  • Also mention any wider consequences for the world
  • Consequences
  • Consequences
  • shared/mission/a_spaceport_in_a_storm.1645385559.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/02/20 19:32
  • by iain