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shared:npcs [2022/02/27 19:44]
katie [Fleet]
shared:npcs [2023/02/04 00:13] (current)
Line 18: Line 18:
   * **Big Blind** - Bandit Captain - she/her - //Human//   * **Big Blind** - Bandit Captain - she/her - //Human//
     * Nemeses: Threes Charmed, Fossorial Coffeepot, Desiring Peace     * Nemeses: Threes Charmed, Fossorial Coffeepot, Desiring Peace
 +  * **Zero Hiding** - Hacker, conspiracy theorist, holoverse gaming enthusiast, member of the Card Table hacker collective - she/her - //Ziline (Various)//
 +  * **Impact** - 100% original NPC from the holoverse game //Overworld// - he/him - //Skeleton (Simulated)//
 +    * Nemeses (Zero Hiding's save file only): Budding Leaf, Gathering Flow, Tiny Ember, Zero Hiding
 +  * **King Valiant** - An eccentric who started his own medieval town - he/him - //Human//
 ==== Hive (and Moons) ==== ==== Hive (and Moons) ====
Line 30: Line 34:
   * **//Mytene Primary//** - Space Port Ship Heart for Mytene's Primary Space Port (Personality: Proud) - it/it - //Ship Heart//   * **//Mytene Primary//** - Space Port Ship Heart for Mytene's Primary Space Port (Personality: Proud) - it/it - //Ship Heart//
   * **//Mytene Secondary//** - Space Port Ship Heart for Mytene's Secondary Space Port (Personality: Envious) - it/it - //Ship Heart//   * **//Mytene Secondary//** - Space Port Ship Heart for Mytene's Secondary Space Port (Personality: Envious) - it/it - //Ship Heart//
 +  * **//Civilia//** - Ship Heart for the new city of Civilia (Personality: Conceited) - it/it - //Ship Heart//
   * **Industrial Diamond** - (Imprisoned) Former Mytene Societal Corps overseer of Mytene Tertiary Space Port - he/him - //Human//   * **Industrial Diamond** - (Imprisoned) Former Mytene Societal Corps overseer of Mytene Tertiary Space Port - he/him - //Human//
   * **Iron Pyrite** - Mytene Industrial Corps engineer on Tertiary Space Port - she/her - //Chirrid//   * **Iron Pyrite** - Mytene Industrial Corps engineer on Tertiary Space Port - she/her - //Chirrid//
   * **Steel Spark** - Acting overseer of Tertiary Space Port for the Societal Corps - they/them - //Human//   * **Steel Spark** - Acting overseer of Tertiary Space Port for the Societal Corps - they/them - //Human//
 +  * **Constant Lift** - Smuggler, captain of the small cargo vessel //Peace Lily// - he/him - //Human//
 +  * **Feral Instinct** - A wilderness expert who specialises in training raktors - he/him - //Ziline//
 +    * **Blue**, **Gamma**, and **Ser Alpha of Fableland** - Trained raktors - she/her - //Raktor//
 +  * **The Whole** - A peaceful fungus, originally from another star system, which produces sapient mushrooms - they/it - //[[[[:shared:mission:orbital_decay#fungus_sapiens|Fungus sapiens]]//
 +  * **Amorphous Alloy** - Junior Administrator in the Mytenean Societal Corps, ex-Primary-Administrator of Civilia - he/him - //Human//
 +  * **Liminal Gold** - Junior Administrator in the Mytenean Societal Corps - they/them - //Chirrid//
 +  * **Solemn Bond** - Senior Administrator in the Mytenean Societal Corps - he/him - //Vyixian//
 +  * **Abundant Feldspar** - Primary Adminstrator for Civilia in the Mytenean Societal Corps - they/them - //Human//
 +  * **Complicating Factor** - Aspexx Security Executive in Mytene Secondary - they/them - //Human//, //Various//
 +  * **Dark Water** - Aspexx Security Operative in Mytene Secondary
 +  * **Mr Swinging Pick** - a curmudgeonly miner with a claim in the shipheart range of Mytene Secondary - he/him - //Chirrid//, //Specialist//
 +  * **Eloquent Affinity** - a representative of Forever Depth in Mytene Secondary - she/her - //Qiate//
 +  * **Mining Laser** - union steward for the MIC union in Mytene Secondary - she/her - //Human//, //various//
 +  * **Perpetual Motion** - a scientist and inventor who in recent years fell under the influence of a recently discovered ship heart near Mytene Secondary - he/him - //human//    
 +     * **POL-1T3** - a robotic assistant made by Perpetual Motion - it
 ==== Kylal ==== ==== Kylal ====
Line 38: Line 58:
   * **Wandering Pick, 3817** - De facto leader of the Kylal Explorers League - she/her - //Ziline//   * **Wandering Pick, 3817** - De facto leader of the Kylal Explorers League - she/her - //Ziline//
   * **Ninth Truth** - Respected botanical expert - he/him - //Vyixian (Various)//   * **Ninth Truth** - Respected botanical expert - he/him - //Vyixian (Various)//
