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shared:mission_reports [2024/02/28 20:51]
shared:mission_reports [2024/06/07 13:22] (current)
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 ===== 2024 ===== ===== 2024 =====
 +  * **01/06/2024** - [[shared:mission:Procedure]] and [[shared:mission:Ritual]] - Aspexx send a party to convince Startouched to help make a gate, while a Pentagonal ship heart relic wants to share information. - GMs: James & Susannah
 +==== May ====
 +  * **11/05/2024** - [[shared:mission:A Tune From The Deep]] - Hackers send a party to sabotage an Aspexx mission to extract a ship heart from under Civilia. Aspexx remain mostly unsabotaged. - GMs: James & Susannah
 +==== April ====
 +  * **20/04/2024** - [[shared:mission:Gatekeeping]] - The return trip to the Pentagonal asteroid goes not entirely to plan - GMs: James & Susannah
 +==== March ====
 +  * **02/03/2024** - [[shared:mission:Final Chance]] - An Elegy contract is completed, just perhaps not the one they intended - GMs: James & Susannah
 ==== February ==== ==== February ====
  • shared/mission_reports.1709153492.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2024/02/28 20:51
  • by susannah