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Engineering Abilities
Rank 1
- With 30s of uninterrupted roleplay, you can make repairs to an item that is damaged, or call HEAL on an inorganic entity that is Incapacitated.
Padded Armour [2]
Battlefield Repairs [2]
- You may instantly repair an item damaged by BREAK.
Shock Absorption
- If you are subject to BLAST you may throw yourself to the floor and take a BREAK CHEST to avoid calling KABOOM.
Rank 2
Trace the Faults
- With 30s to examine a damaged object you can determine how it was damaged or detect its weakest point.
Bolster Armour [2]
- Call YOU: GAIN PING KABOOM or YOU: GAIN PING STRIKEDOWN to an ally within reach.
Augment Weapon [2]
- Call YOU: GAIN RANGED STRIKEDOWN or YOU: GAIN MELEE PUSH to an ally within reach.
Rank 3
- You are capable of improvising mechanical solutions outside of a combat situation.
- Inform the Ref you wish to jury Rig a system together.
- You can then construct a Rig that performs a simple function (e.g. “moves object”, “fires weapon”) per 3 power levels.
- Use the Engineering Mishap Deck to determine the power level of your Rig and any Mishaps that may occur.
- Inform the Ref when you have done this and what you wish to have constructed
- Upon entering a corridor you decide to rig up a trap for anyone who follows you in.
- You play the Mishap deck and result in a power of 2 with no Mishaps.
- You: “I create a trap to Trigger When Crossed which will Spray Shrapnel”
- The rig is created and when enemies later try to backstab the party there’s a loud BOOM as they trigger the trap. The enemies take severe damage.
Immovable Object [2]
Dazzle Paint [2]
Rank 4
- Gain +2 Body Hits.
Reinforce [2]
Overcharge [3]
Rank 5
Hardpoints Mean Prizes
- You may rig up a mount for carrying an additional weapon or item (as if you had 3 hands) and use it as such.
- The item held in the third hand must be a ranged weapon or item, not a melee weapon or shield.
- This may be used to allow you to hold a one-handed melee weapon and then a two-handed ranged weapon.
- Feel free to make costumes for this (not required).
Ramming Speed [5]
- You make an impassioned charge toward the enemy.
- When you stop moving you must call MASS: BREAK.
- For 10s, while moving directly toward a target, you may call MISS to any “YOU: PEW” call.
- You cannot generate energy while charging a target.
- The effect ends early if:
- You make a call other than PEW or a reaction
- You stop moving directly toward the original target
- You are subject to a multi-target “YOU LOT” or “MASS” call
- You are subject to a “YOU: DRAIN” call
Space Hulk [5]
- Suffer a Severe Injury.
- For the rest of the encounter, you may call YOU LOT: GAIN PING ANYTHING every 10s.