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the_various [2022/12/04 13:37]
katie [Class Features]
the_various [2023/02/09 21:55] (current)
katie [Rank 4 Scavenger Abilities]
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   * You may speak but only in fractured nonsense sentences.   * You may speak but only in fractured nonsense sentences.
   * You may not make calls during this time.   * You may not make calls during this time.
-  * If you suffer EXECUTE you crumple to the floor and cannot use this Ability again for the rest of the Encounter.+  * If you suffer EXECUTE or BREAK you crumple to the floor and cannot use this Ability again for the rest of the Encounter.
 ===== HARVEST FAQs ===== ===== HARVEST FAQs =====
  • the_various.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/02/09 21:55
  • by katie