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the_various [2022/01/20 09:35]
the_various [2023/02/09 21:55] (current)
katie [Rank 4 Scavenger Abilities]
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     * This process is incredibly painful and repeated exposure to it will have deleterious effects on the victim.     * This process is incredibly painful and repeated exposure to it will have deleterious effects on the victim.
     * You may only HARVEST from each character once per encounter.     * You may only HARVEST from each character once per encounter.
 +    * Characters must have been knocked unconscious or killed within the last 5 minutes in order to provide the effect.
   * HARVESTing a character will power Various effects.   * HARVESTing a character will power Various effects.
   * You may not gain the same effect from HARVEST twice in a row.   * You may not gain the same effect from HARVEST twice in a row.
   * Effects gained from HARVEST disappear after 5 minutes.   * Effects gained from HARVEST disappear after 5 minutes.
 +  * See [[#HARVEST FAQs]] for commonly known interactions of HARVESTing.
 === Rank 1: Modularity === === Rank 1: Modularity ===
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   * The Abilities of the Various represent different augmentations and adaptations that they have made to themselves.  To facilitate freeform costuming and characterisation, the exact form of these augmentations is left up to individual players, but broadly each Ability represents a new Augmentation that a Various has acquired / developed / salvaged.   * The Abilities of the Various represent different augmentations and adaptations that they have made to themselves.  To facilitate freeform costuming and characterisation, the exact form of these augmentations is left up to individual players, but broadly each Ability represents a new Augmentation that a Various has acquired / developed / salvaged.
   * With access to a [[Various Forges|Various Forge]] (i.e. non-negative [[Factions|Clout]] with any faction with access to one), Various can change out their augmentations with assistance from the operators.   * With access to a [[Various Forges|Various Forge]] (i.e. non-negative [[Factions|Clout]] with any faction with access to one), Various can change out their augmentations with assistance from the operators.
-  * Once per Downtime, with access to a Forge, a Various character can refund 1 XP and re-spend it on another Ability.+  * Once per Downtime, with access to a Forge, a Various character can refund 1 XP and re-spend it on another Ability.  This may include General Abilities.
   * Refunds and spends must still meet prerequisite requirements of having Abilities in lower ranks to access higher ones and any prerequisites for higher abilities.   * Refunds and spends must still meet prerequisite requirements of having Abilities in lower ranks to access higher ones and any prerequisites for higher abilities.
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 === Advanced Thermal Countermeasures === === Advanced Thermal Countermeasures ===
-  * Decrease the duration which you suffer BURN for by 5s to a minimum of 0s.+  * Decrease the duration which you suffer BURN for by 5s (to a minimum of 0s - call PING if you do)
   * Increase the duration which you suffer ZAP for by 5s.   * Increase the duration which you suffer ZAP for by 5s.
 +  * //Utility Ability//
 +  * You may extinguish small to medium fires (smaller than a building).
 ==== Rank 2 Technomancer Abilities ==== ==== Rank 2 Technomancer Abilities ====
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   * //Call HARVEST on any valid target//   * //Call HARVEST on any valid target//
-  * You lock off your ability to use any Abilities from the Transcended Subclass.+  * You lock off your ability to make calls or use any Utility Abilities granted to you from the Transcended Subclass.
   * You may only use this ability once per Encounter.   * You may only use this ability once per Encounter.
-  * For each ability locked off, gain 2 hits.+  * For each ability locked off, gain 2 hits (even if you are under the effect of CURSE).
   * You may recover your access to these by losing the temporary hits.   * You may recover your access to these by losing the temporary hits.
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 === Enter the Matrix === === Enter the Matrix ===
 +  * //Requires Software Assimilation//
   * //Utility Ability//   * //Utility Ability//
-  * In or out of combat, you may meld your mind completely with an active or dormant mechanical or software system in order to communicate with it.+  * In or out of combat, you may meld your mind completely with an active or dormant mechanical or computer system in order to communicate with it.
   * You have 60s to talk to the system in another space.  You are unconscious for the duration.   * You have 60s to talk to the system in another space.  You are unconscious for the duration.
   * You may increase the duration by 60s by taking a Severe Injury.   * You may increase the duration by 60s by taking a Severe Injury.
-  * If you do this in combat, call a TIME FREEZE to call the Ref over.+  * If you do this in combat, call a TIME FREEZE to call the Ref over, then they will call TIME IN to continue the encounter while you are down.
 === Overclock === === Overclock ===
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 === Hulking Form === === Hulking Form ===
-  * You are physically very strong and may apply that fact to help you by discussing with the GM. 
   * You have +2 base hits.   * You have +2 base hits.
-  * Reduce the duration you suffer ZAP for by 5 seconds (to a minimum of 0)+  * Reduce the duration you suffer ZAP for by 5 seconds (to a minimum of 0s - call PING if so) 
 +  * Increase the duration you suffer BURN for by 5 seconds. 
 +  * //Utility Ability:// You are physically very strong and may apply that fact to help you by discussing with the GM.
 ==== Rank 2 Transcended Abilities ==== ==== Rank 2 Transcended Abilities ====
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   * You are even stronger and bigger than before.   * You are even stronger and bigger than before.
   * You have an additional +2 base hits.   * You have an additional +2 base hits.
-  * Reduce the duration you suffer for BURN by 5s (to a minimum of 0s).+  * Reduce the duration you suffer for BURN by 5s (to a minimum of 0s - call PING if so).
