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shared:mission:treasure_hunt [2023/02/03 22:39]
shared:mission:treasure_hunt [2023/02/04 00:06] (current)
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 ===== Aftermath ===== ===== Aftermath =====
-  * Bullet points of what characters did in the aftermath of the mission+  * The party returns most of the treasure to Imminent Ascent, but claims that some of it was taken by wildlife. Ascent believes this. In fact the party have kept those items for themselves. 
 +  * To thank the party for their efforts, Ascent offers to leverage his connections among Altarians and Sirutans to put in a good word on the party members' behalf. 
 +  * Ghosts melts down the miniature golden bell, and takes the ingot to the Unquiet Journey to use it in Various electronics modding. 
 +  * Flame seeks out a buyer for the crystal among their pirate contacts. 
 +  * Ghosts returns to the Mytene Various Forge, to see what else can be done to get it closer to being operational. They are able to make some progress with the time available, but discover that at this point the main limiting factor is resources - or lack thereof. Getting the Forge fully operational requires a number of hard-to-come-by materials, which are especially hard to get with the Keter System being cut off from the rest of the galaxy and suffering resources shortages in general. The materials certainly exist somewhere in the system, but getting them for Forge use is going to require some creativity. The Forge staff suggest that Ghosts could look into this. 
 +  * Flame tracks down Waving Roll, who is sulking after losing her job. He asks whether she has ever considered a life of piracy, as she clearly has the aptitude for it. Roll isn't sure what to think at first, but Flame's exuberant descriptions do make it sound like an exciting and glamorous life. Perhaps this could be a chance to make her mark on the world, and prove that her cunning plans can work after all, now that she is free of the yoke of Imminent Ascent? Flame gives Roll some leads and contacts, and unleashes her upon an unsuspecting world.
 ===== Consequences ===== ===== Consequences =====
-  * Breakdown of consequences for characters - rewards, effects, contacts. 
-  * Also mention any wider consequences for the world 
 ==== All Characters ==== ==== All Characters ====
-  * Consequences +  * +3 Clout with any one Altarian or Sirutan faction of your choosing OR +Clout with any faction of your choosing.
- +
-==== Character ====+
-  * Consequences+==== Endless Flame ====
-==== Character 2 ====+  * +1 Clout with Pirates. 
 +  * Gains a Treasure Scanner: 
 +    * With 5 seconds of appropriate scanning roleplay (requires a free hand), you may call SCAN TREASURE. 
 +    * (Per normal SCAN rules, it is up to the target whether they think they classify. Actual value of treasure not guaranteed; booty is in the eye of the beholder.)
-  * Consequences +==== Manifold Ghosts ====
-//Be sure to add tags for the characters//+  * No longer in possession of the Ring of the Dead 
 +  * Your actions so far have progressed the Mytene Forge as far as it can get with the resources it has. However, you sense that further downtime actions will not make further progress until the resource situation is resolved. The resources can probably be found in the Keter System somewhere. If you can [[:player-requested_missions|devise a plan to obtain them, and pull together a party to execute that plan]], then an operational Forge will be much closer to reality.
-{{tag>mission character_1 character_2}}+{{tag>mission endless_flame manifold_ghosts}}
  • shared/mission/treasure_hunt.1675463989.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2023/02/03 22:39
  • by james