
In Planetfall your character's capabilities are described by their Abilities. These describe either innate things your character can do, techniques they have learned, or powers they have access to. Many Abilities cost Energy (generated as per your Energy Regimen) and these are listed in brackets next to the ability name.

Characters purchase Abilities with Experience Points (XP) by spending these Ranks before Missions. Each Ability costs 1 XP. You may only purchase Abilities that you have the relevant Rank for, and are in an Ability Tree you have access to. Your Rank increases with every 3 XP spent after your first Mission.

You may buy Abilities from any Tree that you have access to at that Rank:

In this way, you may mix and match Abilities from different Trees and specialise more in two. It is up to you how your character comes to their abilities.

The available Ability Trees are:

being Synthetic, Various, or Experimental