 === Untraceable === === Untraceable ===
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   * //Call HARVEST on any valid target//   * //Call HARVEST on any valid target//
-  * You lock off your ability to use any Abilities from the Technomancer Subclass.+  * You lock off your ability to make calls or use any Utility Abilities granted to you from the Technomancer Subclass.
   * You may only use this ability once per encounter.   * You may only use this ability once per encounter.
-  * For each ability locked off, gain 2 hits.+  * For each ability locked off, gain 2 hits (even if you are under the effect of CURSE).
   * You may recover your access to these by losing the temporary hits.   * You may recover your access to these by losing the temporary hits.
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 === Flatliner === === Flatliner ===
 +  * //Requires: Speak With Dead//
   * //Utility Ability//   * //Utility Ability//
   * In or out of combat, you may meld your mind completely with a dead organic entity in order to communicate with the remnants of its mind.   * In or out of combat, you may meld your mind completely with a dead organic entity in order to communicate with the remnants of its mind.
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   * You are an ungodly form of muscle, flesh, and strength.   * You are an ungodly form of muscle, flesh, and strength.
   * Gain 4 more base hits.   * Gain 4 more base hits.
-  * You only take BREAK for a maximum of 5 seconds.+  * You only take BREAK on your body for a maximum of 5 seconds.
 === Shredder === === Shredder ===
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   * You may rig up a mount for carrying an additional weapon or item (as if you had 3 hands) and use it as such.   * You may rig up a mount for carrying an additional weapon or item (as if you had 3 hands) and use it as such.
   * The item held in the third hand must be a ranged weapon or item, not a melee weapon or shield.   * The item held in the third hand must be a ranged weapon or item, not a melee weapon or shield.
 +  * If you are using a ranged weapon that is not physically represented, you must roleplay for the 1s of aiming the weapon to make it clear what the source of damage is.
   * This may be used to allow you to hold a one-handed melee weapon and then a two-handed ranged weapon.   * This may be used to allow you to hold a one-handed melee weapon and then a two-handed ranged weapon.
   * Feel free to make costumes for this (not required).   * Feel free to make costumes for this (not required).
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   * You must still respond PING to SCAN calls you do actually qualify for.   * You must still respond PING to SCAN calls you do actually qualify for.
-=== Jury Rig ===+=== Patchwork Armoury ===
   * //Call HARVEST on any valid target//   * //Call HARVEST on any valid target//
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   * You may crawl (or move at a very slow robotic pace) and speak in fractured (nonsense) sentences.   * You may crawl (or move at a very slow robotic pace) and speak in fractured (nonsense) sentences.
   * You are still subject to effect calls during this time but cannot take any further damage to your hits.   * You are still subject to effect calls during this time but cannot take any further damage to your hits.
-  * If you suffer EXECUTE you crumple to the floor and cannot use this Ability again for the rest of the Encounter.+  * If you suffer BREAK or 5 HP worth of further damage then you crumple to the floor and cannot use this Ability again for the rest of the Encounter.
-=== Patchwork Armoury ===+=== Jury Rig ===
-  * //Call HARVEST on any valid target// +  * //Once Per Mission Utility Ability// 
-  * When you are next affected by a callgain 1 use of YOU GAIN PING against that call+  * Once per Missionout of combat, you may attempt Tinkering to improvise work on something. 
-  * You may not stack this with additional uses of this Ability.+  * Inform the GM that you are attempting some Tinkering
 +  * They will present you with the [[Tinkering Deck]] to determine the success and power of your Tinkering in time for the next encounter.
 ==== Rank 3 Scavenger Abilities ==== ==== Rank 3 Scavenger Abilities ====
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   * //Call HARVEST on any valid target that was capable of calling CURSE//   * //Call HARVEST on any valid target that was capable of calling CURSE//
-  * Gain a use of CURSE for that effect.+  * Gain 2 uses of CURSE for that effect.
   * You may not stack this with additional uses of this Ability.   * You may not stack this with additional uses of this Ability.
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     * Reduce duration of ZAP by 5s (to a minimum of 0s)     * Reduce duration of ZAP by 5s (to a minimum of 0s)
     * Reduce duration of EFFECT X by 5s (to a minimum of 0s)     * Reduce duration of EFFECT X by 5s (to a minimum of 0s)
 +      * Call PING if you reduce an effect to 0s.
   * If you are out of balance you gain no effect from this Ability.   * If you are out of balance you gain no effect from this Ability.
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   * You may speak but only in fractured nonsense sentences.   * You may speak but only in fractured nonsense sentences.
   * You may not make calls during this time.   * You may not make calls during this time.
-  * If you suffer EXECUTE you crumple to the floor and cannot use this Ability again for the rest of the Encounter.+  * If you suffer EXECUTE or BREAK you crumple to the floor and cannot use this Ability again for the rest of the Encounter
 +===== HARVEST FAQs ===== 
 +  * Harvesting Decaying creatures is generally inadvisable.  Decaying creatures almost universally call PING to HARVEST meaning Various do not gain hits from Harvesting. 
 +  * The individual elements of Composite Monsters (enemies portrayed by multiple people OC that represent one large creature IC) can be HARVESTed separately as if they were separate entities IC.
  • the_various.1642671323.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/01/20 09:35
  • by katie