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changelog [2022/01/27 10:45]
changelog [2023/02/13 08:36] (current)
katie [v1.3.0 (2023-02-13) - FATALITY]
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 ====== Changelog ====== ====== Changelog ======
 +===== Act 2 Updates =====
 +==== v1.2.4 (2023-02-13) - FATALITY ====
 +  * Added the [[combat_rules#Fatal <X>|FATAL]] call modifier to system.
 +==== v1.2.3 (2022-12-30) - Endeavour Update ====
 +  * Information about the //Endeavour// updated after [[shared:mission:The Heart of the Matter]].
 +==== v1.2.2 (2022-12-04) - Assorted Various Clarifications ====
 +  * Clarified that Enter The Matrix and Flatliner require their Lvl 3 counterparts for Various.
 +  * Clarified that Various Modularity can be used on General Abilities.
 +==== v1.2.1 (2022-10-18) - Nothing Survives Contact... ====
 +  * Assorted clarifications:
 +    * [[general_abilities#Knowledgeable]] General Ability can be taken multiple times.
 +    * [[general_abilities#Knowledgeable]] General Ability does not count for Specialist Expertise.
 +    * [[general_abilities#Medical]] General Abilities cannot be used on yourself.
 +    * [[startouched#Guidance]] and [[startouched#Meditation]] Startouched abilities can only be used on calls you have gained from Startouched abilities.
 +==== v1.2.0 (2022-10-17) ====
 +=== Operation: Beachhead Aftermath ===
 +  * New [[Experimental Abilities]] after [[shared:mission:Operation Beachhead]].
 +  * Updates to [[shared:NPCs]] list and [[The Stranded Fleet]].
 +  * New [[Latest Situation]] news page.
 +  * Updates to the structure of [[shared:Bestiary]] and to [[running_a_mission|Mission Advice]] about running on Hive IV.
 +=== General Abilities ===
 +  * A suite of [[General Abilities]] have been added that anyone can access.
 +=== General Housekeeping ===
 +  * Minor [[the Various|Various]] updates / clarifications:
 +    * System Overdrive / Natural Dominance made easier to brain - they only affect Utility Abilities and Calls gained from the Abilities you lock off.
 +    * Moving Mountain BREAK resistance only counts for body BREAKs.
 +    * Buffed Reverse Engineer with a second CURSE use per HARVEST.
 +  * Minor [[Startouched]] updates / clarifications:
 +    * Darklance only provides BREAK on the next hit after PULL.
 +    * Vessel only gives a single sentence answer.
 +    * Space Between Space requires you to be stationary before use.
 +  * Minor [[Commando]] updates / clarifications:
 +    * Ranged weapon abilities do not use a charge of your weapon but do need the weapon phys-rep to be used.
 +    * Sweeping Strike no longer has to be delivered by melee.
 +    * Single Pistol Prowess no longer implies the pistol must be in the main hand.
 +  * Improved [[species#Ziline]] positive effect - no longer a small reduction to SLOW but a use of active camouflage that allows slow movement.
 +  * [[Combat Rules]] clarifications:
 +    * In WARP you are still subject to AOE and SCAN calls.
 +    * Under SLOW, timers cooldown at half speed as well.
 ===== Post-Release ===== ===== Post-Release =====
-==== v1.1.(2022-26-01) - Various Tweaks ====+ 
 +==== v1.1.(2022-10-14) - Operation Index ==== 
 +  * Rejigged the [[shared:Bestiary]] into subpages for better navigability. 
 +==== v1.1.8 (2022-03-23) - I Know Things Now Many Valuable Things ==== 
 +=== News === 
 +  * Updated [[The Incident]] with findings from [[shared:mission:Damage Control]]. 
 +==== v1.1.7 (2022-03-18) - Mass Effect ==== 
 +=== Errata === 
 +  * MASS PEW is valid, updated [[Combat Rules]] to reflect this. 
 +==== v1.1.6 (2022-03-09) - Business is Booming ==== 
 +=== Updates === 
 +  * Updated [[Factions]] to explain how we're dealing with Currency. 
 +=== Changes === 
 +  * Changed [[Combat Rules#Cover]] to exclude BLAST from Cover. 
 +==== v1.1.5 (2022-03-07) - Getting Meta ==== 
 +=== Updates === 
 +  * Added [[technology_and_the_decay#holodecks_and_virtual_reality|setting information about holodecks]]. 
 +  * Added [[holodecks|rules for running encounters or entire missions within a holodeck]]. 
 +  * Changelog now with more unnecessary subtitles. 
 +==== v1.1.4 (2022-02-15) - Clarity Minor ==== 
 +=== Clarifications === 
 +  * Minor clarifications of little note. 
 +==== v1.1.3 (2022-02-06) - Feedback Loop ==== 
 +=== Changes === 
 +  * [[Combat Rules#SCAN <X>]] must always be followed by a qualifier. 
 +  * [[Startouched#Heartbleed]] nerfed - it now takes 30s to trigger a 10s period in which you can call HEAL for every damage you inflict (but relaxed the restriction to allow it to work for ranged damage). 
 +=== Updates === 
 +  * Added more Ship Hearts to [[Worlds]] for clarity. 
 +  * Added first Nemesis NPC to [[Worlds#Aces World]]. 
 +  * Added Altarian Dynastic Order in Keter Borderlands to [[shared:NPCs#Altarian Dynasts|NPCs page]]. 
 +  * Made some more things explicit on the [[Social Contract]], in particular: 
 +    * Players should contact the GM to express interest in playing. 
 +    * Attendees are expected to Monster as much as they Play (if not moreso). 
 +    * The GM's ruling can be questioned once (with the co-GM present) but then should be taken as final and brought up with the Refs after the event if that's still not satisfactory. 
 +    * Emphasised avoiding running Missions in areas of the game you have characters in. 
 +    * Emphasised that Monsters should try to make their behaviour understandable to Players to maximise their ability to interact with the Encounter. 
 +=== Clarifications === 
 +  * Attempted to clarify [[Character Advancement]] for banking XP when you've not played a character. 
 +  * Added clarification about Ship Heart range to [[Technology and the Decay#Staying Safe from Decay]]. 
 +  * Clarified that [[Startouched#Granted Barrier]] isn't used by Commandos for spending hits for Abilities. 
 +==== v1.1.2 (2022-01-26) - Various Tweaks ====
 === Changes === === Changes ===
Line 27: Line 143:
   * Removed deprecated reference to the Altarian Federation from Backgrounds.   * Removed deprecated reference to the Altarian Federation from Backgrounds.
-==== v1.1.1 (2022-20-01) ====+==== v1.1.1 (2022-01-20- Learning from Experience ====
   * XP gains reduced by 1 globally to slow speed of Advancement.   * XP gains reduced by 1 globally to slow speed of Advancement.
   * Various respeccing must maintain rank and Ability prerequisites.   * Various respeccing must maintain rank and Ability prerequisites.
-==== v1.1 ====+==== v1.1.0 ====
 === Changes === === Changes ===
Line 47: Line 163:
   * Clarified YOU LOT destroying cover.   * Clarified YOU LOT destroying cover.
-===== Release! v1 =====+===== Release! v1.0.0 =====
 ===== Pre-Release ===== ===== Pre-Release =====
  • changelog.1643280347.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/01/27 10:45
  • by katie