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shared:mission:what_remains_however_improbable [2023/06/19 08:44]
katie [Deepest Fathom]
shared:mission:what_remains_however_improbable [2023/06/19 08:46] (current)
katie [Heightened Serendipity]
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   * +2 Clout with Aspexx for alerting them to the Vending Machine facility.   * +2 Clout with Aspexx for alerting them to the Vending Machine facility.
   * Mk II Psychic Drone Connection: twice per Mission, out of combat, you may meld your mind with your Drone in order to control it precisely.  Your senses are as restricted as the drone's, and you are unable to control or sense your body while you are projecting into the Drone.  You may do this more times per Mission by taking a Severe Injury for each time you want to use it as it fries your mental pathways.   * Mk II Psychic Drone Connection: twice per Mission, out of combat, you may meld your mind with your Drone in order to control it precisely.  Your senses are as restricted as the drone's, and you are unable to control or sense your body while you are projecting into the Drone.  You may do this more times per Mission by taking a Severe Injury for each time you want to use it as it fries your mental pathways.
 +  * **Ancient Relic**: a small shard of glowing translucent gem set into a pendant.  This relic allows you, once per Mission, to choose whether or not a Decoy Hologram of yourself is //actually// you after all at the point you reveal it.  You may do this multiple times a Mission at the expense of a Severe Injury as doing this causes a rift in the space-time continuum.  Please inform Katie in downtime whenever you push this ability past the once per mission. 
 {{tag>mission deepest_fathom heightened_serendipity}} {{tag>mission deepest_fathom heightened_serendipity}}
  • shared/mission/what_remains_however_improbable.1687164242.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2023/06/19 08:44
  • by katie