Table of Contents

Damage Control

Initial Brief

Incoming Transmission
Source Identifier: Delicate Granite # Starlight Ebbing
Destination Identifier: TE3-Firebrand#Her Glorious Command#Starlight Ebbing#Muse IX#Endeavour#Unquiet Journey#*
Subject: Orion Gate Investigation
Message Begins

To all those anxious to investigate the Keter System Interstellar Gate “Orion”,

Owing to the extraordinary circumstances and desire to eliminate harmful misinformation surrounding the malfunctioning of the Interstellar Gate, the Aspexx Corporation has agreed to work alongside the Galactic Cooperation to permit third party investigators to inspect the damaged Orion Station in order to ascertain its status, divine viable repairs, and to determine the facts of the situation.

Since Gate Technology is proprietary, all third party investigators will be signed under a non-negotiable Class E Non-Disclosure Agreement upheld by the Galactic Cooperation as is standard for third party affairs pertaining to Gate Technology. Verified and shareable findings will be distributed by the Galactic Cooperation representative in due course after the Mission.

Interested parties should make their interest known direct to myself. Interest is not in itself a guarantee of contract. Successful applicants will be contacted with further details about the Mission and all prospective applicants are advised that no guarantees of safety can be given.

Awaiting your response,

Cpt. Delicate Granite, Starlight Ebbing, Aspexx Corporation
Cpt. Stalwart Band, Firebrand-TE3

Message Ends
End Transmission





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Tiny Ember

Languid Relaxation

Warded Path

Gathering Flow