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species [2022/01/09 19:59]
katie created
species [2022/10/17 13:06] (current)
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 ==== Quirks ==== ==== Quirks ====
-=== Cold Blooded (+) ===+=== Natural Camouflage (+) ===
-  * Ziline are used to extremes of temperature+  * Ziline are capable of modulating the colour of their scales to blend in with their surroundings
-  * Ziline take SLOW for 3 seconds less (to a minimum of 0s).+  * Once per Encounter Ziline may, with 5s spent stationary, call WARP.  They may not move freely but may choose to move slowly along surfaces that they are adjacent to.  They may not prepare abilities, or make calls, and remain hidden until they choose to reappear or are subject to a YOU LOT or MASS call.
 === Metabolic Recovery (-) === === Metabolic Recovery (-) ===
  • species.1641758398.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/01/09 19:59
  • by katie