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shared:open_plot_hooks [2022/01/09 20:01]
katie [Current Plot Hooks]
shared:open_plot_hooks [2022/01/19 20:09] (current)
katie [Siruta]
Line 9: Line 9:
   * Pirate raids on shipments   * Pirate raids on shipments
   * True Siruta's feud with Azuria and Crarua for legitimacy   * True Siruta's feud with Azuria and Crarua for legitimacy
 +  * Sirutan Workers' Union fighting for better pay and rights
 ==== Mytene ==== ==== Mytene ====
  • shared/open_plot_hooks.1641758497.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/01/09 20:01
  • by katie