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shared:open_plot_hooks [2022/01/09 20:01]
katie [Current Plot Hooks]
shared:open_plot_hooks [2022/01/19 20:09] (current)
katie [Siruta]
Line 1: Line 1:
 ===== Current Plot Hooks ===== ===== Current Plot Hooks =====
-This page details current open plot hooks for Missions - it is by no means exhaustive and GMs are absolutely not limited to the options here (nor do they exclusively describe the only ongoing plots!).+This page details current open plot hooks for Missions - it is by no means exhaustive and GMs are absolutely not limited to the options here (nor do they exclusively describe the only ongoing plots!).  This page merely serves as a tool for GMs to use if they so wish.
 Feel free to add details to this as you see fit! Feel free to add details to this as you see fit!
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   * Pirate raids on shipments   * Pirate raids on shipments
   * True Siruta's feud with Azuria and Crarua for legitimacy   * True Siruta's feud with Azuria and Crarua for legitimacy
 +  * Sirutan Workers' Union fighting for better pay and rights
 ==== Mytene ==== ==== Mytene ====
  • shared/open_plot_hooks.1641758484.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/01/09 20:01
  • by katie