 +  * **Glacial Integrity** - Architect in Kyholt - he/him - //Human//
   * **//Kylal//** - Ship Heart with superstitious tendencies (Personality: Encourageable) - it/it - //Ship Heart//   * **//Kylal//** - Ship Heart with superstitious tendencies (Personality: Encourageable) - it/it - //Ship Heart//
 +  * **Starlit Dream** - A botanist working in hydroponics who roleplays in her spare time - she/her - //Chirrid//
 +    * **Grey Beard** - Her roleplaying character, a wizard - he/him - //Elf// 
 +  * **Chief Constable Blossoming Rose** - Head of Kylal Security - she/her - //Human//
 +    * Nemesis: Genuine Article
 ==== Siruta ==== ==== Siruta ====
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   * **81st Century Admirable Perch** - Mystic spiritual leader of Azuria.  Distant relative of Moonlit Perch in the Galactic Cooperation - he/him - //Qiate//   * **81st Century Admirable Perch** - Mystic spiritual leader of Azuria.  Distant relative of Moonlit Perch in the Galactic Cooperation - he/him - //Qiate//
   * **Ambassador Pentagonal Pectoral, 313** - Newly appointed but bimbling Governor of Siruta, working out of an office in Azuria - they/them - //Qiate//   * **Ambassador Pentagonal Pectoral, 313** - Newly appointed but bimbling Governor of Siruta, working out of an office in Azuria - they/them - //Qiate//
 +  * **Dr. Serene Death** - Eccentric but well-meaning inventor of mechanical contraptions - he/him - //Human//
 +  * **His Lordness Imminent Ascent, 1409** - Status-seeking collector and private island owner; proprietor of 'Plundarr Island' pirate-themed family resort - he/him - //Human//
 +  * **Waving Roll** - Former employee of Imminent Ascent, now amateur pirate - she/her - //Vyxian//
 === Crarua === === Crarua ===
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   * **Speckled Ubiquity** - Famed pirate captain of the Second Sun, a fierce fighter of Scourges - she/her - //Ziline//   * **Speckled Ubiquity** - Famed pirate captain of the Second Sun, a fierce fighter of Scourges - she/her - //Ziline//
   * **Dappled Maxim** - Quartermaster of the Second Sun - she/her - //Ziline//   * **Dappled Maxim** - Quartermaster of the Second Sun - she/her - //Ziline//
 +  * **Armour Bay** - capital city of Crarua, with a ship heart of the same name
 +  * **West Bluff** - outpost of the CDF, with a ship heart of the same name
   * **Farthest Reach** - Grizzled Veteran commander of the Craruan defence force - they/them - //Human (Various)//   * **Farthest Reach** - Grizzled Veteran commander of the Craruan defence force - they/them - //Human (Various)//
 +  * **41C Dependable Ordnance** - Commander of the CDF outpost at West Bluff - she/her - //Ziline//, //Commando//
 +  * **Dangerous Quest** - now-retired Sergeant in the CDF, one of the pilots of Thundering Storm, the mech destroyed by Admiral Wiggles - he/him - //Human//, //Commando//
 +  * **Happy Accident** - now-fully-qualified Private in the CDF, one of the pilots of Thundering Storm - she/her - //Chirrid//, //Specialist//
 === Independents === === Independents ===
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   * **Elegant Hectare** - Site Manager of the East Point Lumber Yard on True Siruta - he/him - //Vyixian//   * **Elegant Hectare** - Site Manager of the East Point Lumber Yard on True Siruta - he/him - //Vyixian//
   * **//Siruta//** - Original seed Ship Heart residing in True Siruta (Personality: Lackadaisical) - it/it - //Ship Heart//   * **//Siruta//** - Original seed Ship Heart residing in True Siruta (Personality: Lackadaisical) - it/it - //Ship Heart//
 +  * **Rusty Meathook** - First Mate of the feared Decaying Hand pirate ship - he/him - //Human//
 === Sirutan Workers' Union === === Sirutan Workers' Union ===
   * **Aspiring Cove** - renegade Union member, currently in custody with True Siruta - she/her - //Human//   * **Aspiring Cove** - renegade Union member, currently in custody with True Siruta - she/her - //Human//
 +==== Orion Station (Destroyed) ====
 +  * **Charismatic Wheelhouse** - (dead) Technical staff - they/them - //Human//
 +  * **Flying Beachhead** - (dead) Technical staff - she/her - //Human//
 ==== Fleet ==== ==== Fleet ====
Line 75: Line 114:
   * **Stalwart Band** - Captain, concerned with maintaining calm and peace - they/them - //Chirrid//   * **Stalwart Band** - Captain, concerned with maintaining calm and peace - they/them - //Chirrid//
