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Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ====== Systems Abilities ====== {{ ::control.jpg?250|}} ===== Rank 1 ===== ==== Hacker ==== * You are capable of interacting with [[Combat Rules|Hacking]] terminals at a faster speed (~1 minute instead of ~3 minutes). ==== Tech Scanner [1] ==== * Call [[Combat Rules#SCAN|SCAN: <X>]] for one of the following characteristics: * Human * Specific Alien Species * Various * Creature * Organic * Mechanical * Technology * Decay * Mystic * Software ==== Firewall [3] ==== * Mark the ground. * While you are standing still, you may call [[Combat Rules#PUSH|YOU: PUSH]] at the first 3 enemies to enter within 5m of you. * If you move, you lose any remaining PUSHes. ==== Distribute [X] ==== * Spend X Energy to call [[Combat Rules#GAIN <X> / GAIN <Y> ENERGY / GAIN PING|GAIN X ENERGY]] to a target within reach. ---- ===== Rank 2 ===== ==== Long Range Comms ==== * You may establish a communication link with an unresisting entity capable of communicating within reach. * While this link exists, you may communicate at any distance with them unless there is something powerful blocking you. * Those nearby will still hear you talking. * Call a Ref over if you need to communicate with someone far away. * You may only have one such link at a time and **you** may end the link at will. ==== Trojan [2] ==== * Mark the ground. * You may call [[Combat Rules#BLAST|YOU: BLAST]] at the first enemy to come within 1m of that location. * You may only have one Trojan in play at a time. ==== Feedback [2] ==== * You may call [[Combat Rules#DRAIN|YOU: DRAIN]] in response to a [[Combat Rules#SCAN]] call. * The SCAN does not need to have affected you for this to be possible. ---- ===== Rank 3 ===== ==== Reprogram ==== * You are capable of reprogramming software systems outside of a combat situation. * Inform the Ref that you wish to reprogram a system and which aspect you are interested in. * The Ref will state the commands that this system abides by and you may modify 1 word per 3 power levels. * Use the [[Mishap Decks#Systems|Systems Mishap Deck]] to determine the power level of your reprogramming and any Mishaps that may occur. * Inform the Ref when you have done this and which commands you wish to modify. Example: //Upon encountering a software-barred door that does not allow you entry.// * You: “I wish to reprogram who this door will allow entry to” * Ref: “This door’s commands concerning entry: * #1 Only open for authorised individuals * #2 Authorised individuals are identified by red keys * #3 Opening is defined as sliding horizontally to create an aperture” * //You play the Mishap deck and result in a power of 2 with no Mishaps.// * You: “I modify the command one from “authorised individuals” to “unauthorised individuals”” * //The door now opens only for people not carrying red keys.// ==== Seize [2] ==== * Call [[Combat Rules#PULL|YOU: PULL]]. ==== Throw [2] ==== * Call [[Combat Rules#PUSH|YOU: PUSH]]. ---- ===== Rank 4 ===== ==== Backup ==== * When you are present when someone else is drawing from a [[Mishap Decks|Mishap Deck]], you may create a "Backup" of the count of cards drawn, Mishaps encountered, and Power Level at some point during the drawing. * You must state so at the point you make the Backup and hold onto those cards. * At any point during the drawing, including after Mishaps have occurred, you may allow the person drawing to return to the Backup state and reshuffle the deck minus the first X cards before the backup. * Backups can only be restored with the agreement of the person drawing the cards. * You may only create one Backup per draw. Example: * //Unassuming Alloy is constructing a [[Engineering#Rig]]. They have drawn 3 cards, two of which are successes and one of which is a mishap.// * You create a Backup and hold onto the cards that have been drawn so far. * //Unassuming Alloy proceeds to draw 5 more cards, four of which are Mishaps.// * You offer to restore the Backup and Unassuming Alloy agrees. * You reshuffle the cards drawn since the backup, and give the first 3 back to Unassuming Alloy. * //Unassuming Alloy proceeds to draw 2 cards, both of which are successes, and decides to stop the Rig there.// ==== Extensible Software [2] ==== * You may make a [[Combat Rules#YOU <X>|YOU]] call from the Systems Ability Tree (that you could already make) as a [[Combat Rules#YOU LOT <X>|YOU LOT]] call instead. ==== Feedback Loop [3] ==== * Suffer a [[Combat Rules#DRAIN]] to call [[Combat Rules#DRAIN|YOU: DRAIN]]. ---- ===== Rank 5 ===== ==== Robust Security ==== * You may spend Energy to call [[Combat Rules#PING]] to [[Combat Rules#DRAIN]] (excepting DRAINs inflicted on yourself). ==== Combat Virus [2] ==== * You may apply a [[#Reprogramming]] command you have prepared in advance in combat by calling [[Combat Rules#CURSE]]. * Inform the Ref that you have done this in advance so they can brief the Monsters. * Affected enemies will respond accordingly. * Unaffected enemies will call [[Combat Rules#PING]]. * Each CURSE call costs 3 Energy as a use of this Ability. * You may apply the same Reprogramming repeatedly using this. * You may only have one Combat Virus prepared at a time. ==== Optimise [5] ==== * Suffer a Severe Injury. * You may then, for the rest of the encounter, call [[Combat Rules#GAIN <X> / GAIN <Y> ENERGY / GAIN PING|YOU: GAIN 3 ENERGY]] whenever an ally within melee reach makes an effect call (other than SCAN). * Reaction calls, damage calls, and SCAN do not trigger this effect. systems.txt Last modified: 2022/01/08 15:55(external edit)