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worlds [2022/02/13 15:47]
katie [Notable NPCs]
worlds [2022/10/17 12:50] (current)
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   * Craruan Defender - Ship Heart brought to empower the Craruan Defenders against the Scourge (Personality: Martial) - it/it - //Ship Heart//   * Craruan Defender - Ship Heart brought to empower the Craruan Defenders against the Scourge (Personality: Martial) - it/it - //Ship Heart//
   * Afterburn - Ship Heart owned by Sirutan Independents (Personality: Untrustworthy) - it/it - //Ship Heart//   * Afterburn - Ship Heart owned by Sirutan Independents (Personality: Untrustworthy) - it/it - //Ship Heart//
 +  * Violet Afterburn - Respecter pirate captain - she/her - //Human//
 +  * Ambassador Pentagonal Pectoral, 313 - Governor of Siruta - they/them - //Qiate//
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 The fourth moon of the gas giant named Hive. Neither the planet itself nor moons I, II, III or V were suitable for terraforming, but IV was. The fourth moon of the gas giant named Hive. Neither the planet itself nor moons I, II, III or V were suitable for terraforming, but IV was.
-The moon was never settled, however. The settlement ship //Lesser Horizons// is known to have landed on Hive IV shortly after terraforming was complete, but all that remains of their mission is the static-fuzzed recording of screaming shortly after they landed, and a few hasty instructions from their Captain that no-one should attempt to send a rescue mission. All further attempts at landing have failed without even managing to transmit from the surface. +The moon was never settled, however. The settlement ship //Lesser Horizons// is known to have landed on Hive IV shortly after terraforming was complete, but all that remains of their mission is the static-fuzzed recording of screaming shortly after they landed, and a few hasty instructions from their Captain that no-one should attempt to send a rescue mission. All further attempts at landing failed without even managing to transmit from the surface until the success of [[shared:mission:Operation Beachhead]] which has established a foothold in a Pentagonal Ruin - Beachhead - and successful forays into Hive IV's forests have been achieved.
-However, a small space-station-like base on the barren neighbouring moon, Hive V, has recently been established by the [[research#Zeitgeist Research Department]] to observe Hive IV and see whether anything can yet be salvaged. Terraforming operations are expensive, and the resources of a whole moon cannot be lost without investigation.+small space-station-like base on the barren neighbouring moon, Hive V, has been established by the [[research#Zeitgeist Research Department]] to observe Hive IV and see whether anything can yet be salvaged. Terraforming operations are expensive, and the resources of a whole moon cannot be lost without investigation.
 ====Notable NPCs==== ====Notable NPCs====
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 Such exploration is risky, with the ice constantly shifting, and the risk of cave-ins, collapse, or even internal avalanche plague the explorers and miners of Kylal. Such exploration is risky, with the ice constantly shifting, and the risk of cave-ins, collapse, or even internal avalanche plague the explorers and miners of Kylal.
 +=== The Kylal-Beachhead Gate ===
 +As of [[shared:mission:Operation Beachhead]], a link has been established between ruins found in tunnels near Kyholt on Kylal and the Beachhead Pentagonal Structure in the Fifth Sea of Hive IV.  This pentagonal gate fits the style of ruins discovered in various places on Kylal and provides what appears to be instantaneous transportation from Kylal to Hive IV.
 ====Notable NPCs==== ====Notable NPCs====
   * Wandering Pick, 3817 - De facto leader of the Kylal Explorers League - she/her - //Ziline//   * Wandering Pick, 3817 - De facto leader of the Kylal Explorers League - she/her - //Ziline//
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   * Wildcard Gilded - one of multiple rebel/bandit 'leaders' - they/them - //Human//   * Wildcard Gilded - one of multiple rebel/bandit 'leaders' - they/them - //Human//
   * Seven Broad - Head of Security for Aces High - he/they - //Human//   * Seven Broad - Head of Security for Aces High - he/they - //Human//
 +  * Big Blind - Bandit Captain - she/her - //Human//
 +    * Nemeses: Threes Charmed, Fossorial Coffeepot, Desiring Peace
   * //Ace's World// -  Ship Heart - it/it - //Ship Heart//   * //Ace's World// -  Ship Heart - it/it - //Ship Heart//
  • worlds.1644767222.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/02/13 15:47
  • by katie