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shared:mission:trailblazers [2022/01/19 19:48]
shared:mission:trailblazers [2022/01/19 20:03] (current)
katie [Characters]
Line 31: Line 31:
 ===== Characters ===== ===== Characters =====
-  * [[shared:player_character:Gathering Flow]] - Mike +  * [[shared:player_character:Gathering Flow]] - Phil 
-  * [[shared:player_character:Delicate Harmony]] - Phil +  * [[shared:player_character:Delicate Harmony]] - Mike 
-  * ??? - Tamsin +  * Warding Path - Tamsin 
-  * Foul Rid? - Joseph+  * Foul Wick - Joseph
 ===== Summary ===== ===== Summary =====
Line 57: Line 57:
   * +2 Clout with True Siruta **or** +1 Clout with anyone   * +2 Clout with True Siruta **or** +1 Clout with anyone
-==== Gathering Flow ====+==== Delicate Harmony ====
   * +1 Clout with True Siruta   * +1 Clout with True Siruta
Line 64: Line 64:
   * +2 Clout with the Sirutan Workers' Union   * +2 Clout with the Sirutan Workers' Union
-//Be sure to add tags for the characters// 
 {{tag>mission foul_rid gathering_flow delicate_harmony}} {{tag>mission foul_rid gathering_flow delicate_harmony}}
  • shared/mission/trailblazers.1642621706.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/01/19 19:48
  • by katie