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altarian_dynasty [2022/01/09 19:55]
altarian_dynasty [2022/02/06 12:17] (current)
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 The current incumbent of the Throne of Alta is the most glorious Prime Elevated Rose. She and her court are rarely seen outside of the Altarian core worlds, but her dignity and charm are spoken of throughout the Dynasty. The current incumbent of the Throne of Alta is the most glorious Prime Elevated Rose. She and her court are rarely seen outside of the Altarian core worlds, but her dignity and charm are spoken of throughout the Dynasty.
 +[[NPCs#Altarian Dynasts]] contains the known Dynastic Order in the stranded Keter Borderlands.
  • altarian_dynasty.1641758157.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/01/09 19:55
  • by katie