 +    * Nemesis: Genuine Article
   * **//Firebrand-TE3//** - Ship Heart (Personality: Orderly) - it/it - //Ship Heart//   * **//Firebrand-TE3//** - Ship Heart (Personality: Orderly) - it/it - //Ship Heart//
 +  * **Charismatic Wheelhouse** - A holoverse simulation of the real Charismatic Wheelhouse, in the secret possession of Tiny Ember - they/them - //Human (Simulated)//
 === Her Glorious Command === === Her Glorious Command ===
   * **14th Century Abiding Storm** - Captain with divine Mystic inclinations - she/her - //Human//   * **14th Century Abiding Storm** - Captain with divine Mystic inclinations - she/her - //Human//
-  * **X. Worshipful Portent** - High Mystic Divine of the Ship Heart Cathedral - she/her - //Qiate//+  * **X. Worshipful Portent** - High Mystic Divine of the Ship Heart Cathedral, blind but Starsighted - she/her - //Qiate//
   * **//Her Glorious Command//** - Ship Heart with a god complex (Personality: Fickle) - it/it - //Ship Heart//   * **//Her Glorious Command//** - Ship Heart with a god complex (Personality: Fickle) - it/it - //Ship Heart//
Line 88: Line 129:
   * **Reflective Scale** - Junior legal counsel to Mytene from the Aspexx Corporation - they/them - //Human//   * **Reflective Scale** - Junior legal counsel to Mytene from the Aspexx Corporation - they/them - //Human//
   * **Bright Nightingale** - Chief Research Officer appointed by Aspexx Corporation - she/her - //Chirrid//   * **Bright Nightingale** - Chief Research Officer appointed by Aspexx Corporation - she/her - //Chirrid//
 +  * **Dark Water** - Executive without portfolio - she/her - //Human//
   * //**Starlight Ebbing**// - Ship Heart purchased by Aspexx Corporation (Personality: Rebellious) - it/it - //Ship Heart//   * //**Starlight Ebbing**// - Ship Heart purchased by Aspexx Corporation (Personality: Rebellious) - it/it - //Ship Heart//
 +  * **Shady Brook** - Aspexx weapon engineer - he/him - //Human//
 +  * **Babbling Brook** - Aspexx weapon designer - he/him - //Human//
 === Muse IX === === Muse IX ===
Line 101: Line 145:
   * **Prof. Blistering Quarry** - Captain from Fjenix, respected member of the Zeitgeist Research Department, ex-Aspexx Corporation - she/her - //Human//   * **Prof. Blistering Quarry** - Captain from Fjenix, respected member of the Zeitgeist Research Department, ex-Aspexx Corporation - she/her - //Human//
   * **Vaunted Platinum** - Research Expansion Division Leader for the Zeitgeist Research Department for the Keter Borderlands - he/him - //Human//   * **Vaunted Platinum** - Research Expansion Division Leader for the Zeitgeist Research Department for the Keter Borderlands - he/him - //Human//
 +  * **Dr. Curious Direction** - Research Expansion Division Vice Lead for the Zeitgeist Research Department for the Keter Borderlands, handles more day to day affairs - they/them - //Chirrid//
   * **//Endeavour//** - Ship Heart, generally uncommunicative unless it has to be (Personality: Forthright) - it/it - //Ship Heart//   * **//Endeavour//** - Ship Heart, generally uncommunicative unless it has to be (Personality: Forthright) - it/it - //Ship Heart//
Line 113: Line 158:
   * **Spectre Orion** - Elegy Spectre active in the Keter Borderlands.   * **Spectre Orion** - Elegy Spectre active in the Keter Borderlands.
 +  * **//Pandemonium//** - Ship Heart of a legendary pirate ship (Personality: Criminal) - it/its - //Ship Heart//
 ===== Out of System ===== ===== Out of System =====
Line 130: Line 176:
   * 879. [[shared:npcs#Muse IX|Wuthering Inkwork]]   * 879. [[shared:npcs#Muse IX|Wuthering Inkwork]]
   * 1300-1400. [[shared:npcs#Her Glorious Command|Abiding Storm]]   * 1300-1400. [[shared:npcs#Her Glorious Command|Abiding Storm]]
 +  * 1409. [[shared:npcs#Siruta|His Lordness Imminent Ascent]]
   * 1413. [[shared:player_character:Languid Relaxation]]   * 1413. [[shared:player_character:Languid Relaxation]]
   * 1616. [[shared:player_character:Verdant Moon]]   * 1616. [[shared:player_character:Verdant Moon]]
   * 3817. [[shared:npcs#Kylal|Wandering Pick]]   * 3817. [[shared:npcs#Kylal|Wandering Pick]]
   * 8000-8100. [[shared:npcs#Siruta|Admirable Perch]]   * 8000-8100. [[shared:npcs#Siruta|Admirable Perch]]
  • shared/npcs.1645991044.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/02/27 19:44
  • by katie