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Character Creation

To create a character for Planetfall follow the following steps.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch!

  • Your character in Planetfall is someone who is present on one of the Fleet Vessels in Keter System who finds themselves suddenly cut off from the main Federation and volunteers for exploratory, peacekeeping, and investigatory Missions on the various planets in the system.
  • Think about who your character is and why they're here, and why they might be risking life and limb to aid the stranded inhabitants of Keter System.
  • Pick a ship, pick a background, pick some OC goals.
  • Importantly, crucially, pick a name!
  • Your Background adds depth and additional character options to explain who you are and how you came to be where you are.
  • Select a background (or wait to pick one up in play).
  • In Planetfall your character's impact on the world is defined by their character Class and Abilities.
  • You may pick abilities from any Class restricted by rank.
  • At Character Creation you have 4 XP to spend on Abilities - each Ability costs 1 XP.
  • Every time you play a Mission you gain 2 XP to spend on the character you played if you did not play the last time you attended, or 1 XP if you did.
  • Every time you Monster a Mission you gain 2 XP to spend on any character you have played at least once.
  • Every time you are a Ref or co-Ref for a Mission you gain 3 XP: one for running the Mission and two for writing up the OC Mission Report.
  • XP is spent on new Abilities.
  • You may only spend XP in Ranks you have unlocked for that character.
  • You unlock new Ranks by spending 4 XP in Abilities up to the Rank below.
    • (4 XP to Rank 1, 8 XP to Rank 2, 12 XP to Rank 3, etc…)
  • character_creation.1641657320.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/01/08 15:55
  • by